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When should Edge cash in his title shot?

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I kinda like the character of Edge now. I like the frustration angle. But Edge needs to play it differently. His promos are mostly the same. He must think talking through his teeth makes him a good heel, cuz thats all he does.


I've enjoyed Edge's matches lately, so i don't think he should never be world champion. I'd just wait till the fall to build him up a little more.

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Guest Shadow

I had this idea, since 4-18th is likely the draft (@ MSG), Which means they should have the upcoming raw where after Linda makes the announcement. Bischoff is all upset and wants to make sure he doesn't lose anyone major, gets the word that EVERYONE is elgible for the draft even the champions, he goes to Linda and begs for him to allow ONE member of the roster to be "frozen". Linda hesitates and says Smackdown will have the same opportunity but that Eric can't outright select that roster member because that would be tampering.


Edge barges in panicking


"Bischoff! THAT CONTRACT IS IRON-CLAD right? If I get drafted by Smackdown, That title shot is still good correct?


Linda interupts


"Actually Edge. It isnt. You see, I knew this would be a issue so I had the board look this over and we determined that because the contract reads for a WORLD title shot, which is exclusive to Raw that only a RAW superstar can challenge for it. So in theory, if you are drafted to smackdown, that contract is void".


Edge Growls


"Bischoff! You better fix this!".


Linda leaves "Good Luck Eric"


commerical time.


We return with Bischoff in the ring, and he has an announcement to make.


"Because next week is The Annual draft, That means there's going to be a shakeup but however I secured it that tonight we will be assured that Raw wouldn't lose at least ONE of it's major players because tonight's main event with be a Special 10 Man tag match. The man to secure the winning submission or pinfall will be "Frozen" and thus Ill-eglible to be drafted. And those men in that match are, On one side


Triple H, Ric Flair, Christian, Edge and the reigning un-pinned superstar, Muhammad Hassan against, Chris Benoit. Shelton Benjamin, HBK, Chris Jericho and BATISTA.


Give this match 30 minutes with great drama because everyone wants that pinfall win. Finally they go into their hot finish with multple finishers. Christian hits the unprettier on Jericho, Christian gets hit with SCM by HBK, Edge Spears HBK, Benjamin with the Springboard Bulldog on Edge, Davari hits benjamin and Flair locks in the figure four but Swan head BUTT by Benoit. HHH comes in and Pedigress Benoit...HHH stands above Benoit but Batista stands tall and extends the thumbs down. crowd joins in, HHH turns around and Boom! Batista bomb, cover but Tomko pulls Batista off and they brawl...HHH staggers and Jericho comes off with a flying elbow. Edge spears Jericho mid-air as he went for the Lionsault. Edge covers but HBK saves. Finally all that trainwreck ends when Hassan gets a cheap pin on HBK and is "Frozen".


This means Edge is ultra paranoid now. He shows up Monday at the start of the show and says "I consulted my attorneys and they said on the off-chance i get drafted by Smackdown tonight, the contract is still good because It's not until Business hours on tuesday, that I would officially become a smackdown super-star. So I'll have you know that I WILL be cashing in my card should I get drafted tonight...because all champions are elgible to be drafted which means I keep the title"


So the whole night is spent with Edge pacing because he doesnt know if he has a world title match that night or not...and Teddy Long should tease him once or twice just to really get him going.


If they DO decide to draft him, Have him instantly run to the ring and scream "NOW! NOW! NOW! BATISTA GET OUT HERE!"...A slight delay, Batista shows up and they instantly do their match. It's the main event as well and raw and smackdown stars circle the ring because SD knows if Edge wins, It would kill raw to have their champion be on Smackdown and Raw doesnt like edge period and dont want their title on smackdown. Eventully Batista fights off smackdown AND raw guys (wants to do it himself). Finally, Edge loses after a good hard fought battle and it gives him a ready made angle where he can blame a certain face(let's just say Mysterio for no reason) for causing him the title and gives him an insant angle on Smackdown.


If they dont draft him, then edge can keep his card and wait longer.

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ya i liked that spear in mid-lionsault spot. Pretty awesome if they could pull it off, they would probably have to do it in space or some other place that doesn't have gravity.

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Guest Shadow

I meant while Jericho was leaping to ropes to springboard that edge spear him then. A spot they've done a few times.

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I'm going to say this..


Orton v. Edge was NOT Boring.. it was a VERY Good match.. and if you cant see that.. why even watch when Edge is on?


Edge is one of the funniest workers.. and to say he has shitty theme music is Insane... it's AWESOME.... it's probably only behind Christian, London, Evolution and maybe Hassan's or Ortons.

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You know what Shadow, if they seriously do not want Edge near the World Title just yet but don't want the angle wasted, that's a great angle you have there.


Pretty off topic, but oh well: They sorta touched on it last night, but I really like how there are various guys actually gunning for the World Title (Trips, Orton, Edge). They should do this more often, as it's more realistic and makes the champion look strong for being able to take on all comers and cool for being calm about it, which is just perfect for Batista.

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London's entrance music bites. In the history of him having entrance music, he has never had good entrance music. From his ROH Kill Bill commercial theme to his current theme (most recently used by Spanky), his theme has always sucked.

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I think what Edge is going to do is hold off for a while. He knows he can job out to everyone under the sun but still get his title shot (which is why Benoit's win, while courageous, meant zero). In fact Edge might be going easy on his current opponents in favor of studying up on Batista for the exact time when he's ready.


Thing is, when Edge finally cashes his chance in he really does need to WIN the match, or else it is essentially pointless.

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London's entrance music bites. In the history of him having entrance music, he has never had good entrance music. From his ROH Kill Bill commercial theme to his current theme (most recently used by Spanky), his theme has always sucked.

He ditched the Spanky theme (what song is that anyway? I hear it on commercials a lot) back when he started teaming with Kidman. Now he has a crappy, generic power chord riff.

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London's entrance music bites. In the history of him having entrance music, he has never had good entrance music. From his ROH Kill Bill commercial theme to his current theme (most recently used by Spanky), his theme has always sucked.

He ditched the Spanky theme (what song is that anyway? I hear it on commercials a lot) back when he started teaming with Kidman. Now he has a crappy, generic power chord riff.

I probably just mark out considering he's one of my favourties.. but its one of the only "old time" themes we have, and it makes me feel like a mark again.

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If I was Edge:


I declare myself as the challenger for the World Heavyweight Title (or WWE Title, depending on the Draft) at WWE WRESTLEMANIA 22.


Then I declare that I am taking a 10-month "vacation".


Think about it..


Each week he ran ridicule all the wrestlers for having to "work hard" for the spotlight when he, without lifting a finger for 10 months, has the biggest spotlight of them all at WM.


Then he can return at the Rumble, work a few matches to "get the rest off", and do WM.


LOGICALLY, this is what should be done. But it wouldn't draw, they'd lose a worker, and it would suck.


But that's what someone SHOULD do. To avoid the chance of injury, etc.

All he needs to do is tear his quad next week and then work really hard to come back. The "My Sacrifice" videos showing him fighting to come back for his title shot at WM will get fans to rally behind him to face..uh..Jericho..yeah..


Oh wait..



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Guest Rrrsh
Smackdown is different than Raw.


They'd pop for Christian doing a run-in and being a face.


Edge was a very likeable and somewhat funny character during his face-run for Smackdown! He had a lot of good matches with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, and Kurt Angle, a good team with Rey, and a nostalgic fun little thing with Hogan.


However, since coming back from neck surgery, Edge has:


- Stunk up the joint with Kane.

- Worked a boring IC match with Orton.

- Hit sloppy spear after sloppy spear (although he's been doing quite well with them lately).

- Worked a crappy IC program w/ Batista and Jericho.

- Gotten hurt AGAIN.


Then he turned heel. I REJOICED. The fans were sick of his crappy in-ring work. This isn't 2002. He doesn't have the Smackdown Five carrying his ass every week. He's gotten awful post-neck surgery.


Yet he's failed with the heel turn. EVERY PROMO IS THE SAME.


He and Michaels bored me at the Rumble. Although, to be honest, Michaels/Angle bored me during its beginning at WM. I think its Shawn, I won't blame Edge.


I really, really liked Benoit Vs Edge on Raw tonight. The psychology by Benoit was good, and Edge's frustration was good.


But I'm sorry, you seem to be a big mark for him and thats cool, but I think the guy blows. Putting the World Title on him would be a huge mistake.

I am far from an Edge mark. I just think its just awlin over the top to say he blows when he does not. He just dosn't. The Waltman thing is over the top, saying he blows is over the top.


That, and his matches with Orton kicked ass. And his street fight with Shawn ruled.

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I dont even see how Edge's matches with Jericho are THAT bad.. I mean I'd take Jericho v. Edge over most of the stuff WWE gives us. I dont remember them putting on a terrible match, I actually remember a *** or so match between the two..

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I dont even see how Edge's matches with Jericho are THAT bad.. I mean I'd take Jericho v. Edge over most of the stuff WWE gives us. I dont remember them putting on a terrible match, I actually remember a *** or so match between the two..

They're, admittingly, a bit underwelming, considering they had better matches in 2002. In that regard though, Jericho was a heel and Edge was a face back then. Perhaps the two just have better chemistry with that arrangement. That being said, the matches haven't been overwelming, but I would have thought the two could put on better matches.

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I dont even see how Edge's matches with Jericho are THAT bad.. I mean I'd take Jericho v. Edge over most of the stuff WWE gives us. I dont remember them putting on a terrible match, I actually remember a *** or so match between the two..

They're, admittingly, a bit underwelming, considering they had better matches in 2002. In that regard though, Jericho was a heel and Edge was a face back then. Perhaps the two just have better chemistry with that arrangement. That being said, the matches haven't been overwelming, but I would have thought the two could put on better matches.

Yeah, for the two guys involved.. they're not as good as you'd think they could be... But they're still pretty darn good.. It's not as if their terrible matches or anything.. theyre solid, just not as good as you'd think.

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That, and his matches with Orton kicked ass.


Agreed, they've had some excellent, stiff matches, both with Edge as a face and with the roles reversed.


I haven't liked a single Jericho/Edge match though, below average work from both men, their styles just don't mesh well.

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Guest Ransome

I really don't see them saving Edge's title shot until WM 22. It's inconsistent with Edge's character, for one thing....storyline wise, would he have the patience to go 12 months? Also, it's investing a lot of faith in Edge, when who's to say a better contender for the World title at WM 22 might arise during the year?


More likely, they'll use it for one of those crumby May-July pay per views. At least it would give that PPV main event some importance.

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The purpose of the Money in the Bank match wasn't to make a predictable contender for WM XX. It's purpose was to build up a heel challenger for Batista. They're going to cash it in at Bad Blood or at the very latest, Summerslam.

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