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The RAW Thread for 01-31-05

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Wow next weeks Raw has offically become a cant miss show.

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Oh Lord, please don't job Edge out again.


So next week we have Benoit vs. Jericho, submission match.


Regal and Tajiri reunite to go after the Tag Titles.


HHH vs. Edge for the World Title.


Sounds fucking awesome!

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Fuck yes, submission match in Japan!

According to that it seems as though Vince knows exctally what the Japanese fans want.

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Anyone think he's doing the babyface shtick a little thick right now, I mean I know he was a bland babyface, but I don't remmember Orton doing all that handslapping much.

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whats up w/ that Edge/HHH match??


It seems out of place and random.


Maybe it'll be a good match??

Its so HHH loses the title and so that after Batista wins it from Edge, Edge will fucking snap (as if he hasn't already). This way, HHH can avoid having to job to Batista at WrestleMania (cause whoever faces Batista IS jobbing), and this way you make Edge into a LooseCannon character and try killing the Champ at all times.

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Yay for giving away World Championship title matches on free TV between two guys who haven't wrestled eachother one on one in years, and giving an anticlimatic title shot to a guy (Edge) that has been built up for several, several months for JUST a one on one world title shot. One week after Batista winning the Royal Rumble for a title shot, nonetheless.

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Orton plays loopy real well

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Orton plays loopy real well

Hes playing? I thought he was always like that.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Orton has finally figured out how to sell something and naturally it's a dazed and lost state of mind. Basically the writers decided to write around what he does best.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
That was a hell of a match. Too bad Snitsky vs. Kane is going to suck all the energy out of the crowd before Smackdown starts taping.

The deadman likely appears after the show goes off air thus keeping the crowd jacked. Wouldn't surprise me to see a match happen while they change the sets.

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Guest Rrrsh
Edge is a really poor worker who is doing a generic "psycho/angry" gimmick. His fans/supporters are as equally embarassing as his 7-minute resthold sequences. Edge was the first man eliminated from the Elimination Chamber because he was the least interesting/most boring wrestler in there. Aside from tag team matches and being carried by superior workers, Edge is awful Not even Shawn, IMO, could get anything decent out of him last night, although Shawn moved slowly, as well.


That's my opinion about Edge.

Your an Idoit.


Edge is a top 10 worker in the WWE, easy. His charicter right now is the most intersting heel charicter on RAW, without a doubt. His match last night was an opener and was not suppose to overshadow HHH/Orton, the 3 way or the Royal Rumble.

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Learn to spell "Your" correct when calling someone an idiot two words later in the sentence.


Edge is a Top 10 Worker?


Is he a better worker than:


Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Randy Orton

Triple H

Shawn Michaels

Paul London

Kurt Angle

Chavo Guerrero



That's just 12 off the top of my head.


Flair, although an old man, can still go.

The Hurricane, when allowed, is eons better.

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Guest Rrrsh
I'm an idiot?


Edge is a Top 10 Worker?


Is he a better worker than:


Shelton Benjamin

Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit

Randy Orton

Triple H

Shawn Michaels

Paul London

Kurt Angle

Chavo Guerrero



That's just 12 off the top of my head.


Flair, although an old man, can still go.

The Hurricane, when allowed, is eons better.

He is better than Flair, Hurricane, Chavo, Funaki and Trips.




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Edge is a really poor worker who is doing a generic "psycho/angry" gimmick.  His fans/supporters are as equally embarassing as his 7-minute resthold sequences.  Edge was the first man eliminated from the Elimination Chamber because he was the least interesting/most boring wrestler in there.  Aside from tag team matches and being carried by superior workers, Edge is awful  Not even Shawn, IMO, could get anything decent out of him last night, although Shawn moved slowly, as well.


That's my opinion about Edge.

Your an Idoit.


Edge is a top 10 worker in the WWE, easy. His charicter right now is the most intersting heel charicter on RAW, without a doubt. His match last night was an opener and was not suppose to overshadow HHH/Orton, the 3 way or the Royal Rumble.

I admit it. I dont like Edge. Im not a fan of him at all. I too think that Edge can only be good in ring against a superior wrestler. WITH THAT SAID. Even I a admited Edge hater cant help but start to turn the other way on him and enjoy where his characther is going. He is by far more interesting and entertaining now then he has ever been in his WWE run to date, in my opinion. I like how he has gone completely nuts to levels that would even put the pyscho one himself, Sid Vicious to shame. I still think his in ring work is lacking and that Christian got all the talent out of the two friends, but if someone like me can admit he finds Edge entertaining now then there must be hope for the big dumb loser.

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Decent, just not memorable, Raw.


I TRIED to like Edge when he turned.


- But he put on a BORING high-profile match with Benoit on Raw a few weeks back.

- His music sucks.

- He nearly KILLED my Rumble party yesterday by working a 20-minute slow chinlock fest to open the show.

- His interviews are all the same. Yelling or crying. That's not character development, that's just generic.

- He hits his spear cleanly 1/2 of the time.

- He looks like a fucking barbie doll wrestling in there.

- His matches...arre....justtt.....soooo.....slowww.....

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Guest Rrrsh
if someone like me can admit he finds Edge entertaining now then there must be hope for the big dumb loser.

*Whips a tear from his eye*


That was beautiful!

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When Benoit and Jericho don't even care about the match they are in, you know the show fucking sucked.


I already forgot what happened on the show. I'd probably leave after that crap, forget staying around for Smackdown.

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if someone like me can admit he finds Edge entertaining now then there must be hope for the big dumb loser.

*Whips a tear from his eye*


That was beautiful!

Yes will I try. :D

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I must say you would think that the raw following the Royal Rumble would feature the Rumble winner a little more then it did... I mean the guy was hardly there at all.

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so did batista choose to challenge jbl or triple h??? did they just leave that hanging?

Looked to me like they just left it hanging. Oh well now theres a reason to watch Smackdown I guess...

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