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Lack of Championship Matches

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Not sure if this has been discussed anywhere on here, but I can not think of a WM that had such a lack of title matches, we have no IC match, US match, both tag titles are not up for grabs as well as the CW. Kind of depressing if you are one of these champs.

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While I do agree, the positive here is that every match means something and no meaningless "this could have been done on Raw but here it is on WM just because it's for a title" title matches are on the show (see: last years tag title matches). It's assumed that they were building to a CW title match but Chavo was injured. Benjamin, Eddie, and Rey are all in matches. I wouldn't count out a world tag title match on Heat, but then again there were no matches on Heat at all last year.

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Midcard champions steal the spotlight from the wrestling god, the diamond in the rough, the cebral assassin, the game, the main event, the one married into the business....

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Considering most of them are in matches..or there's a reason they aren't, I'm sure they're not to depressed.


Benjamin's in the money in the bank match. Rey and Eddie are fighting each other..which I'd rather see them do then defend it. And they probaly would prefer it also. The US Champion is injured, somewhat. (Evidently Orlando's been working for a hurt leg). The CW champion was injured, until it just switched hands, so yea. You can be sure they'll probaly add a CW match.


And the RAW Tag titles..well, ,they're not that special anyways, but I expect to see them added on the card in a match similar to the tag title matches last year.

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Why isn't the IC title being treated important at all anymore? That title used to mean something but it seems they just gave it to Shelton to give it to Shelton. It was the same thing with Orton, he was just holding it to hold it.


Shelton should have been in a feud and in a singles match at Mania, not in the Money in the Bank ladder match. Hell, a feud with Hassan giving them both a match at Mania would be better than "Hassan gets a stunner from Austin at Mania just because".


This is one of the big things making me angry at the WWE. They are always talking about the great ladder matches and most of those were for the IC title, not some contract in a box that will save them from having to write a storyline later.

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The state of the WWE tag team division is even more greatly exposed here. Not like it wasn't apparent before, but still. They couldn't get a tag title match out of EITHER side.

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The funny thing about that was I just watched WM14 the other day... that show was a 15 team battle royal to open the show plus a tag title match. The tag scene certianly has changed in seven years.

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The funny thing about that was I just watched WM14 the other day... that show was a 15 team battle royal to open the show plus a tag title match. The tag scene certianly has changed in seven years.

Well..when the WWE does attempt to create tag teams, everyone hates it and only sees it as 'pairing up random singles wrestlers'. So it's really a lose lose situation now.

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The funny thing about that was I just watched WM14 the other day... that show was a 15 team battle royal to open the show plus a tag title match. The tag scene certianly has changed in seven years.

Well..when the WWE does attempt to create tag teams, everyone hates it and only sees it as 'pairing up random singles wrestlers'.

That's because it is just a random pairing of wrestlers. If a team is put together for no reason, and they just show up one day as a team with no backstory to explain why they are a team, of course people are going to fart all over it.

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The funny thing about that was I just watched WM14 the other day... that show was a 15 team battle royal to open the show plus a tag title match. The tag scene certianly has changed in seven years.

Well..when the WWE does attempt to create tag teams, everyone hates it and only sees it as 'pairing up random singles wrestlers'.

That's because it is just a random pairing of wrestlers. If a team is put together for no reason, and they just show up one day as a team with no backstory to explain why they are a team, of course people are going to fart all over it.

Even so, how much backstory does a team need to have to be 'an official tag team'? The example that sticks out in my mind most if RVD and Rey Mysterio. They're friends..they want to tag together, that's really all the backstory they should need.


Yea, technically it was 'pairing of random singles wrestlers', but I guess it was just the fact they weren't doing anything anyways (which I guess its why its frowned upon) but they still could have been an actual good tag team. But I know people didn't like that pairing.


And with the upcoming crop of wrestlers, how many teams would the fans actually take to? From what I understand, soon MNM might be a pretty good/over tag team, but imagine for instance..if Chris Masters had came up in a tag team. Or when Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan came up as a tag team. (I'm sure people didn't like them?) Point is, most of the tag teams that are brought up, well, people want them 'back down'.


Although I will admit, when WWE does have a good thing going, they ruin it. Aka, WGTT.

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Why isn't the IC title being treated important at all anymore?


While you say it's not being treated important and I can agree to an extent... the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin was put into a match for the #1 Contendership... thus giving us an idea that because he is the IC Champ, he gets a shot /chance to become a World Champ... at least that's the way I see it.

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Burchill does indeed have some great moves, I'm hoping they let him retain them in OVW and work on helping him put them together to form a coherent match rather than just spots all over the show. He could easily be the next Lesnar if they are that way inclined. With Regal as a mouth piece he could be great.

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Why isn't the IC title being treated important at all anymore?


While you say it's not being treated important and I can agree to an extent... the Intercontinental Champion, Shelton Benjamin was put into a match for the #1 Contendership... thus giving us an idea that because he is the IC Champ, he gets a shot /chance to become a World Champ... at least that's the way I see it.


Him, not the belt. It used to be guys would literally lay their bodies on the line for the IC title alone. There was a time where the IC title was treated as the belt almost on the same level as the World title while now it's basically treated like scrap metal.


Shelton would have been in the match without the IC title and it's getting to the point I don't think the writers even remember the IC title even exist. The IC belt went from almost the same level as the World title to becoming the second coming of the Hardcore title. It's going the way of the European title.

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