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The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

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WWE Raw Results


* Segment 1 *


Triple H promotes HHH/Batista for WM Main event. Before Batista can tell Triple H "What I Think About You", a JBL promo, running down Batista, is aired.


* Segment 2 *


WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin pinned Simon Dean after the Dragon Whip. Dean insults Benjamin afterwards and Benjamin hits the T-Bone.


Bischoff and Triple H confrontation about who played the JBL video and who really runs Raw.


* Segment 3 *


Christy Hemme shoots t-shirts into the crowd. Edge comes outs and berates her for shooting "WrestleMania 21" shirts in the crowd, and "embarassing him" as his claims. Edge came "this close". Shawn Michaels comes out. Shawn says Edge beating him at the Rumble, changing mics on live TV, and Kurt Angle attacking him is what's really embarassing. Eventually, Edge and Michaels shake hands...but Edge receives Sweet Chin Music before finishing "Get the hell out my ring".


* Segment 4 *


Raw is from Tokyo, Japan next week.


Maven pinned The Hurricane by delivering the "Edge-O-Matic", but dropping Hurricane back-first onto Maven's knees. Crowd popped for the finisher.


Gene Snitsky interrupts Maria and Candace Michelle in the women's locker room, "looking for someone". They ask him to leave, he says "Nice shoes", and leaves.


* Segment 5 *


Bischoff questions The Coach on who is behind JBL's tape showing up. Theodore R. Long enters, and Bischoff accuses him of trying to steal Batista. Long says he's here to steal Batista, but he didn't leave the tape. He made Batista a big offer. Long hypes Batista/JBL and JBL/Big Show.


Stacy Kiebler and Randy Orton chat backstage. Orton says he'll win the title one day. Tonight he wants to prove he is the "Legend Killer".


Benoit & Jericho walk.


* Segment 6 *


World Tag Team Champions La Resistance fought Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit to a double-disqualification due to consistent illegal man interference and not adhering to the referee's warnings to exit the ring.


* Segment 7 *


Muhammad Hassan shows replays of his Rumble eliminations and claims that's proof of the prejudice in America. Sgt. Slaughter interrupts him.


Muhammad Hassan defeated Sgt. Slaughter with the Camel Clutch, set up by the reverse STO.


Jericho & Benoit get intense face-to-face backstage and want to see them bring out the "best" in each other.


* Final Segments (was out) *


Announced for Raw in Japan: Benoit/Jericho Submission Match, Regal & Tajiri/La Resistance Tag Title Match, Edge/HHH World Title Match.


Randy Orton & Shawn Michaels defeated World Champion HHH & Ric Flair when Orton rolled over and pinned Triple H after Michaels hit HHH with a superkick and Edge interfered, accidently spearing the World Champion when aiming for Michaels. batista was ejected during the match for going beserk with a chair outside, but appeared to be smiling as he was leaving. Very solid match.


Orton sold the "concussion" for a long time after the match, and was helped out by HBK and the referee.


Kane pinned Gene Snitsky in a steel cage match after dropping him crotch first on the steel cage door (which Snitsky removed) and then chokeslamming him flat onto the cage door.

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Keep in mind the Smackdown! crew will be at Raw tonight (I believe they're taping both shows there).


Heidenreich interference?

Angle interference?


Angle signs and joins Evolution?


Batista beat down? Batista picks *JBL* to go after...the fans boo. It takes Batista a few weeks to see the light?

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Guest BrokenWings

How many times are they going to bury Snitsky/Heidenreich. Really, there's no need for anymore matches, they've squashed the pair everytime they've met.


Anyone think Heidenreich will show up on Raw to further the storyline to Mania?

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I predict that Batista will reluctantly agree to challenge for Smackdown!'s title.


Setting up Triple H throwing him a "Going Away Party" next week, Evolution style.


And then Batista beats the shit out of Hunter, FINALLY, and we all go nuts.

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Guest Super Leather

I'll be there tonight. It should be fun, as I haven't been to a live wrestling show in 12 years.


If I have time, I'll post spoilers for Smackdown too.

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Guest BrokenWings
I predict that Batista will reluctantly agree to challenge for Smackdown!'s title.


Setting up Triple H throwing him a "Going Away Party" next week, Evolution style.


And then Batista beats the shit out of Hunter, FINALLY, and we all go nuts.

I support this.

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I predict that Batista will reluctantly agree to challenge for Smackdown!'s title.


Setting up Triple H throwing him a "Going Away Party" next week, Evolution style.


And then Batista beats the shit out of Hunter, FINALLY, and we all go nuts.

I support this.

I see something like this. They'll give Batista two weeks to make a decision. He'll say he's going to Smackdown. They'll have an in ring going away party or something, and HHH will throw in some comment about how he would have beaten Batista anyways. And then it's on.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
I predict that Batista will reluctantly agree to challenge for Smackdown!'s title.


Setting up Triple H throwing him a "Going Away Party" next week, Evolution style.


And then Batista beats the shit out of Hunter, FINALLY, and we all go nuts.

I support this.

I see something like this. They'll give Batista two weeks to make a decision. He'll say he's going to Smackdown. They'll have an in ring going away party or something, and HHH will throw in some comment about how he would have beaten Batista anyways. And then it's on.

I would mark for that. As long as the angle where Dave becomes a full fledged babyface involves him fucking up HHH, i'll be happy.

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I think Batista would benefit from going to SD!


He could actually have a long reign and be established as a main event player, where as on RAW he'll probably have the title for a month or two before dropping it back to HHH.


(Though, the SD! locker room might try to hold him down after his comments about them being lazy and all)

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Since Mania's not for two months, I'm betting they'll drag out Triple H talking Batista into challenging Bradshaw for at least a couple of weeks, with Dave being all non-commital.

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I think HHH will outright assume that Batista will choose to go for the WWE title, and Batista will string him along for a few weeks, maybe until after NWO (so they can settle the JBL-Show situation).


Then, the night after NWO, Batista declares he's made a decision, and invites both HHH and JBL/Show out. HHH goes off on the SD champ, saying that Evolution will kick his ass at Mania, etc. Batista tells HHH (nicely) to shut up, so HHH tells him "Well, ok, make this official then." So Batista turns to him and says "I will."


Boot, Batista Bomb on HHH, and he walks up the ramp with a huge smile on his face as the show ends.

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^Not bad.^


Angle signs and joins Evolution?

Angle and Reigns join..........whatever happen to the Maven joins Evolution buzz?

Good sense prevailed.

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HBK being in that match doesn't make any sense. Hopefully they change it to Benoit/Orton as Benoit has a reason to be pissed at Flair. HBK is involved with Edge and Angle, no reason to put him in with Evolution. Could be a setup for Angle taking him out during the show.

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hey RobotJerk, where did the sig idea come from? From the Rumble last night? I didn't see it.

JR called Haas "Rene Dupree" several times, and when Haas got eliminated he punctuated it with an "AU REVIOR!" :lol:

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hey RobotJerk, where did the sig idea come from?  From the Rumble last night?  I didn't see it.

JR called Haas "Rene Dupree" several times, and when Haas got eliminated he punctuated it with an "AU REVIOR!" :lol:

Oh for the love of God JR...

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Guest ArchoanJB

and Batista is stylin like a madman tonight. Too bad the crowd sucks ASS, god SD is going to horrible.

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I've got to get this off my chest...FOGHORN LEGHORN?


And holy crap, they could SO do the Benoit/Jericho vs. Edge/Christian build-up for Mania tonight by having Benoit/Jericho win the tag titles.


Oh yeah, last time Benoit/Jericho won the tag team titles...they were in San Jose.



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Guest Hass of Pain

Someone sell me on the Edge bandwagon, because so far this promo is just TERRIBLE. He's yelling and contorting his face and growling like a 80's era heel. It's just not very good at all in my opinion.

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Edge is a really poor worker who is doing a generic "psycho/angry" gimmick. His fans/supporters are as equally embarassing as his 7-minute resthold sequences. Edge was the first man eliminated from the Elimination Chamber because he was the least interesting/most boring wrestler in there. Aside from tag team matches and being carried by superior workers, Edge is awful Not even Shawn, IMO, could get anything decent out of him last night, although Shawn moved slowly, as well.


That's my opinion about Edge.

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