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Guest Trivia247

More info on the ECW ppv

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<<I mean it might be a good *WWE* ppv but if they actually do try and give it a name that has the letters ECW in it then don't be surprised if it doesn't live up to whatever expectations you might have.>>


Well, I haven't yet seen an ECW PPV that matches the best WWF/E PPV's. Maybe it's just the style of wrestling that I enjoy, but I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E when it comes to putting on a great show when they try. Of course, there are some good matches on some ECW PPV's, but as for whole PPV's, nothing compares to "the symbol of excellence in sports entertainment."


ECW fans have a seemingly jingoistic passion about the ill-fated company, but to general wrestling fans like myself, it's just one of the top three promotions of the last ten years. Of course, that is spoken from an American-centric point of view, as I don't think Japan or Mexico has anything on US wrestling, the same way I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E. I have been watching Mexican wrestling since I was probably twelve years old on Channel 19 in northern California, and I was exposed to "puroresu" in 2000. Great stuff, but it just doesn't click with me like WWF/E/WCW/ECW does.


Anyways, the rabid ECW fans...I think Paul E. knew that at one point the ECW fans would chant for almost anything, as long as it was hardcore and extreeeeeeme. But this was a very small percentage of overall wrestling fandom. As for actual overall quality production and wrestling, no I don't think they even compare to WWF/E. I believe that ECW was built up as this renegade, cult show that was "better" than WWF/E, a lot of the viewers bought the idea and off they went.


All that said, I think a good dose of WWE into ECW could improve the quality. Am I saying that this proposed PPV will be good? Nope. As far as I know, Paul E. isn't even involved, and that is mistake number one. It has to be a joint effort, as Paul E. would be great with some reins on him. But choosing not to involve the architect is asinine in the extreme. No pun intended.

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RVD was on Between The Ropes a few weeks back and talked about the PPV.


He said he'd prefer WWE put the show off until he's healthy so he can be "The Whole F'N Show" for one more night. He put the timetable for his recovery anywhere between 4 and 12 months.


Also he said that if Heyman's not involved, he's sure WWE will consult with the former ECW wrestlers on the roster for ideas, and that their voices would reflect the intentions of Paul regardless.


When asked if the show could be successful, he said sure. He said there's roughly 30 former ECW members in WWE and that they could put on a great show. He said if they get former ECW talent that's not currently with the company to come back, that would be cool.

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Here's what I think the card should look like...


ECW "One Night Only"


ECW World Title: Rhyno© vs. Tazz

ECW TV Ttitle: RVD vs. Lance Storm

ECW World Tag Team Titles: The Dudley Boys vs. New Jack & Spike Dudley

Cactus Jack vs. Tommy Dreamer-Special Guest Ref:Terry Funk

Justin Credible vs. The Sandman

Chris Jericho & Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko

Yoshihiro Tajiri vs. Little Guido vs. Super Crazy

Rey Mysterio vs. Psicosis

Stevie Richards, Nova, & Blue Meanie vs. Al Snow, 2 Cold Scorpio, & Mikey Whipwreck

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Well, I haven't yet seen an ECW PPV that matches the best WWF/E PPV's. Maybe it's just the style of wrestling that I enjoy, but I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E when it comes to putting on a great show when they try. Of course, there are some good matches on some ECW PPV's, but as for whole PPV's, nothing compares to "the symbol of excellence in sports entertainment."

Because they're different atmospheres. Let me put it this way, since it's a lot easier to understand with this comparison:

The WWF/WWE is like a huge touring rock band, say KISS. They put on a great live show with glitz and glamour, even if the actual songs are terrible, because they have enough hype about themselves to draw people regardless. ECW was like an underground punk act that had been touring for years and amassed a cult following. They'd influenced the major bands, they'd influenced other indy bands, and they do everything for their fans, whether it's for the better or the worse of their careers. WWF/WWE fans generally preferred the WWF over ECW because it was more accessible, and it was an atmosphere they could feel more secure about, as everything was controlled to a T. ECW fans preferred the atmosphere of an ECW show because you could go and usually know the majority of the people in attendance that night, and perhaps even go out for drinks or a bite to eat with a few of the wrestlers after the show.

ECW fans have a seemingly jingoistic passion about the ill-fated company, but to general wrestling fans like myself, it's just one of the top three promotions of the last ten years.  Of course, that is spoken from an American-centric point of view, as I don't think Japan or Mexico has anything on US wrestling, the same way I don't think ECW has anything on WWF/E.  I have been watching Mexican wrestling since I was probably twelve years old on Channel 19 in northern California, and I was exposed to "puroresu" in 2000.  Great stuff, but it just doesn't click with me like WWF/E/WCW/ECW does.

Which is alright, because you have your tastes, and others have theirs. I can't get into much Lucha or Puro myself, as I've been raised on combining the entertainment aspects with the sports aspects, as American promotions do.

Anyways, the rabid ECW fans...I think Paul E. knew that at one point the ECW fans would chant for almost anything, as long as it was hardcore and extreeeeeeme. But this was a very small percentage of overall wrestling fandom. As for actual overall quality production and wrestling, no I don't think they even compare to WWF/E.  I believe that ECW was built up as this renegade, cult show that was "better" than WWF/E, a lot of the viewers bought the idea and off they went.

ECW wasn't out there to destroy the WWF or WCW. Paul knew they didn't have a chance. The WWF was the single most recognizable wrestling promotion throughout the world, and WCW had Turner backing it all the way for the longest time. ECW was there to carve out a niche and revolutionize the business, and it did just that.

All that said, I think a good dose of WWE into ECW could improve the quality.  Am I saying that this proposed PPV will be good?  Nope.  As far as I know, Paul E. isn't even involved, and that is mistake number one.  It has to be a joint effort, as Paul E. would be great with some reins on him.  But choosing not to involve the architect is asinine in the extreme. No pun intended.

I disagree with adding a dose of WWE to the ECW style. ECW was popular because of how different it was from the WWF or WCW, so by adding elements of what it was against, you would be killing its memory. Look at the ECW wrestlers that came to the WWF/WWE. They were all very over at the beginning of their WWF/WWE careers for doing what made them popular in ECW, but then they became WWF/WWE-ized, and their overness sunk incredibly (see: Van Dam, Rob; Tazz).

However, there isn't a shadow of doubt in my mind that not having Paul Heyman being the primary force behind the booking of One Night Only is the biggest mistake that Vince could ever make regarding the PPV. They could hold it in a huge arena, with wrestlers that never worked ECW, but as long as Paul was booking the show, it would BE an ECW show. Now? It's going to be a WWE show in a smaller arena. Nothing more, nothing less.

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The funny thing about this is if Heyman is not included in this PPV. The fans there will know it, if the casual ECW fans come to the show and odds are, they'll be chanting "We want Heyman" for a lot of the show. Espically if Vince comes out.

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Does WCW RAW with Booker/Buff Bagwell as the main event come to anybody's mind? :D

That was probably the single-most awkward thing I've ever seen in wrestling.


Didn't Arn Anderson come down before the match with a valet on each arm to be ring announcer or something?


I can't even remember - I've tried to block it out for so long.

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Guest Trivia247

thats the thing, those of us that seen ECW's product, from 95 on up, when heyman joined the Writing staff in WWF/E you could tell that his fingerprints were all over certain matches and angles. If he is not called to do the ECW ppv then it won't feel the same, and it will be even more obvious that the ECW PPV will be a Bastardized Make money nostalga bullshit that means nothing.


If there was a AWA DVD that somehow grossed big bucks, do you think Vince would Dig up Verne Gagna in Minnapolis and gather together the AWA allums for one last hurrah?

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The WWF/WWE is like a huge touring rock band, say KISS. They put on a great live show with glitz and glamour, even if the actual songs are terrible, because they have enough hype about themselves to draw people regardless.


Off topic but the KISS albums from 1974-1978 did not contain terrible songs but rather some of the best rock n roll from that era. Were KISS talented musicians? Hell no. Just like The Ramones though, the simplicity in what they were doing made the songs fun. Just like WWE, yes the packaging is very important with the glitz and the hype but by the end of the PPV, if you don't see any decent wrestling, the audience would dwindle. KISS haven't lasted 31 years because of makeup and pyro alone. People needed songs to sing along to and there are plenty of good ones from their catalog.


Back to the subject at hand, the ECW PPV will only succeed with Paul Heyman's involvement in the planning and creative product. I really hope that despite their differences, and the reasons Paul doesn't work well with other WWE creative team members, Vince will realize that this is Paul's baby and the ECW fan base is aware and respects this. Deep down, I think Vince believes in Paul's passion and knowledge of the business but for whatever reason values the opinion of people like Stephanie, HHH and Gerwitz more.

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For the record, the dream match with the Eliminators won't happen because Saturn hates Kronos,and neither man is a WWE employee to be 'jollied' into it. Besides, is Kronos even still wrestling?

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Guest Trivia247

come to think of it, if they do blacklist Heyman from Running the ECW PPV, then would they at least allow Dreamer a hand in the creative process...


He worked on ECW storylines with Heyman before.

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If Dreamer is allowed to book the ECW PPV, you can be assured there will be enough phone calls to Heyman to at least put his stamp of approval all over it. I mean didn't Heyman said he had little to do with the production of the ECW DVD, yet he liked how it turned out, and by the positive feedback, so do the fans.

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