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Jericho's new gimmick.

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Guest Nater

I like the idea of lockerroom poison better. Him being unmotivated and thereby dangerous to work with, seeing as he can get sloppy or cost the match, will make the angle interesting.


Too good for wrestling, too busy for matches, or simply not caring about the sport is something that doesnt appeal to me. Maybe he's playing with Shelton's head, but as a character angle it will only result in him losing even more... or will it?

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I like it. I think it's the best way they could go with Y2J. I mean, it's realistic, and different. This could work in so many ways, and as long as it doesn't lead to a title shot, I'm all for it.

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Guest Brian

It'll be great for number one contender matches, three-or four-way, where Jericho just doesn't care enough to kick out. In tag matches where he's just "too slow to save his partner, or doesn't bother to show up for shcedule matches.

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Guest dropkickguy

Sorta reminds me of the time Foley left WWE in 2001(?) he had lost his smile... he had that meeting with Vince on a plane.


Not sure if this is leading to Jericho's exit. I for one think that it's time for Jericho to move on. However, I would like to see Jericho stay. They could have him go to OVW and work with newer talent and at the same time he can craft out a new character. Have him return to the main roster re-freshed. Y2J is so 5 years ago. Just a thought.

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Y2J is so 5 years ago. Just a thought.

I don't think anyone's referred to Jericho as "Y2J" in quite sometime (I may not be paying close attention, lately). If you mean "Y2J" as in the whole "Countdown" and "Same entrance theme, only with revamps over time" concepts, then I agree.


I would also say that his face character should quit being so goofy, but that's WWE's fault.

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I can't see this working in his favour at all.


Nothing works in Jericho's favour.

Oh come now. He's held the IC title more than anyone else! 7 times! Whatta honour!

Which oozes well keep you around but we dont trust with the big one to me.


Btw, Squall rocked.

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Like with so many things with creative this can really screw up Jericho. Who knows, they are probably just saving their ass if Jericho leaves. On the flipside maybe they will do an awesome heel turn like Eddie's(whether or not creative was responsible for that with past rumours they didn't have anything for Rey and Eddie at Mania). It's funny as this angle looks more like for Ric Flair than Jericho. I mean Jericho isn't exactly an old fossil. Ric Flair even wins more than this guy now.

Thats my concern. That hes going to get shafted.


Please god, dont make him heel. I want to see a face Jericho as WWE Champion.


I draw parallels to JJ and Raven and HHH and Jericho. I think both stories would work very well.


And I think it was elsewhere and I know hes going to beat the crap out of me for saying it but RRR: HHH as a face is a terrible idea, I dont care about the guy to like him. He can only get cheap face heat. Does he have some time off with an injury and then do very good beautiful day type promos. Thats what made me look forward to him coming back. Those promos. Same for Angle and Clocks.

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An apathetic hero is exactly why FF8 blew.

AMEN. At least Tidus gave a fuck about what was going on.

Didn't Cloud not give a fuck either?



Oh yeah Jericho....hopefully they do something with him and don't let him go.

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Guest Brian

I think Jericho would be a great guy to move in the draft. Here's a guy who doesn't care about his spot in the company. He couldn't care whether he's on TV Monday, Thursday, or Friday. I would love to see him come in, and in a locker room with a bunch of young guys who are beating themselves up to earn a spot (especially cruiserweights), have Jericho come in not giving a damn and end up in the main event scene on arrival. And still not care. Pissing off both faces and heels alike. I've pimped the idea of him showing up late, not making matches, etc, and I think in a new environment, it would give his character even more edge.

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HHH as a face is a terrible idea, I dont care about the guy to like him.


HHH already gets face reactions from about 25-30% of the crowd, which can easily be raised to double in just a few weeks given the right amount of cool heelish moves. He has done everything there is to do as a heel, which means if he stays heel it will just be the repetitive shit we've been seeing for the past 3 years. HHH as a heel is bad, even if he performs better in the role. The purpose of him being a face is to get over heels and make a new star or two. Whether you like it or not is of little consequence. HHH has more potential as a face than he does as a heel, they can get better use of him in that role.


Jericho missing a few matches, trying to cut an intense money-promo and then just stopping and saying "oh this is just silly now, does anyoen actually believe I'm going to beat Kane? I ALWAYS lose against him!", basically being Kayfabe-breaker would be great. Walking into the ring, saying "I give up" and tapping out, and collecting his cheque.

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Guest Brian

I would love to see Edge go in there and and force Bischoff to pay him before his matches.

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Jericho: Hey Eric, can I get an advance on my match tonight?


Eric: An Advance?


Jericho: Yeah, a lil money up front. You see, I got this hot lil number waitin in my limo and we're goin to check out the new star wars movie, the 10:00 showing.


Eric: Chris, you're match is scheduled at 9:45.


Jericho: Yeah, it's gonna be tight, but I figure it'll be done in less than a minute.


Eric: Chris, you're going against Christian. You two have had matches that have gone well over 15 minutes before.


Jericho: Yeeeah... weeell... we'll work somethin out..


*Christian is heard from outside*


Christian: SWEEETUH!


Eric: What's he doin out there?


Jericho: Uh... can I have my money or not...?


(From outside the room) Christian: Pay him Eric!

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Jericho: Hey Eric, can I get an advance on my match tonight?


Eric: An Advance?


Jericho: Yeah, a lil money up front. You see, I got this hot lil number waitin in my limo and we're goin to check out the new star wars movie, the 10:00 showing.


Eric: Chris, you're match is scheduled at 9:45.


Jericho: Yeah, it's gonna be tight, but I figure it'll be done in less than a minute.


Eric: Chris, you're going against Christian. You two have had matches that have gone well over 15 minutes before.


Jericho: Yeeeah... weeell... we'll work somethin out..


*Christian is heard from outside*


Christian: SWEEETUH!


Eric: What's he doin out there?


Jericho: Uh... can I have my money or not...?


(From outside the room) Christian: Pay him Eric!

That sounds actually pretty good. NOTE TO ANY WWE SPIES, STEAL THAT PRONTO!!!!

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Guest Nater

To follow through with otherwise drunken management style of writing, here is the end of the character:


Jericho goes berserk on the last guy that he is going to "put over" and this is actually a string of matches where Jericho refuses to dismiss because he (using his incedible natural abilities) paints himself as a vindictive guy who realizes that far too many people have been trying to get easy matches over him. The result is actually going to be one of the greatest feuds in wrestling, but since a fan of the sport generated the idea, it will never be performed and left best to fantasy.


Lets await 5 more months of Jericho championing the upper-midcard and loaning credibility to new talent in 7 minutes.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

I'll enjoy Jericho's "new direction" until it heads him right on out of the door soon, just like they're planning (any smart guy wouldn't stay on the sinking ship when he's already knee-deep). They kinda did this with the Rock right before he faded into folklore as well.

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Here's my idea on the angel. Instead of Jericho turning, you have Shelton turning on him somehow, leading to a feud where Jericho wins the IC title back and redevlops his love for wrestling. By the summer, when Trips probably has the world belt back, you have Chris come out and cut a promo on how he has done it all in WWE, except for getting a clean win over HHH. BINGO insta-feud playing off their history. Though Chris would probably job to him instead of winning the title, so there is probably no point here.


Why would Jericho, a former Undisputed Champion, "find his love for wrestling" again after winning the IC title (a title that he's won numerous times)? He should be disappointed with anything less than the World Title.

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Here's my idea on the angel. Instead of Jericho turning, you have Shelton turning on him somehow, leading to a feud where Jericho wins the IC title back and redevlops his love for wrestling. By the summer, when Trips probably has the world belt back, you have Chris come out and cut a promo on how he has done it all in WWE, except for getting a clean win over HHH. BINGO insta-feud playing off their history. Though Chris would probably job to him instead of winning the title, so there is probably no point here.


Why would Jericho, a former Undisputed Champion, "find his love for wrestling" again after winning the IC title (a title that he's won numerous times)? He should be disappointed with anything less than the World Title.

Exactly. I wouldnt like to be known as an 8 time IC champion and a 1 time Undisputed Champion.

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HHH as a face is a terrible idea, I dont care about the guy to like him.


HHH already gets face reactions from about 25-30% of the crowd, which can easily be raised to double in just a few weeks given the right amount of cool heelish moves. He has done everything there is to do as a heel, which means if he stays heel it will just be the repetitive shit we've been seeing for the past 3 years. HHH as a heel is bad, even if he performs better in the role. The purpose of him being a face is to get over heels and make a new star or two. Whether you like it or not is of little consequence. HHH has more potential as a face than he does as a heel, they can get better use of him in that role.

I agree that he has done everything as a heel, but turning him face is not the solution, getting him off the TV for 6 months or trading him to SD is. Did you hear the cheer he got when his music hit the 1st SD after last years draft? Either way, he should not be RAW for a while.


2 points (1) HHH is a natural heel just like Hoganis a natural face and (2) HHH doesnt let people get over him. Look at Benjamin and Benoit.


I know that whether me liking him or not is of little consequence and accept that, but I am entitled to my opinion.

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You forget that HHH was a face for a while in DX, and he didn't nearly get enough time to develop as a face after his return in 2001/02. HHH on Smackdown would be exactly like HHH on RAW, just on Smackdown. We need a change of pace, the guy has been a heel ('cept for about 4 months) for 6 years, in an age of weekly television and monthly PPV's. He's stale as a heel, and 6 months away from the camera won't change that.

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You forget that HHH was a face for a while in DX, and he didn't nearly get enough time to develop as a face after his return in 2001/02. HHH on Smackdown would be exactly like HHH on RAW, just on Smackdown. We need a change of pace, the guy has been a heel ('cept for about 4 months) for 6 years, in an age of weekly television and monthly PPV's. He's stale as a heel, and 6 months away from the camera won't change that.

Not necessarily true.


Remember when everybody was getting sick of The Rock in 2002 (before leaving post-WrestleMania to film the movie). Gone two months, still sick of him. Gone again after SummerSlam, he returned six months later...as a heel no less...and everybody was wondering "How the hell did we last without this guy on TV?"


Of course, The Rock is ten times more charismatic that Triple H, which might have a lot to do with it.

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Completely different situations. My statement isn't "Going away for 6 months and coming back won't do anything for a wrestler", my statement is "Going away for 6 months and coming back as a heel won't do anything for HHH". Rock wasn't a consistant heel for 6 years and didn't keep repeating himself and his actions for half of those years.

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JHawk, didn't you basically make RRR's point for him? The reason The Rock was so great when he came back is that he came back as a heel. He'd been a face since 1999 so seeing him getting in the crowd's face and acting all heelish got him over huge.


I agree that HHH is probably about ready for a face run as well, but first he needs to turn on Flair, and basically cut a lot of ties with his current character (rich, pompous, cheater that needs protecting). If he's wrestling as a lone wolf for a month or two, turning him face won't be difficult at all.

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Completely different situations.  My statement isn't "Going away for 6 months and coming back won't do anything for a wrestler", my statement is "Going away for 6 months and coming back as a heel won't do anything for HHH".  Rock wasn't a consistant heel for 6 years and didn't keep repeating himself and his actions for half of those years.

No disrespect but as if that would work. HHH needs to be away from the title picture for a long duration, and that would never happen, so what is the point of HHH? Coming back after 6 months on SD as a face wouldnt change a thing. The guy wasnt even on SD and he got a title shot the night he was traded. All it would mean would that all faces on SD become heels for HHH to run over. I mean, come on, its ridiculous being a 10 time World Champ. Thats a sign that he should move on.

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I mean, come on, its ridiculous being a 10 time World Champ. Thats a sign that he should move on.

Ric Flair, a 1834972842 time World Heavyweight Champion tells you to shut the hell up! :angry:

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Guest Trecko

Not sure at what point this thread turned into conversation about Rock and Triple H, but....



*sits and watches Jericho's debut*


*hears the crowd erupt when "JERICHO" comes across the titantron*


*feels goosebumps all over, remembering the awe I felt when he came out*



Damn...I miss that....

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Unless Jericho wins the world title again, I don't care about this.

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Unfortunetly the World Title is already in that barnburner Triple H/Batista feud right now. Meanwhile, Jericho wrestled a jobber on RAW and is feuding over a midcard title.

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