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Steve J. Rogers

Stupid comments by sports radio hosts

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Got a few here in NYC:


Tom Keegan of 1050ESPN Radio is a long time anti-stat pro-look with your own eyes sports writer decided to declare the "Moneyball Era" over after Theo Epstein and Paul DePodesta made their deadline moves this summer. Basically getting Mientkiewicz and Cabera and unloading Nomar meant to Keegan that the Redsox were getting away from the "defense is overrated, obtain a rotissere lineup" way of thinking as well as the mistake of trading LoDuca and Mota for Penny and Choi, even though it was CRYSTAL CLEAR that the deal was made thinking Charles Johnson and Randy Johnson were "signed, sealed, and delivered" showed that the Dodgers were making a "Moneyball" type deal in giving up proven "team character guys" for guys who "just put up numbers" was enough to declare Moneyball officially DEAD!


Same radio show had Keegan's host Wally Mathews pull a hamstring back-peddling on the Mets trades at the deadline. As the trades were coming down he was all "I don't know Kasmir, I don't know Peterson, I know Benson, and Zambrano is also a Major Leaguer." Basically same spin he has whenever talking trades, get the proven guy for the unproven guy. Well that was on Friday, the Monday after, after Benson had a bad first start and the entire weekend was full of Met fans upset over trading the best pitching prospects, a very good catching prospect, and a valued MLBer for a guy with a history of arm troubles and a seemingly .500 at best hurler who could walk away after the season, Mathews was all "I was wrong! Lets unload all the veterans now in waiver wire deals!"s :throwup: Be consistant would ya! And don't get me started on his rants against people he doesn't like (Roger Clemens, Curt Schilling, the Dolans, ect)


And don't get me started on Chris "Mad Dog" Russo, I could devote an entire thread on him!


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Guest Rrrsh

Mad Dog's show with Simms (In The Huddle) runs on the station I work for here up in Vancouver and he seems to be annoying for no other reason than he can. Very stupid and no one cares about his stupdi schtick up here.

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Mad Dog's show with Simms (In The Huddle) runs on the station I work for here up in Vancouver and he seems to be annoying for no other reason than he can. Very stupid and no one cares about his stupdi schtick up here.

Boomer Esiason not Phil Simms


By the way, one of my biggest pet peeves about any thread on radio broadcasters is when an "He/She knows nothing about (insert topic) " without backup. Its more entertaining for a reader to READ how bad the host is at that topic, and it provides fans, such as myself, to give a retort (i.e. does it matter than Russo can't pronounce a hard name if he tried)


For example, I'm sure you are referring to "Inside The Huddle" seemingly being too "inside" and that you'd have to know what goes on here in NYC to know why Russo goes off on Boomer, the show's producers, ect and that its not condusive to a weekly show that should be more centered around the topic rather than Russo being Russo. Very vaild argument IMO



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I can't think of anything specific besides the Maris comments I posted a few days ago, but I'm sure if I listened to talk radio for the next ten minutes, I would have several.

Got a decent one this week from the same station as in my first post. Don LaGreca, who usually knows his stuff, actually said that he'd rather have a player on his team be a coke addict (and he's a big football Giant fan (LT), and a moderate Mets fan (Gooden, and Strawberry) so he has a history of this type of player) than all roided up!


Granted he was "goaded" into the comment by the host Michael Kay, but it really is a "I refuse to answer that!" type of question

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Damn. At least the roider is doing what he does in an effort to win.

Not neccessarilly according to LaGreca! I can sort of see his point where the roider is only doing it for selfish reasons, but again its a "I recuse myself from the conversation" type of question since he is a known fan of teams and the answer itsn't something that should be said out loud, and on the air!



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Whenever Jim Rome gets on his high horse about some athlete who did something bad

Than reads a bunch of "e-mails" from Martin Navratalova and Richard Simmons.

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Whenever Jim Rome gets on his high horse about some athlete who did something bad

Than reads a bunch of "e-mails" from Martin Navratalova and Richard Simmons.

"Allright, I'm telling you clones, do not send me your e-mails on (this subject) because I will NOT read them, allright?


'Dear Jim,

I agree with what he said,


(Person Relating to his Subject).'


I mean it clones, do NOT send me your e-mails, because I will NOT read them on the air, got it?!


'Dear Jim,

I killed Ron and Nicole,




I told you I will absolutely positively NOT read your e-mails on this issue!"

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I just really hate the sports betting shows that are on the radio. They sound like they know little to nothing about sports when they talk(sometimes i wonder if they watch the games) and the thing that always bugs me is the cliche' "We have obtained new injury information for tonights game! Only we know this insider info!"

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Mike Greenberg when he tries to talk about anything other than basketball, he sounds ridiculous and it makes the show really hard to listen to.


I like Chris Russo, but he loses me when he's talks about "intangibles" Apparently Steve Nash is a great player because he has "intangibles" Tony Womack is a "Winning player" Stephon Marbury isn't great because he doesn't "make other players around him great"


Rome when ever he goes on some moral tirade. Then he has the guy he was ripping on the show, and kisses his ass.

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Chris Russell off of SportingNews Radio. Dude doesn't know shit about basketball, yet he seems to fancy himself as some guru on what's wrong with the game while waxing nostalgia over the Showtime era and only using fg percentage and FT percentage to back up his "points".


One guy called in to debunk his shit one night and when he completely destroyed the field goal % crap, Russell cut him off and prattled on and on about how basketball fans are ignorant morons and hockey was the best.

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A few samples from "The Mad Dog 100 - The Greatest Sports Arguments of All Time"


Mad Dog eliminates Ty Cobb from a "hitting for average" category since Cobb hit .367 in the deadball era. Obviously Cobb wasn't in Russo's era, which is the braindead era.


Constant use of the "never knocked in 100 runs" or "never scored 100 runs" bullshit, as if a player can do that all by himself anyways. (He did that on Fisk and Baines)


Same goes for his "thoughts" on Blyleven, which is "he pitched a lot, so that's why he won so many games, and he won 20 games once". Granted, if you pitch a lot, maybe it's because you're good at pitching.


And this comparing Willie Mays to Joe DiMaggio


Mays had a longer career, hit 660 home runs. But Mays never hit .381. And Joe D had a lot of intangibles. His teams were 9-1 in the World Series.




Joe D. gets the edge because he's a better hitter than Mays.


On Rogers Hornsby


You've got Rogers Hornsby, who hit .400, but he played in a big offensive era when everybody was doing that.



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That is exactly the problem with any "intangibles" argument. People just throw it out there in absence of real statistical evidence, to shorten the gap when they have no argument otherwise. Mays and Dimaggio's OPS+ were almost the same. Mays played in a much tougher era. Dimaggio could never have hit .381 in the 1960s. Mays was a better fielder (although Dimaggio was great), Mays stole bases (although Dimaggio's era never had basestealers). The difference really is those six years where Mays played All-Star caliber baseball at a point where Dimaggio hung them up. Intangibles don't carry much value once you've left the team.

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In a slightly different vein, one of the hosts of our local afternoon drive show got fired last year for saying Tie Domi beat his wife:


"One would suspect that she could take a good punch."


And later:


"I'll bet you his idea of aerobics is to bang her around a bit once a week."

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Another Russo. Everytime they mention the Jamal Crawford trade, he goes on to say that John Paxson knows what he's doing because he's got rings, totally ignoring the fact that Isiah Thomas LED a team to 2 championships himself.

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Guest Rrrsh
Chris Russell off of SportingNews Radio. Dude doesn't know shit about basketball, yet he seems to fancy himself as some guru on what's wrong with the game while waxing nostalgia over the Showtime era and only using fg percentage and FT percentage to back up his "points".


One guy called in to debunk his shit one night and when he completely destroyed the field goal % crap, Russell cut him off and prattled on and on about how basketball fans are ignorant morons and hockey was the best.

Hockey is the best!


I love Russle becuase he is the only American on Radio who has thr guts to call the NBA garbage, which it is. Other that the Suns, Sonics, Kings and Mavs, the NBA is boring as hell and too many people who play it are egomaniacs who would rather roll with their crew than work on thier jumpers.


FG% and FT% DO show how pathetic the league has become.

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Chris Russell off of SportingNews Radio. Dude doesn't know shit about basketball, yet he seems to fancy himself as some guru on what's wrong with the game while waxing nostalgia over the Showtime era and only using fg percentage and FT percentage to back up his "points".


One guy called in to debunk his shit one night and when he completely destroyed the field goal % crap, Russell cut him off and prattled on and on about how basketball fans are ignorant morons and hockey was the best.

Hockey is the best!


I love Russle becuase he is the only American on Radio who has thr guts to call the NBA garbage, which it is. Other that the Suns, Sonics, Kings and Mavs, the NBA is boring as hell and too many people who play it are egomaniacs who would rather roll with their crew than work on thier jumpers.


FG% and FT% DO show how pathetic the league has become.

Hmm. I wonder then why FT% has increased in the last ten years, and Three point percentage has increased steadily since the line was introduced. In fact, NBA players make three points such 10% more often than they did twenty years ago. The reason field goal percentage dropped is because improved defensive coverage is forcing players to take shots further from the basket. Notice that the top ten FG% players are all centers and power forwards. Is Eddy Curry really one of the best shooters in the league?


I maintain that NBA players are unfairly criticized. As a group, they're better than they were 15-20 years ago.

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Chris Russell off of SportingNews Radio. Dude doesn't know shit about basketball, yet he seems to fancy himself as some guru on what's wrong with the game while waxing nostalgia over the Showtime era and only using fg percentage and FT percentage to back up his "points".


One guy called in to debunk his shit one night and when he completely destroyed the field goal % crap, Russell cut him off and prattled on and on about how basketball fans are ignorant morons and hockey was the best.

Hockey is the best!


I love Russle becuase he is the only American on Radio who has thr guts to call the NBA garbage, which it is. Other that the Suns, Sonics, Kings and Mavs, the NBA is boring as hell and too many people who play it are egomaniacs who would rather roll with their crew than work on thier jumpers.


FG% and FT% DO show how pathetic the league has become.

What's really funny is how the guy who does the weeknight shift he does on the weekends, Kevin Wheeler, totally ripped apart his lil theory, so it was pretty funny listening to Russell stumble all over himself when someone else brought up those same talking points to shut him up for once.


Hell, someone needs to do it again just so I laugh my ass off again.

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Chris Russell off of SportingNews Radio. Dude doesn't know shit about basketball, yet he seems to fancy himself as some guru on what's wrong with the game while waxing nostalgia over the Showtime era and only using fg percentage and FT percentage to back up his "points".


One guy called in to debunk his shit one night and when he completely destroyed the field goal % crap, Russell cut him off and prattled on and on about how basketball fans are ignorant morons and hockey was the best.

Hockey is the best!


I love Russle becuase he is the only American on Radio who has thr guts to call the NBA garbage, which it is. Other that the Suns, Sonics, Kings and Mavs, the NBA is boring as hell and too many people who play it are egomaniacs who would rather roll with their crew than work on thier jumpers.


FG% and FT% DO show how pathetic the league has become.

Hmm. I wonder then why FT% has increased in the last ten years, and Three point percentage has increased steadily since the line was introduced. In fact, NBA players make three points such 10% more often than they did twenty years ago. The reason field goal percentage dropped is because improved defensive coverage is forcing players to take shots further from the basket. Notice that the top ten FG% players are all centers and power forwards. Is Eddy Curry really one of the best shooters in the league?


I maintain that NBA players are unfairly criticized. As a group, they're better than they were 15-20 years ago.

Actually teams are taking less shots than they did 15-20 years ago. Teams averaged between 95-100 shots, today it's like 75-80. Reguardless of FG%, if a team hold the longer, they aren't going to score has many points.

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