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Anglemania IV Feedback Thread

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Yes folks, you read that right. Back to one job. Realizing it was killing me to even try and continue to juggle two jobs and college, I have resigned (for the time being) as a teacher.

Do you lose your 'Screech' Badge in the Saved By The Bell Scouts?

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This is going to turn into quite the contest.


Who will finish their feedback first: Zack, CC, or PK? They've all left incomplete feedback so far.


I would probably pick CC or PK, seeing as how I know Zack is going to finish feedbacking AngleMania sometime around never.....

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Guest Failed Mascot

You could have had your students do the feedback. Seriously, do we need to do all the thinking here?

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DON'T you?


None of us have ever SEEN you at these "jobs" you speak of...and you're a well-known introverted sociopath.


I say Malibu is stringing us along. The heartless bastard, let's kill him.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I say we dress up as ghosts to frighten Malibu and then burn a lower case T on his front yard to signify to him its "time to leave feedback".

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Finally read the entire opening, and I loved it. Great stuff.


Stone-Hoff: Excellent opening match by two of the best writers in the OAOAST.


On a completely unrelated note, I always kinda liked Buff Bagwell. Sure he sucked in the ring, but I digged his character. Heck, I actually liked Totally Buff. You know, him and Lex Luger?


Axel-Crystal: When the two hooked up I really wasn't into it, even though they had great interaction, it wasn't until the two began having problems that it caught my eye. Good story and match.


Enjoyed Brock-Killings. I've been a Killings fan since the beginning, and I liked the spin his character took in the ring. The finish was certainly clever. Like some of the others have said, the Brock character has really come into its own in the last few weeks.


Joy of X: Fantastic match. Laughed at the opening commentary.


Alf's return: Lots of nostaliga here, and I liked it. Much like the JOX match, it was fun seeing a lot of the old guys return.


That's it. I got the job done. I've left feedback for every match in a little over two weeks.

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Guest Failed Mascot

everytime I think of Luger it ends up making me think of Miss Liz and I frown a bit

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Guest Failed Mascot

I frown because she died far before she ever should have and I place the blame on Luger's shoulders.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Who will finish their feedback first: Zack, CC, or PK? They've all left incomplete feedback so far.

This will be a contest we never see a winner for.

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I frown because she died far before she ever should have and I place the blame on Luger's shoulders.

I think he was refering to the fact that she was really hot and that's why he doesn't frown. Not because he's happy she's dead.

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