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Guest DonVito

The Ring 2...

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Guest DonVito

I just previewed the Ring 2... I didn't find anything remotely scary about it. The premise of the movie was pretty good involving Aidan and Samara. However, not very scary.


Everyone else that saw the movie with me thought it was scarier than the first movie. I thought a lot of the sequences that were supposed to be terrifying were incredibly predicable and not very scary. I actually found myself laughing at some parts of the movie.


There was only one instance where I was caught off guard and that was within the first 15 minutes of the movie. It's the part where Rachel enters the ambulance to look at the dead teenager. That's all I'll say about it because I don't want to spoil it for anyone else because it may be the only part in the movie with shock value to everyone else.


Shock wise it didn't live up to my expectations and the hype. I'm curious to hear if anyone else thought it was scary.

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I could shit a better movie than Ring 2. I can't believe just how much it sucked, since I enjoyed the first one.


I mean, I hated this one AS MUCH, or even more than, The Grudge. I cringe just thinking about how much I hated Ring 2.




As bad as the movie was, that scene was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. I kept thinking of:


Tommy Boy!


When the highlight of a HORROR film is the above, what does that say?

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I dunno, I enjoyed it. Much better than the Grudge since at least I jumped in my seat once or twice.


The aforementioned reindeer scene was kickass, and the crowd I was in popped huge for Rachel going "I'm not your fucking mommy."


Hardly on Exorcist 1 type levels, but certainly not bad.

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...and the crowd I was in popped huge for Rachel going "I'm not your fucking mommy."

Oh Jesus, that was one of the most anticlimatic scenes in the history of film. I felt like literally standing up and screaming at the screen when that happened. This film filled me with unmeasurable rage. I wanted to scream right back, ugh...


This is me, DOWNHOME of all people, saying this. This film made me instantly not care at all about the upcoming Dark Water. All excitement I had for that one went down into the well with Samara.




Also let me say, the first scene of the film, that's when I knew this one was going to suck a load. From there on out, it was all down hill.

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Well, that was certainly inferior to the first one. For one thing, all of the atmosphere of "The Ring" is all but non-existent in this shitty sequal. The random reindeer scene was hysterical, and here, all of Samara's menace is gone, replaced by making her become a second rate Freddy Kruger wannabe/girl who only needs a mom instead of the pure evil that she once represented. The only good thing I can say about it is that the acting was pretty good, and it was cool to see Gary Cole in it. Other than that, it's a major shit fest.

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Well, at least we still have "High Tension" (aka "Haute Tension") Romero's "Land of the Dead", "Undead" "The Woods" (from, "May" director Lucky McKee, starring Patricia Clarkson and Bruce Campbell) and "The Ordeal" (aka "Calvaire") to look forward to and hopefully not disappoint (No, I'm not looking forwards to "The Devil's Rejects")

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Guest El Satanico

The Grudge wasn't that bad. It's flaw was a script that didn't explain enough. Not spelling it out for the audience is great, but you still have to give enough explanation for the audience to think or care about the plot.

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The reason the Grudge sucked to me was, well, it wasn't scary. There wasn't one scene that I jumped and I jump pretttty easy in movies.

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The problem with the Grudge was this: It tried too hard. Sure, it had plenty of "jump" scenes, and atmosphere by the pound, but it just didn't feel complete, and was just a series of "jump" scares and nothing else.

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Go look in that scariest movies thread, I said lots of great stuff about the Grudge.


I wouldn't see this, because I hate sequels. Looks like I'm justified again. Good.

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Guest El Satanico

After seeing the most recent trailer for this movie, I knew it wasn't going to be good. The first trailers were good, showing some creepiness and maintaining the mood from the first.


The recent trailers, just made it seem silly and like a parody of it's self. The Matrixy looking scene with the bathwater jumping out of the tub and stopping in mid air, told me everything I needed to know. I wasn't planning on seeing it, despite liking the first one alot, unless the reviews were positive.

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The recent trailers, just made it seem silly and like a parody of it's self.

That's a good way to put it...just not even a GOOD parody.


For my thoughts on the stinkfest that was The Grudge, dig up the old thread on that one.

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Go look in that scariest movies thread, I said lots of great stuff about the Grudge.

Wow, I would think you'd HATE the Grudge.

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The reindeer scene was the best. I was dying laughing. The crowd, including myself, also popped for Rachel's line near the end. But yeah, those were the only two highlights of the film. Terrible, terrible, terrible.


I did like the appearance of Bill Lumbergh though. I wish he would have mentioned TPS reports.

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Go look in that scariest movies thread, I said lots of great stuff about the Grudge.

Wow, I would think you'd HATE the Grudge.

No, by great, I meant what I said was informative and insightful.

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I accidentally bought tickets for this Tuesday night, rather then last night. I am trying like hell to not read the spoilers since I liked the first one so much and have been looking forward to this one since it was announced. I'm surprised about all the negative reviews though (or maybe not, knowing this board) as the clips I have seen on the internet looked somewhat promising.

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Well, my viewing of it was kindof marred by these two old black ladies behind us talking throughout.



*Rachel throws the covers back, Aidan isn't there*

Lady behind us: Oh, where's that little boy at?






I missed the washed-out blue look from the previous movie. This one had more of an warm, autumn-y brown kinda look. Seemed like a European artsy drama type movie.

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Good lord this movie was awful. The plot was just all over the place and even the acting seemed really laboured most of the time. ...and how does Sissy Spacek get one of the top billed credits in this? She was in the movie for all of five minutes. Jesus, was that supposed to attract a specific fanbase or something???

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Guest DonVito

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks this movie was a piece of crap.


The part with the reindeer is the most randomly stupid thing I've seen in a movie in a long time. It MIGHT have been tolerable, if it had any significance in the movie.


I've even tried using reasoning to justify the scene.

Maybe at that point Samara had fully taken control of Aidan and wanted to use the reindeer to attack the car. But this would kill Rachel. Which would defeat the entire purpose of Samara wanting to become Aidan so she can have Rachel for a mother.

Too bad the reindeer didn't kill them because the movie would have been over. Still the scene has no point.


I hated most parts of the Grudge, but some of it did scare me a little. The worst part was the damn creaking sound on the phone. It wasn't scary, just damned annoying.


I would say the Ring 2 falls between The Grudge and Boogeyman on a scale for recent scary movies. So see it, if you thought Boogeyman was the best thing you ever saw because that movie was a pile of crap and the Ring 2 will make you piss your pants. Don't see it if you thought the Grudge sucked because this will seem even worse and just another title to add to the list of recent lame horror movies.

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The part with the reindeer is the most randomly stupid thing I've seen in a movie in a long time. It MIGHT have been tolerable, if it had any significance in the movie.


I've even tried using reasoning to justify the scene.

Maybe at that point Samara had fully taken control of Aidan and wanted to use the reindeer to attack the car. But this would kill Rachel. Which would defeat the entire purpose of Samara wanting to become Aidan so she can have Rachel for a mother.

Too bad the reindeer didn't kill them because the movie would have been over. Still the scene has no point.

Let me first say that I hated the deer scene as well, BUT the movie in a way did explain it.


When Rachel goes down into the basement, there are antlers all over the place. This means that someone in the family enjoyed killing deer a lot. The deer weren't being controlled by Samara, they were trying to kill Samara because they sensed her spirit in Aidan. I agree that this is stupid, since I was thinking it was likely the dad doing the killing so why are they attacking the girl? But like I said, at least they attempted to explain the deer thing. And one last thing on the matter, a quote from Roger Ebert that I thought was funny, "Rachel visits the old farm where girl was mistreated and died. In the basement, she finds antlers. A whole lot of antlers. So maybe the deer sense Samara's ghost's presence in Aidan and are attacking the car in revenge? But Samara was presumably not the deer hunter, being far too occupied being a cruelly mistreated little girl at the time. So is it that the deer are psychic, but not very bright?"

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Guest DonVito

That clarifies it a little, but it still seems far-fetched about the attacking deer knowing that a family member related to Samara had killed a lot of their fellow deer. Another possibility I came up with to justify the purpose of the scene was this


Maybe when Aidan says "Don't stop the car", they are trying to build on what Samara's crazy mom said later in the movie about you have to listen to your child because they are right. This seems like a major stretch for the entire deer scene to get this point across but it is a possibility and a major point in the movie because it makes Rachel realize that she needs to kill Aidan.

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That clarifies it a little, but it still seems far-fetched about the attacking deer knowing that a family member related to Samara had killed a lot of their fellow deer. Another possibility I came up with to justify the purpose of the scene was this.

More far-fetched than a tape that if you watch it you die seven days later?

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Another problem with this movie is that it broke all the aformentioned rules set in the first movie.


If Samara could just come out of the well at will, or pop up in body bags and physically touch and harm people, what in the flying fuck is the purpose of the video tape in the first place


Another big problem I had is that there were no scares that we didn't see coming this time around. I am sorry but for fans of the original like myself, there will never be something compares to see The girl in the closet for the first time, and/or Samara coming out of the TV for the first time........


IMO, they should have just remade Ringu 2, instead of making an entire new script, because they messed up big time.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Worst movie I ever saw in a theater. Had I paid for it, I would've bitched to the manager until I got my money back.

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Guest news_gimmick

Good god, just reading this thread makes me not want to see it at all. Heh, I'm going to pass on this.

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