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One Night Stand To Receive Little Promotion by WWE

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Credit: PWInsider.com


The word going around right now is that there will be little to no promotion by WWE on their programming (including RAW and SmackDown!) to the ECW "One Night Stand" pay-per view, at least within the context of on-air storylines leading into the PPV. The plan is to have it pretty much stand alone as its' own brand, and not promote it based on angles on WWE television. WWE basically wants ECW fans to find it and buy it the same way they did with the DVD, which was a huge success.


The current plan is for the PPV to be an "ECW" style show, with hardcore wrestling, extreme women spots, and great technical wrestling. As of right now, WWE wants a very pure ECW feel for the show. There has been talk that it will be produced ECW style, meaning a lot less of the glits and glamor of WWE production and fewer camera-angles during the matches. The goal right now is for WWE to "stay true to what the brand was."


WWE is making attempts at getting Joey Styles to do the announcing for the PPV. We have yet to hear anything official on where those negotiations stand right now, but if they want to "stay true to the brand," then Joey Styles in the broadcasting booth is necessary.


Someone who is expected to show up at the PPV is Mick Foley. Sources close to the situation claim that Vince McMahon would like Foley to work as Cactus Jack and wrestle a "Cactus Jack style match." Foley is apparently against the idea, as seemingly through getting older he's realized his body can't take the kind of abuse he put it through early on and would like to do more comedic promo style work than hardcore style matches that will damage his body. A classic ECW style Mick Foley promo definitely works. Those were a big stand out when he was in the company originally.


Tommy Dreamer has been the main point man for the show, with a great deal of input from Paul Heyman. Obviously, Vince McMahon has all final say on the process, and John Laurinaitis and Jim Ross are both involved as well.

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Man, I mean, I know Paul London wasn't in ECW and all but if this is going to be the one show that they let the workers go balls out on.........he needs to be there.


Malenko needs to come out of retirement so we can have Benoit/Malenko vs The Dudleyz.

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No promotion. It will flop and they will wonder why. idiots.'


But it should be a good show.

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Yeah, but what is the price?

Cause if they pull at 34.95, then that isn't ECW at all. That's WWE pricing for an ECW show. In which case lots of old ECW fans will say thanks but no thanks.


And at the very f'n least, they could run COMMERCIALS during RAW with Heyman doing the voice over. The show doesn't need angles, but it does need a god damn commercial every now and then.

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Yeah, but what is the price?

Good question....my guess is $30.


And will we know the card before the show starts?

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No promotion. It will flop and they will wonder why. idiots.'

Given that a WWE 'B' PPV is taking place two weeks later, it's in the interests of ego that the ECW PPV doesn't fare well. It won't look good if an ECW PPV draws a comparable, or even superior buy rate, to a WWE PPV, even if it is a 'B' show.

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No promotion. It will flop and they will wonder why. idiots.'

Given that a WWE 'B' PPV is taking place two weeks later, it's in the interests of ego that the ECW PPV doesn't fare well. It won't look good if an ECW PPV draws a comparable, or even superior buy rate, to a WWE PPV, even if it is a 'B' show.

Very true. Dumber things have been done by the WWE for sake of ego.

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Guest Fook
Yeah, but what is the price?

Good question....my guess is $30.


And will we know the card before the show starts?

Naw, we'll just get promos and run-ins turning into various matches.


And then they'll do RVD vs Jerry Lynn.

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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

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Guest Trivia247

An Optional idea which would give the regular fans a promotion right on WWE tv but without further notice after it so that the ECW PPV can be exclusively there.


perhaps on Raw all the allums of ECW from Raw and Smackdown show up with the ECW music playing and Paul Heyman coming out. he basically says that Vince McMahon graciously granted these superstars and announcers (for Tazz) leave so that they can prepare for the One Night Stand. and explain that this is a ECW exclusive PPV. and promply the whole lot of them leave and are not seen till after the PPV.


(This opens up various spots in both Brands to let those people cooling their heels on Heat and Velocity to step in and fill the voids for a spell also give themselves perhaps exposure and revitalize their positions within the company impress time for the bosses)


Each week up to the PPV on Raw and Smackdown they tease who from ECW's past will show up, and show clips of those who are a dead Lock for the event.

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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

That would fucking rule all.

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They should have Cena come out for no reason and give one of his "controversial" freestyles then just have Gertner come out and blow him out of the fucking water. It'd never happen but one can dream.

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They so need to open the show with Joey Styles in the ring, have Stephanie come out to big time heel heat and bash ECW and stuff like that, and then..





Take it from there.

That would be a good idea. Especially if they do not have the Dudleys return until then. Would get the show off to a hot start, 3D'n Steph.

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My other idea is because you know that someone from WWE is going to be apart of the show that never was in ECW, have Flair and HHH show up through the crowd after the main event (assuming it's Dreamer vs. someone, Dreamer wins, they do the handshake bit, mutual respect) and beat them down. Flair in ECW? HOOLY SHIT. Have them cut this total fucking anti-ECW promo, uncensored, stuff like that. Fans literally wanting to get out of their seats and kill these two. Maybe even have some ECW guys or planted fans come in and get totally destroyed.


And then.







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Guest LooneyTune

Jason Vorhees comes in and kills a bunch of idiots? :P Just kidding... Taz(z) gets to destroy a bunch of idiots.

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Guest BDC

Lots of great ideas... but the McMahon family ego is just too damn big for any of them to happen.

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I know it says extreme women spots, but with only Dawn Marie and Lita? Or are there others that I'm forgetting.


RVD better make an appearance at this PPV. Hell, I hope he heals up and isn't announced as being so. Then we can have a surprise main event. That seems ECW-ish.

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If Lita appears on the PPV, the fans will rip her apart.

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Bubba would drop a line about how 10 inches of black dick just isn't enough for Lita so the Dudleyz would show her the true meaning of the double team.


"Can we say that on TV?"- Joey Styles.

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Bubba would drop a line about how 10 inches of black dick just isn't enough for Lita so the Dudleyz would show her the true meaning of the double team.


"Can we say that on TV?"- Joey Styles.

Double team? Psh, Lita's been to OMEGA. I'm sure she's overqualified.

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