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Shanghai Kid

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That Benjammin should go over Jericho CLEAN at Backlash?


I can't see the fans buying into Shelton if he loses to Jericho, especially with the way this feud is building. I like Jericho, but he's totally taking away all of Sheltons heat with his antics. Calling him a little bitch repeatedly?


Shelton HAS to go over, clean, and hopefully decisively.

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Getting the win over Jericho is meaningless as he has no value to the show. Maybe a squash would work where Benjamin tells Jericho that he's going to see 100% Benjamin for the first time, and it's just a total blowout. I think that would be effective. That won't happen though. The best they could do is try to steal the show, which is unlikely considering Hogan/HBK will be teaming, Benoit/Edge will be pretty graphic, and HHH will want him vs. Batista to be the most memorable thing on the show.


So in other words, Benjamin is kinda fucked.

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I dont know.. but this fued is actually entertaining..


Everything on RAW tonight was pretty entertaining for that matter... Even the Viscera stuff :huh:

The Viscera stuff was great. I actually have to say that Raw has been written nicely tonight, it seemed like the midcard really got a chance to try to develop their characters. It felt fresh for some reason.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Raw has been awful tonight. It's 2005 and they're using Hogan to sell a PPV. They buried Hassan again at the hands of HBK.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
They buried Hassan again at the hands of HBK.

Were you expecting anything else though?

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The Vis stuff was really uncomfortable. Very rapish.


King getting fired up was the best thing he did in YEEEARS.

I changed my mind, this Raw sucked thanks to the main event. HHH beating the s*** out of JR while fun to watch at the same time is NOT fun to watch. It took WAYYYYY too long for Batista to come out.

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I'm just glad that HHH did the right thing for the company and put over that young stud Jim Ross. I don't know where the WWE would be right now if there were no standup company men like HHH around.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

And don't forget that wonderful video package that showed Triple H giving the Pedigree to anyone that matters on Raw and Smackdown. He was sure giving them a rub.

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Shelton going over Jericho wouldn't help him too much, but him losing would sure hurt him. Rudo's right. Jericho is only slightly more credible than Val Venis or Simon Dean at this point.

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And don't forget that wonderful video package that showed Triple H giving the Pedigree to anyone that matters on Raw and Smackdown. He was sure giving them a rub.

Which will make it mean all the more when Batista actually kicks out of the Pedigree at Backlash.


That damn sure better be what they're building for...

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Or it's leading to Triple H pinning him cleanly. It's just an awful angle to begin with. It should be about how Triple H is afraid of Batista.

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Well, what worries me is they might MOVE Jericho or Shelton from the program when they actually have a possible entertaining storyline developing. I like the idea of Shelton just rolling over Jericho and Jericho realizing he can't joke around anymore and that he has to step up his game if he wants the belt back.


There are SOOOO many workable feuds right now. Hell, even Christian vs Cena would be enjoyable as hell! Those two could trade insults and if they actually put effort into building UP Christian, it could be a huge plus.

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So, is Shelton turning heel? Because if he's feuding with Jericho, and they are trying for the face vs. face thing, it's going to fail for Shelton. The crowd liked Jericho alot more this week and last. Granted, Jericho did get to insult him like there was tommorrow, but even going by entrance pops, Shelton's isn't near Jericho's.


Besides, a heel Shelton would be awesome. He proved that last week with his whole "I do stuff in this ring no one else can". If that isn't a basis of a heel persona, I don't know what is.

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I didn't even know Shelton was a face.

The guy usually would just walk out, wrestle and leave. Just seemed like the crowd would cheer for him because his opponent would happen to be someone they didn't really give a damn about.

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