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Guest Brian

20/20 Hindsight

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Guest Brian

Going back and looking at match finishes, which match finishes would you change? When did the absolute wrong guy go over or the finish was just absolutely wrong?


I remember being live at Wrestlemania and just feeling the crowd deflate when Booker T didn't kick out of the pedigree. I think almost everyone assumed it was going to happen. And there was no reason for him to lose, given the way they built that up. Horrible, absolutely horrible.

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I was there live and I definitely would have had Jericho go over. Not sure if I would have had Book win, but H shouldn't have gotten the 3 after waiting that long to pin him.

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Guest Brian

God, they've blown so many chances to really establish Jericho as a truly top guy.


As for the HHH/Booker match, it was a total blow to Booker after this feud had basically already established him as not being up to Triple H's level and bringing in racism, and the loss was just so much on top of that. Not to mention it came at a completely anti-climatic time.

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Guest JMA

The Booker T/Triple H match at WrestleMania was the first thing that came into my head when I saw this thread. Why exactly do characters who make racist remarks (such as Triple H and JBL) always seem to win feuds with the person they hate? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

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No doubt in my mind, Luger vs Yokozuna Summerslam 1993. They easily could have pulled a years worth of feuds with Luger on top. Luger vs Ludvig Borga, Luger vs Shawn Michaels, Luger vs Diesel, Luger vs. Crush. Sure, Luger sucked, but so did Yokozuna. They could have put the belt on him just as well and had him job it back to Bret at Wrestlemania or Summerslam.

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Guest Coffey

Triple H Vs. Kurt Angle at Unforgiven. It pretty much killed the "love triangle" storyline that they had going...which was interesting. Stephanie ended up choosing Triple H, which was the wrong decision.

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Triple H Vs. Kurt Angle at Unforgiven. It pretty much killed the "love triangle" storyline that they had going...which was interesting. Stephanie ended up choosing Triple H, which was the wrong decision.

yet she continued to manage angle after he won the wwf title, then all was dropped as hhh turned heel again.




as for luger-yoko I agree that Luger winning was the only finish that made sense. and the match they had wasnt too bad either (shockingly)

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Piper vs. Hogan, SC '96. It didn't make sense to not only put Piper over the monster heel Hogan, but to let Piper beat him with a sleeper hold. When I first read of this a few years ago (I took a break from wrestling from 1993-1997), I couldn't fathom that it was okay with Hogan.


I guess it's like the old saying..."Only Nixon can go to China."


To add to the absurdity, there was the whole surprise "non-title" match stipulation.

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God, they've blown so many chances to really establish Jericho as a truly top guy.

Hell, I would have had him win the title for real when he "beat" HHH that night that never happened. I know they wanted Rock to take the title from HHH but they could have held that off, it would have established Jericho as a top star from the start and maybe now he wouldn't be considered glass ceilinged. The crowd pop for his win was enormous...

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I always thought that since Goldberg was going over HHH for the title anyway, he should have won the EC at summer Slam. This was one of the few times he had a crowd behind him, he dominated the match and lost to a sledgehammer shot, which he would later no-sell in matches following.

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I always thought that since Goldberg was going over HHH for the title anyway, he should have won the EC at summer Slam. This was one of the few times he had a crowd behind him, he dominated the match and lost to a sledgehammer shot, which he would later no-sell in matches following.

it seems that for some reason, wwe was unwilling to do a title change before berg and hhh could have a proper one on one match (as if the world was clamoring for that) and plus they hoped by waiting till unforgiven they could get some better buy rates for that since everyone knew berg would win (due to the retirement stip)

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Guest Coffey

Sting losing to "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan after two years of build-up was a pretty historical fuck up as well.

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The Booker T/Triple H match at WrestleMania was the first thing that came into my head when I saw this thread. Why exactly do characters who make racist remarks (such as Triple H and JBL) always seem to win feuds with the person they hate? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Well, keep in mind, HHH (in character) disavowed the racial remarks before WM, probably because he realized there was no way he could go over in the match if the storyline was black man vs. racist.

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The Booker T/Triple H match at WrestleMania was the first thing that came into my head when I saw this thread. Why exactly do characters who make racist remarks (such as Triple H and JBL) always seem to win feuds with the person they hate? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Well, keep in mind, HHH (in character) disavowed the racial remarks before WM, probably because he realized there was no way he could go over in the match if the storyline was black man vs. racist.

I quit WWE after Hogan returned for a short time...what did HHH say that was racial?

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Guest Coffey

He was saying stuff like "your kind" & "you people" in regards to Booker T. Making it sound like he was talking about black people.

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I agree with the HHH/Booker WMXIX match... There was no reason for HHH to go over in that one, and his bullshit excuse of "Goldberg's big win" etc. is a load of shit... Was there something wrong with Booker winning the title and then going on to fued with Goldberg, would have been more entertaining than what we got with HHH/Goldberg...

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Guest Ransome
I remember being live at Wrestlemania and just feeling the crowd deflate when Booker T didn't kick out of the pedigree. I think almost everyone assumed it was going to happen. And there was no reason for him to lose, given the way they built that up. Horrible, absolutely horrible.

Granted, it sucked watching it live.


Looking back on it now, I'm not as disappointed. It made WM XX that much sweeter. If given the choice between making Booker T or Benoit world champion, it's Benoit all the way.


I'm not necessarily saying the end justified the means, cause Booker T might have made an interesting champion, but Benoit's win would have been not nearly as monumental in my eyes if Booker had.


Either way, they never had enough faith in Booker T to make him their champ. I'm suprised they even let him mainevent (well, four matches from the top) a Wrestlemania.

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Guest Loss

HHH also mentioned that Booker T had nappy hair and that his kind was mainly just good for entertainment and laughs. Then, he told him winning the WCW title meant nothing because the belt was held by David Arquette and Vince Russo, and accused Booker of "WCW championing that company right out of business." I would have had far less problems had HHH bladed, done a job and been left worse for wear after that buildup, but he won cleanly.


RVD should have gone over Austin and Angle in the triple threat at No Mercy '01. The product was getting noticeably stale, and they could have really done a full 180 that night putting belts on both Van Dam and Jericho.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Orndorff should've pinned Mr. T clean. What the hell was Vince thinking?

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Sting losing to "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan after two years of build-up was a pretty historical fuck up as well.

I was reading a Sting interview around the time of his WWA World Title win, and it was supposed to be a fast count. Instead something happened and both Bret Hart and Sting looked idiotic afterwards. Sting started to explain what he felt happen, but stopped himself because he didn't want to hurt anyones feelings.

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Guest MikeSC
Sting losing to "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan after two years of build-up was a pretty historical fuck up as well.

I was reading a Sting interview around the time of his WWA World Title win, and it was supposed to be a fast count. Instead something happened and both Bret Hart and Sting looked idiotic afterwards. Sting started to explain what he felt happen, but stopped himself because he didn't want to hurt anyones feelings.

What I don't get is that when he noticed that the count was slow, why didn't he just kick out?


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Guest Salacious Crumb

Fully Loaded 2000. Jericho should've beaten Triple H and Benoit should've beaten Rock for the WWF Title. It was completely unacceptable that none of the guys needing a rub won. You can trace a lot of the current problems to the old guys winning all three of the matches.

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I agree that one of the three should have won, but I actually didn't think Jericho looked bad in that match. A lost there didn't really hurt him.

What hurt him was the follow up, where he went right back to the midcard. They should have kept the program going, maybe even adding him to the SummerSlam three-way. Same thing with Benoit, though to a lesser degree.


Angle absolutely should have beaten Undertaker as well. Not only would it elevate him, it would have made sense with him coming off a KOTR tournament win, and headlining SummerSlam the next month.

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What I don't get is how you botch the finish that bad on what is essentially the biggest match in company history. It would be like if Andre "accidentally" pinned Hogan at WM 3.

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