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One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

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Guest Vitamin X

I think it's pretty hard to argue that Ep. III has the best lightsaber duels in the entire saga, though. The prequel trilogy did a pretty good job of that, at least.

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Guest Vitamin X

Oh, and for any KOTOR fans, anyone notice Darth Malak's race when Obi-Wan landed on Geonosis? I thought that was kind of interesting, since before KOTOR I'd never seen them.

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As cool as some of the EU stuff is, a lot of it has been contradicted by what we saw in the prequels.

Which is why the EU stuff is better than the prequels, by and large.


Not ALL of the EU stuff, but a lot of it. The Zahn stuff obviously, and more.

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Guest Askewniverse

You can watch Volume II (Chapters 21 - 25) at starwars.com.


For anyone who might be interested, Circuit City will have Volume I (Chapters 1 - 20) on sale this week for only $9.49. TPM and AOTC will be on sale as well.

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A lot of the EU stuff is garbage. I thought Shadows of the Empire was pretty good, and the Zahn stuff was alright. It was all just kind of pointless eventually. Every book came up with their own explanations of how things worked (like how Zahn had the Emperor controlling Imperial Fleets with the Force or whatever), or added a bunch of extra shit I cared nothing about. And the Rebels always won, no matter what psycho weapon the Imperials found. Stupid Rebels.


I wasn't expecting much out of ROTS, since I'd heard about some of the cheesy parts like Vader's "Mendooooooozaaaaaa!" moment. But I was really blown away. I loved that movie, I'd put it up there with Empire as my favorite Star Wars flick. Excellent stuff, did a way better job of actually establishing the characters and making Vader very sympathetic. And making Palpatine an evil bastard. He ruled.


I thought watching the Jedi get slaughtered would be fun, but instead it was rather depressing. Especially Conehead and the Younglings. Obi Wan's fight with Anakin was awesome (though kind of silly at times); actually, all of the action sequences really impressed me. The only "meh" performance was from Amidala. But at least she looked pretty good. I'm definately seeing ROTS again.

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What I'm beginning to see is that there's a fairly vocal minority that rather obsess over the 3 things Lucas did wrong with this movie than the 30 things he did right. I've heard and read people say they didn't really like the movie over the most idiotic, non-consequential things, such as the super-battle droids being given cartoony voices, General Grievous coughing, or the aforementioned Vader yell.


There are some legitimate complaints out there from people regarding how Anakin transitioned to evil...but 90% of the criticism has been over seriously trivial BS.


I take the material in the films and what Lucas himself says as canon.

I didn't realize "whew" was an expression of agreement.

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You can watch Volume II (Chapters 21 - 25) at starwars.com.


For anyone who might be interested, Circuit City will have Volume I (Chapters 1 - 20) on sale this week for only $9.49. TPM and AOTC will be on sale as well.


Trying to watch them in order I guess. I found a torrent, gonna take 86 hours, guess its all of them in one torrent, rather just find 1 in its own torrent because I dont have too much space on my hard drive.


I rather watch it first before i buy it in case I hate it.


and figures I bought APM (owned the rest) this week at 14.99 and its on sale for 9.48, eh oh well.

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I take the material in the films and what Lucas himself says as canon.

I didn't realize "whew" was an expression of agreement.

Expression of relief in this case.


EDIT: There's one bit of EU that I like, and it's Shadows of the Empire. I wouldn't want to see it made into a movie or anything, but it really was good.

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Guest CronoT

Well, I finally saw the movie today, and I was blown away by how awesome it was. This movie takes Vader's character from IV, V, and VI, and gives it a complete 180. In those movies, all we see of Vader, until right at the end of VI, is a completely merciless killing machine. Now, we see and understand why he fell to the dark side. Once you understand why, it makes it easier to understand why he did what he did, including saving Luke at the end of VI.


Also, the Emperor; he's definitely an evil bastard. ;)


Now, let the endless arguement over the true meaing of The Prophecy begin. :P

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Guest SP-1

I don't think the prophecy was misread, personally. I think the Jedi were too stuck in their traditions and Anakin couldn't deal with a passionless structure that denied his identity. I blame the Jedi for Darth Vader much more than Sidious, personally. Sidious just siezed on an opportunity when it presented itself. That opportunity was The Chosen One who had been denied and mistrusted from dayone for no apparent reason (to him) and who had no real identity.

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Guest Vitamin X

Erm, it was said in the movie itself that the "prophecy, misread it may have been". Which is obviously to say it was a Skywalker, but not Anakin, who would bring balance to the force..


Which is, of course, apparent to all of us who know the OT.

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Guest SP-1
Erm, it was said in the movie itself that the "prophecy, misread it may have been". Which is obviously to say it was a Skywalker, but not Anakin, who would bring balance to the force..


Which is, of course, apparent to all of us who know the OT.

That hadn't tied itself to the OT with me for some reason. Which, by the way, I'm quite familiar with. Not sure why it didn't register, but meh.


I still blame the Jedi for Anakin.

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Guest CronoT

I'd agree with that. The Jedi assumed The Prophecy was about someone else. They never stopped to think if it was about them. The Jedi Order had become so restricted and totalitarian, that the Order no longer had any true compassion or caring in it. Even Yoda mentioned that the Jedi were becoming arrogant and prideful.


If someone never loved or was never allowed to love, how could they have compassion and understanding.

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Awesome movie. Wasn't really a star Wars buff. Infact believe it or not the very first time I heard of Star Wars was when the Phantom Menace came out. Only then did I find out that there were already 3 other movies.


To this day I still havn't watched A New Hope or Return of The Jedi. Will see them in the next couple of days. I know what happens obviuously but actually seeing it for the first time after watching the new trilogy...can't wait.


"Order 66" will become a famous catchphrase wait and see.


Quick question what is the "EU"??

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EU stands for Expanded Universe and is made up of lots of books, comics etc that continue on or tell the story between the films. All of which are still contained within the Star Wars universe as we know it.


Here's a link to a futher explenation of it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanded_Univ...%28Star_Wars%29

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I think the prophesy was read correctly, but something was omitted. Luke did not fulfill the prophesy, Anakin did by killing the Emperor and redeeming himself, thus destroying the Sith. Thus the part of the prophesy we heard was true.


I just think the Jedi were unaware that they would have to sacrifice the Jedi Order to fulfill the prophesy.


In the long run though, I think it is better that the Jedi were destroyed as they were starting to turn from the true "Guardians of Peace and Justice" road. They were arrogant and prideful and would have fallen to the dark side eventually.

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The word "balance" implies two equal sides, doesn't it? Maybe the prophecy meant the Sith would come to equal the Jedi with Anakin's help.


I just noticed ROTS is in IMDB's Top 250 list.


131 to be exact.

That'll drop in time. Nothing against the movie, but more people need to see it besides fans before it can give a fair assessment.


I remember "American Beauty" being in the top 20 a few weeks after it opened, only to drop as more people saw it.

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Palpatine is now my favorite movie character of all time. I saw the movie Friday and I still can't get over how masterfully he manipulated everyone throughout not just ROTS, but EP I and EP II as well. Dude just owns in every way.

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Did anyone else kinda think this movie made Vader a sympathetic character?


Since while he was killing all those people he was crying the whole time...then he get's fucked up by obi-wan...get's crammed in the vader suit....and padme dies anyways.

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no, as I said before, he went from cool ass heel in the original trilogy (Rock) to heel that I really hate, but the good kinda hate (HHH in 2000/2001)...sympathy, no, because he was played like a sucka from the get go and should have had more sense to just jump into the whole Sith thing head first...I do however, find his character to be very tragic, and this movie did a good job of showing that...

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After seeing this film I couldn't help but look back at ROTJ and the whole ending there. You'd think given how upset Vader got over Padme's death in this film that the Emperor would know that messing with the man's family is a very taboo area. For the most part the film is amazingly in step with the emotions and actions of the characters in the original films.


I think Anakin was never quite at ease with his heel turn, note his regret after Mace Windu is killed by the Emperor, like "What have I done?" From that point there was no going back really, he HAD to join the Emperor cause the Jedi certainly wouldn't want him.


I do agree that the Jedi seemed out of touch with reality and had become a bloated tool of the bureaucracy. In this film I remember hearing that stuff Yoda said about forgoing your loved ones and not missing them, and I can't say I really agree with it.

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Guest Askewniverse
Did anyone else kinda think this movie made Vader a sympathetic character?


Since while he was killing all those people he was crying the whole time...then he get's fucked up by obi-wan...get's crammed in the vader suit....and padme dies anyways.

I didn't. If anything, it made me think Anakin was a total dickhead.


He fuckin' wiped out kids (again) and force-choked his pregnant wife.


Anakin didn't cry while he was killing all of those people. He did it without remorse. The only time Anakin even came close to crying was after he helped Palpatine kill Windu. Even then, it was only a brief "What have I done?"


Anakin was more of a tragic character than a sympathetic one. He was willing to do whatever it took to save Padme's life. Unfortunately, Anakin ended up causing the very thing he was trying to prevent from happening.

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Tragic = better way to descibe it than sympathetic.


watch again when he's killing the trade federation dudes. he's crying the whole time, then again after killing them he's standing there looking at the lava and crying.

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RobotJerk said:

The word "balance" implies two equal sides, doesn't it? Maybe the prophecy meant the Sith would come to equal the Jedi with Anakin's help.


I don't think so. From my understanding of the way the Force works, there is no "Light Side" per se, just "The Force" and "The Dark Side".


The Jedi use the Force while "at peace, passive". Emotion does not enter into it. The Force is in balance.


The Sith use the Dark Side while full of passion and emotion. They channel their hate and anger and fear into it. The Force is then out of balance.


As a friend of mine said, it is more of an eastern philosophy than a western one.

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