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Favorite game to play with friends?

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Hey I was just wondering what kind of games everyone plays with there friends? Like pick up basketball games or sandlot football and baseball or just anything else?


Me and my buddies play basketball a lot though I'm terrible at it. I'd never really played in my life until just recently. So yeah....I'm still learning. Though I can touch the rim with the very tips of my fingers. Anyone know any like exercises or anything i can do to add some inches on my vertical and dunk it?


I really want to play football but I don't have enough people. It kind of sucks. The most we can get together usually is like 4 people.


So what sports do you guys play with friends and I mean like where and how?

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My dad being from New York, I grew up playing stickball every now and then. Last year I ordered a stickball bat and some Penzi Pinkies from Staten Island and busted them out with some friends. It was a helluva lot of fun.

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Guest Vitamin X

Don't really have friends who play sports, but when I used to, I played basketball and football mostly. I always wanted to play football, but it wasn't fun unless we had a lot of people. And despite my lack of height, I'm pretty good at basketball (I was called "the white Spud Webb" in high school, apparently :lol:)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Wrasslin', Bowling, and Tennyball, which is baseball with tennis balls, because they're cheaper.

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Wrasslin', Bowling, and Tennyball, which is baseball with tennis balls, because they're cheaper.

And they make you feel like Mickey Mantle.

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If you'd asked this a couple of years ago, it would have been none ... but for some reason my friends and I got on this huge jock-o kick a few years ago.


So, now it's: basketball on Wednesday nights (indoor in the fall & winter, outdoor in spring & summer); flag football on Sunday mornings; softball (co-ed slowpitch); whiffleball when we're drunk at BBQs; and starting this summer we're starting an Ultimate Frisbee 'league' with a bunch of the college kids/young barflies that we see at the bars all the time.

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Wiffle ball.


Me and the girlfriend played for about two hours the other day with her brother. I have a pitch that cannot be hit; The knuckleball.

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I play in a pick up basketball league at the Y. For getting games together with friends, basketball is definitely the easiest too. I agree about the football thing. We had a regular Sunday game for a couple of years, but then half the guys moved away and it kind of fizzled. It was really nice having 12 to 18 guys for a game though.

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Wiffle ball.


Me and the girlfriend played for about two hours the other day with her brother. I have a pitch that cannot be hit; The knuckleball.

Position the ball so the holes are all on 1 side, then throw it w/ topspin?


We play basketball mostly. Most of my friends are teachers, so they get together during the week in the afternoons while I'm stuck at work. I'll play on the weekends, or maybe at night during the week if they've got a game.


We try to get some football games going, but nobody wants to play tackle, except for a few guys, so we only get a handful of games a year.


Last summer we got together a couple softball/BBQ outings.


Play golf on Sunday's w/ my dad & brother.

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Basketball, basically because I am so much better at it than everyone else I know and I can take over wherever I want to talk trash. its fun.



And Dama, you can always just walk without your heels touching the ground. It will add a good 4 inches to your jumping ability in a couple or months. it works something or other. They have all kinds of workouts you can do with these special shoes that don't let your heels touch the ground and I guess that would do it faster, but my way is free and lazier. I used to do it all the time until i got into like the 10th grade of highschool and started caring about how people percieved my walk. Then I started loosing some of my hops. Goddamned pride.

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Most of my friends are lazy bastards but one who isn't is really into his tennis like me so we go whenever we can. Having to put up with the British weather and using public courts is part of the unpredictable charm of it. Getting up very early and checking weather forecasts is the normal routine. I still play football (the one where you use your feet) with friends occasionally but 90% of the time I only play competitively these days.

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Yeah I'm so close to dunking it's not funny. I'd be the only one out of my friends that can. But I mean I suck something horrible at the rest of the sport b/c I only really started playing like a month ago. I mean I suck at even laying it up. Haha. But I've mastered the front of the rim finger roll.


If I could get my friends together for a good football game then I'd play tackle. But I'm like the biggest and my friends are pussies. So they never want to play tackle.


We sometimes play catch and hit the baseball around. I can actually hit it pretty far but I swing at everything. Haha.


And I did play Rugby at OU and still get together with those guys every now and then to play.

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If I hit it, could I rename it "The Masturbator"?

Major League 2 was among history's worst sports movies.

Blasphemy. Roger Dorn's reaction to getting hit in the back by the fastball alone is worth watching it.

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If I could get my friends together for a good football game then I'd play tackle. But I'm like the biggest and my friends are pussies. So they never want to play tackle.

I can't fathom just getting your pals together and playing football. As in, anything more than just casually throwing the ball around. Then again I just play badminton and tennis so what the hell do I know. I suck.

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Czech, a good game of football is a lot of fun. I'm not like Dama, I don't need for it to be tackle (we tend to play loose enough that there's more than enough contact) and as long as you have legit flags (rather than just two-hand touch) it can be a great way to sweat off the booze on a Sunday morning.


We used to play relatively large games, with anywhere from 10-14 people showing up each week. It's basically just sandlot ball where the QB tells each person a route and then run the play, with 4 downs to cross midfield and 4 downs from midfield to the endzone.

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Basketball (outdoor). Winter, spring, whenever. Tackle Football, (2 hand touch on cement) whenever. Baseball in the Spring and Summer.


I thought more of you guys played the big three too.

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Some buddies of mine and I usually get some football games going when it snows. Lot more fun than in the fall. We also partake in the occassional homerun derby during the summer.

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If I hit it, could I rename it "The Masturbator"?

Major League 2 was among history's worst sports movies.

Blasphemy. Roger Dorn's reaction to getting hit in the back by the fastball alone is worth watching it.

Thank you. I seem to be the only person I knwo who actually liked ML 2. Though he original remains one of my alltime favs (I actually saw it in the movies back when I was a kid in 89) . Dorn not leaving for the pinch runner and mmimicking his movements has me cracking up every time.





Anyhow I like to play wiffleball. Any kind of baseball actually, but lately havent much. I have been playing around with my neighbors who have young grandkids who like to play. For ex on wm sunday, before the show we played wiffle ball for like 2 hours outside and had lots of fun. I was trying to teach the youngest one the art of the batting stance but it kinda fell short. Thoguh the one kid plays little league so he knows that already.


I used to like to play basketball with friends.



Miniature Golf is always fun with a group of people.

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Miniature golf is loads of fun unless you invite that guy that takes anything that can be construed as a competition way too seriously. You know the guy. Will go to great lengths to prove that the birdie went over a hypothetical line and hypothetically out of bounds playing badminton in the back yard, which he refused to play unless the net was set to regulation height. That guy sucks.

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Wiffle ball.


Me and the girlfriend played for about two hours the other day with her brother. I have a pitch that cannot be hit; The knuckleball.

Position the ball so the holes are all on 1 side, then throw it w/ topspin?

No, hold the ball with the holes on one side, but grip the ball like you would a knuckleball.


The ball dances and then drops.

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Gotcha. Try my method a try. The ball just drops off the table. You have to use your index finger to give it the topspin.

That's how I throw my breaking ball.

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