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Hassan/Hogan at WM?

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from PWI:


What was originally scheduled to happen was Benoit would hit the ringbell when he hit the headbutt off the top and then be pinned by Hassan. Since Hassan didn't have the bell in position, WWE management called an audible backstage so Benoit didn't look weak and changed the finish to a DQ with the low blow. You can see Benoit throws his shoulder up immediately once he's given the word, rather then wait for the dramatic last moment before the three count.


I've heard from several sources that management wasn't happy with having to change the original finish, as they want Hassan to look strong and remain undefeated leading into Wrestlemania 22 next month. There has been a lot of talk among the wrestlers that Hassan will actually be facing Hulk Hogan on the Wrestlemania 22 PPV, although that isn't 100% confirmed yet.


If that match does happen, they could make a star out of Hassan in one night. WM is shaping up to be pretty bad from a workrate standpoint, but with the right booking, 3 new stars could be created in one night (Batista, Cena, Hassan)

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Holy crap! What were the WrestleMania 21 results? It felt like a long time at work, but not THAT long.

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Would the Orange Goblin put over Hassan? I'm not a big fan of Hassan, but a win over Hogan (The All-American Super Hero of the 80's) would definitely give him a HUGE boost.

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If Hassan pins Hogan or makes him submit at WrestleMania I'll never watch WWE programming again.


Seriously, they were gonna put him over BENOIT, and he fucked THAT up. Hassan bores me. He's a comedy act to me. A stupid, boring, comedy act that uses 9/11 in a negative way.


I hope Hogan squashes him (if any of this is true).

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Guest Loss

I don't think WWE can trust Hogan to do what's right at this point. I could seriously see him holding up WWE for more money or a booking change at the last minute. He's already quit the company twice in the past three years. I guess he might as well make it a third time.

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Guest Coffey

Man, I'm a "mark" for both men and even I don't want to see that match happen.


There's several reasons, really, with one of the most current being the fucked up finish from this last Monday's Raw match between Hussan and Benoit. Seriously, his undefeated streak is over now since they had to improvise. So, now why would Hogan even take Hussan seriously?


Add on top of that the fact that neither man can work. Hogan because of his age and knees, and Hussan because he's still so green.


The microphone battles could be good but if Hogan isn't going to show up before Wrestlemania actually gets here, that's not going to matter.

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I think the mere fact that Hassan did fuck up the finish enough to ruin his own undefeated streak is enough that he should be depushed a little bit. I don't think he should get put over Benoit under any circumstances now.


And when JR tried to sell it like Hassan hit the ring bell, and then immediately hammered that Hassan hadn't been pinned or submitted after the match, it was obvious that the finish got screwed up. The thing that amazes me is that he didn't even try to hit Benoit with the ring bell. It just looked like he was retarded in there.


I'm sure that Vince probably wasn't in attendance due to his injury, but if he was there or someone with similar power, I think that the thing to do would have been to have Benoit just pin Hassan off the headbutt, and move Hassan straight back to the midcard.

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I thought it was funny when the bell rang so quick after the low blow...do they just have another bell handy in case someone uses it during a match?

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JR: "NO ONE has yet to hand Muhammad a pinfall or submission here on Raw!" - immediately after Benoit loss


= "Undefeated streak! Shhhh....."



Remember when Taz had the undefeated streak in ECW when he returned as a heel? He actually LOST to Chris Jericho via reverse decision disqualification when he refused to break a submission. DQs aren't really losses. So basically, you wasted your time watching Raw is what JR is telling us.

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Guest Sturgis
I thought it was funny when the bell rang so quick after the low blow...do they just have another bell handy in case someone uses it during a match?

Daviri grabbed th bell and gave back to the timekeeper.


How did Benoit get the cue for the new finish? I didn't see the ref tell him anything.

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Guest Coffey

I actually thought that Benoit was the one to improvise the finish. That's why I was shocked when it ended in a DQ. I thought Hussan would school boy/small package him or something.

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Guest Trivia247

in that case, If there is a Hogan Hassen Match, then Hogan should bust out a 3 minute Warrior vs HHH WM match style on him.


Let Hassen attack early nail the complete shot, then Hogan hulk up and SQUASH.


Clearly they need to get past this undefeated streak so a wrestler can become a serious wrestler.

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Guest Trivia247

well the two extra minutes for Hassen to come out proclaim he is undefeated and that he will accept any challenge from the back....and of course the arabic Translation from Davari.


Then Hogan comes out. and the necessary cameo in the crowd of his Daughter somewhere in the Front Row for five minutes.

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I actually thought that Benoit was the one to improvise the finish. That's why I was shocked when it ended in a DQ. I thought Hussan would school boy/small package him or something.

Chioda is telling Benoit to "kick out" as he's counting the pinfall, then is giving the instructions to them to end the match in a schmozz finish; when Hassan goes low on Benoit, Chioda takes it as his cue to call the match. PWI is correct with the details, but this shouldn't be a story anyway. An improvised finish shouldn't be something to get too ruffled over.

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DUH...Forgot about the Ulitmate Warrior.


Anyways, they had pushed the Ultimate Warriror since he beat HTM for the IC belt, in like 10 seconds.

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Guest Coffey

Well, he didn't *WIN* at WM4. It was a double DQ or some shit with him and Andre. Does that count?

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Anything that has to do with Hogan getting in the ring at Wrestlemania Im all for it. Hell if were all lucky he might even stick around for a little while afterwards! Yeah! I love it!...Oh yeah Hogan should kick his ass from him until next Sunday if it does happen.

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Technically Hogan has lost 3 times at a WM, if you count the DQ loss in the tag match at WM 9.

A loss is a loss.My point being, I don't see it happening.

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Guest Dazed

It's more of a disappointment that they planned to have Hassan go over both Jericho AND Benoit within a month. Ugh.

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Fuck this shit. The only way they can have this match is if Hassan went over, but you can't have THE standard-bearer for patriotic characters lose at Wrestlemania to an evil foriegn sympathizer character. It's like Hogan losing the ultimate blowoff of Patriotic Characters versus Evil Foreigners. Hassan needs something big if they want to legitimize him, but not Hulk fucking Hogan.

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What makes me laugh about Hassan is that a lot of what he says rings true, but he gets booed because it's critical of the US. And green he may be, but he ALMOST has a grasp on psychology. By which I mean every move he uses works on the back to build to the Camel Clutch, but then he uses the Complete Shot to win the match. So close, every time...

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Hogan vs. Hassan in LA for WrestleMania(rematch of WM 7 ;) . Could be interesting and I wonder if it could be Hogan's last match for REAL this time. I mean it would be a fitting end don't you think to have Hogan's last match against a character like Hassan's. I mean they pimp Hogan over Iron Shiek(oops you see the connection). The storyline and booking if done properly COULD make Hassan a star(once that Real American blares**oops another connection), but he could also screw things up like monday. This one's a toss up because I do see the argument in having Hogan lose his last match to an Anti-American and to someone as green as this guy. Add to that UT losing his undefeated streak at the event and the fans may just damn well riot.

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Perhaps if Hassasn had debuted a year ago, with build-up to Mania, and did not suck the meat missle in the ring then perhaps the WWE could have the next Iron Sheik on their hands.


But they don't.


Hassan is another rushed-up WWE goon who has no intriguing moves or vibrant personality to go along with such an act.


On the topic of Hogan working with Hassan at Mania...








Hogan has *no* more rub to give. The interest in Hogan left after he jobbed to the Rock and got dragged around by the Undertaker on a bike. He has no more rub to give and Hassan's blue chipper (and green as grass) status would make him look *worse* standing in front of Hogan who is a wrasslin legend.


Hogan jobbing to Hassan reminds me of Ric Flair getting petitioned by Dusty to lose the title to Rick Steiner in 5 minutes. Now, if that happened in the HHH and Batista match...then you might have yourself a match to remember...the monster Big Dave...the path of rage starts...


Batista. Path of Rage.


Tazzzzzz who?


Just have Batista beat the tar out of HHH in less than 2 minutes and you have a star. Put the SD! title match on last since some people might actually *complain* about HHH getting jobbed out in 2 minutes to end the show. People would be talking about the match for years to come. And fuck HHH and his rematch clause. If they do wrestle again, Batista should pin HHH in seconds, less than a minute, and then *maybe* fans might start believing in the WWE again if HHH is slain decisively. He's already won the title 10 times for fuck's sake.

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