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So was the Rumble finish botched or not?

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Is there an Injury report up for Royal Rumble?

Paul London is fine and was just selling. Orton's not legit concussed but it will be a kayfabe confussion.


Alot of bruises and bumps per usual but the only injury is Vince's knee.

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Occam's Razor:


The double elimination was planned from the start. All month long, they've been pushing both Cena and Batista equally as unstoppable.. So it's only natural that they were the last two in there. The whole "who landed first" thing was for gauging crowd response (the raising of each guy's hand, each guy tossing the other out of the ring, etc.), which seemed to be jsut about equal (although at times Batista's supporters were a tad louder). Vince coming out and restarting the match was probably a nod to the Bret/Luger ending, doing the right thing this time around and restarting the match. If he hadn't pulled a Steiner and fucked up his knee, he would have grabbed a mic and done it himself. Kudos to him for masking the pain, although he looked quite the retard* sitting there on the mat not doing anything except steaming.


Because of HHH's match running long (or possibly the drunken Bradshaw skit to set up the Barbed Wire match), they had to go to a quick ending with Batista eliminating Cena. I don't think there were any other plans than Batista winning, since a) he's on RAW, which is the flagship show, and b) his opponent at WM is the Boss's son (of that I have no doubt... forget all that talk about him going to SD!). Besides, it's easy for Cena to just tell Bradshaw he wants the title shot at WM since a) he's the only one he hasn't beat, and b) as US champ, he's the natural #1 Contender.


* Speaking of retards, I LOVED the WM promo with Eugene. Great stuff.

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The finish of the 2000 Rumble was botched?

Somewhat. Rock's feet weren't meant to touch the ground at all, but they did, so had to make an angle out of it.

So had Rock's feet not touched the ground the big Show/Rock angle would not have taken place, thus we wouldn't have got all four McMahon in the main event. Sounds good to me.

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The finish of the 2000 Rumble was botched?

Somewhat. Rock's feet weren't meant to touch the ground at all, but they did, so had to make an angle out of it.

So had Rock's feet not touched the ground the big Show/Rock angle would not have taken place, thus we wouldn't have got all four McMahon in the main event. Sounds good to me.

No, the four-way deal would have taken place anyway. It's just with Rock's feet actually touching the ground, and them having a shot of it, they were able to go with that as part of the angle. If had Rock's feet not touched the ground, they'd have just got there some other way.

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Apparently Meltzer says in the latest WON that the finish was botched and Batista was supposed to hold on but couldn't.

I read that too. That's gotta be one of the biggest botched finishes in WWE history. Cena was supposed to get out of the powerbomb attempt, and then Batista was supposed to powerbomb him later and then toss him out clean. The refs had no idea what to do at first and just raised Batista's hand until Vince gave the headset order for them to do the disputed raise hand deal until he gets out there (which also explains why no music for Vince's entrance). They're lucky Cena went tumbling out too, cuz if just Batista fell out they'd be in loads of trouble. It seems that original poster's observations pretty much nailed it. I didn't even notice, it all looked pretty planned to me. They did a good job covering (well, besides Vince blowing his quad out...)

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The whole "who landed first" thing was for gauging crowd response (the raising of each guy's hand, each guy tossing the other out of the ring, etc.), which seemed to be jsut about equal (although at times Batista's supporters were a tad louder.)

Actually I'm pretty sure Cena was getting the bigger pop when his hand was raised... That's what it sounded like to me...

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I am starting to think it was 100 percent botched. Notice how they dont even show a clip of the finish on RAW or SD? usually they always show a clip. Cena mentioned contreversy but no one announcer mentioned at all what controversy there was. No descriptions or nothing. something went wrong for sure. Im still convinced that this will somehow be edited on the dvd




the show did run long mostly due to the JBL promo that should have waited for till sd but they wanted to hype the next ppv on ppv (rumble didnt start until just after 10 pm est), neccesitating bizzarly jumping time intervals .

If they didnt hurry up the finish they would have been yanked off the air by the ppv people (which is dumb cuz you order an event that promises to be 3 hours long-what are they worried about cutting into the next show-hello the next show is the rumble replay)

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Batista I belive was always supposed to be the winner. It makes me sense for him to win. otherwise it makes the whole evolution breakup more complicated. Now he has a title shot and trips is desperate for him not to fight him, however hes smart enough not to brutally beat up batista and kick him out ala orton, hes trying to be sly about it, but Batista seems to be one step ahead of him .

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If they didnt hurry up the finish they would have been yanked off the air by the ppv people (which is dumb cuz you order an event that promises to be 3 hours long-what are they worried about cutting into the next show-hello the next show is the rumble replay)

PPV time is paid for in 30 minute 'blocks'. If WWE had gone over the hour, even by one minute, they'd have had to pay for the full 30 minutes, and that would be just for the live airing; the replay would have needed an additional 30 minute segment, which WWE would have then had to pay for as well. Any subsequent airings could have been edited to avoid that extra air time they'd have had to pay for.

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The Rumble itself was what, 57 minutes?


On the free-view show, the host kept calling the Rumble the "most exciting 60 minutes in the WWE" or something to that effect, leading me to think they planned on it going about that long. It kind of seemed like everything else ran over time.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

There's been many rumbles that didn't actually go 60 minutes.

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The ending of the WWE Royal Rumble this year was not the one scripted going in.


The original plan was to have John Cena escape from a Batista powerbomb one time, then get powerbombed a second time and tossed for the win. However, both men lost their balance and fell out of the ring together, sending the refs into a panic.


At first, they declared Batista the winner, but since it was clear Batista fell first, Vince called an audible from the back.


He went ahead with a tie storyline with Raw referees declaring Batista the winner and Smackdown referees declaring Cena the winner. Vince also decided to come down personally and direct the rest, and of course was injured as he came into the ring. He directed everyone from his seated position, including the ending that did go down, with Batista tossing Cena relatively quickly.


credit: Dave Meltzer Wrestling Observer Newsletter

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