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To pass the time on this boring Weds afternoon.


Give me one current WWE wrestler (any brand), and I will give you my thoughts and opinions on them. Hey, if you're interested, why not.

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Stevie Richards.

Never entertaining. For all those people saying that he's never had a chance to get over, just shut up already. He's a hard worker, yes...but just about the whole roster is, so that shouldn't be your lone plus side. I hated him in ECW, hated him in the RTC, and I'm going to hate him in this Masters feud. The only role I liked him in was when he was managing Victoria for cripes sake. Keep in on Heat, and I'm a happy man. I just don't see how he's still on the roster when so many others have been cut before him.

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He's falling behind so I'll take one.


Generic hoss in every sense of the word. Doesn't have much for ring skills, and his charisma's not enough to get him over. Really isn't all that strong of a performer. However, he would definitely be better served as a midcard generic heel in the US Title chase on Smackdown than he is following Christian to the ring and looking like a jobber every time he gets in a physical altercation.

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Stevie Richards.

Never entertaining. For all those people saying that he's never had a chance to get over, just shut up already. He's a hard worker, yes...but just about the whole roster is, so that shouldn't be your lone plus side. I hated him in ECW, hated him in the RTC, and I'm going to hate him in this Masters feud. The only role I liked him in was when he was managing Victoria for cripes sake. Keep in on Heat, and I'm a happy man. I just don't see how he's still on the roster when so many others have been cut before him.

Ok, I don't want to hear any more from you. Someone with good opinions try this.

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Sorry, can only post in the mornings...


Tomko - I don't mind him. He isn't significant enough to really think about, but he has a good role for now. I am a huge Christian mark, and like the Problem Solver gimmick. Even though he causes more problems then solves, but that's the point. I've only seen him wrestle a couple of times, and he didn't impress me too much there. But keep him in the background of the Captain, and he's just fine. He could learn a lot from Christian anyways.


Beniot - Can't say nothing bad about him. However, the diving headbutt is the most idiotic move I've ever seen in my life. First of all, he hits it like, only at a 1.4 ratio. When he does hit it, he's more messed up then the other guy anyways. I just don't get it. That's the only thing I don't like about the man, and his grand theft of the sharp shooter. He probably got permission from Bret, but I don't care. It's just not the same. I like him doing crazy matches, like the one that almost broke out between him and Tajiri. I can't wait to see him on the ECW ppv.


Edge - I hate the guy. Can't fucking stand him. Never have been able too. This has nothing to do with the whole Lita/Matt thing either, cause I don't like them two either. What in the hell is he so mad about? He makes it to unrealistic, to the point that I can't even watch. Great wrestler, but hate him on the mic. And my tv.

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Guest Mosaicv2
Sorry, can only post in the mornings...


Tomko - I don't mind him. He isn't significant enough to really think about, but he has a good role for now. I am a huge Christian mark, and like the Problem Solver gimmick. Even though he causes more problems then solves, but that's the point. I've only seen him wrestle a couple of times, and he didn't impress me too much there. But keep him in the background of the Captain, and he's just fine. He could learn a lot from Christian anyways.


Beniot - Can't say nothing bad about him. However, the diving headbutt is the most idiotic move I've ever seen in my life. First of all, he hits it like, only at a 1.4 ratio. When he does hit it, he's more messed up then the other guy anyways. I just don't get it. That's the only thing I don't like about the man, and his grand theft of the sharp shooter. He probably got permission from Bret, but I don't care. It's just not the same. I like him doing crazy matches, like the one that almost broke out between him and Tajiri. I can't wait to see him on the ECW ppv.


Edge - I hate the guy. Can't fucking stand him. Never have been able too. This has nothing to do with the whole Lita/Matt thing either, cause I don't like them two either. What in the hell is he so mad about? He makes it to unrealistic, to the point that I can't even watch. Great wrestler, but hate him on the mic. And my tv.

*shakes his head* YOUR A MARK!! :D not a true wrestling fan.

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Sorry, can only post in the mornings...


Tomko - I don't mind him. He isn't significant enough to really think about, but he has a good role for now. I am a huge Christian mark, and like the Problem Solver gimmick. Even though he causes more problems then solves, but that's the point. I've only seen him wrestle a couple of times, and he didn't impress me too much there. But keep him in the background of the Captain, and he's just fine. He could learn a lot from Christian anyways.


Beniot - Can't say nothing bad about him. However, the diving headbutt is the most idiotic move I've ever seen in my life. First of all, he hits it like, only at a 1.4 ratio. When he does hit it, he's more messed up then the other guy anyways. I just don't get it. That's the only thing I don't like about the man, and his grand theft of the sharp shooter. He probably got permission from Bret, but I don't care. It's just not the same. I like him doing crazy matches, like the one that almost broke out between him and Tajiri. I can't wait to see him on the ECW ppv.


Edge - I hate the guy. Can't fucking stand him. Never have been able too. This has nothing to do with the whole Lita/Matt thing either, cause I don't like them two either. What in the hell is he so mad about? He makes it to unrealistic, to the point that I can't even watch. Great wrestler, but hate him on the mic. And my tv.

*shakes his head* YOUR A MARK!! :D not a true wrestling fan.

It's true.:(

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D-Von Dudley

Well, he is the better of the 2, but when Buh Buh's your competition, you dom't need that much talent. Hard ass worker, as is Buh Buh, but the same moves over, and over, and over. His move set seems really limited, and it's been holding him back for years. Combined, the Dudleys have about enough moves as any good singles wrestler, which is why they will forever be a tag team. Which is good, because that's just how they work. So, I guess you could say I like him in the group, can't stand him as the rev.

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Edge - I hate the guy. Can't fucking stand him. Never have been able too. This has nothing to do with the whole Lita/Matt thing either, cause I don't like them two either. What in the hell is he so mad about? He makes it to unrealistic, to the point that I can't even watch. Great wrestler, but hate him on the mic. And my tv.

I pretty much agree with this although I loved the E & C run of 2000-2001. I've said it before, but I HATE the fact that the spear is a finisher of his! God forbid if someone w/ mass comes barreling across the ring ready to dislodge his opponent's ribcage instead of Stickboy. And I also have trouble buying his angry man act (although not so much recently). Seems like he's back to Square 1 since his debut in 1998 except he gets to the ring via the ramp and has a higher position on the roster.


*Prays CC doesn't ban me* :P

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D-Von Dudley

Well, he is the better of the 2, but when Buh Buh's your competition, you dom't need that much talent. Hard ass worker, as is Buh Buh, but the same moves over, and over, and over. His move set seems really limited, and it's been holding him back for years. Combined, the Dudleys have about enough moves as any good singles wrestler, which is why they will forever be a tag team. Which is good, because that's just how they work. So, I guess you could say I like him in the group, can't stand him as the rev.

Bubba smokes D-Von in every category. Name one good D-Von singles match and I'll find two better Bubba matches.

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Yeh I too think Bubba is a better wrestler then D-Von. I always thought Bubba would be a good upper midcarder but he never really got a chance. His singles run was much better then D-Von's. They both have charisma but Bubba has the most, he can cut intense promos

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Am I the only one who remembers Edge's face run from 2001-2002? He was terrific! He was in a **** match every night, and he wasn't carried every time either. I really think that he worked better with Angle than Benoit did. And his character was pretty solid too.


All these people who talk about how Edge hasn't done anything good since 2000 just piss me off. And really, his heel act isn't that bad either. Right now he's just a cocky, slightly menacing heel who does what he can to try to get to the title. His character isn't quite as fleshed out and clever as Orton's or HHH's, but I think he's a really solid heel. He certainly doesn't bore me the way someone like Kane would in the same position.

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He's not doing a bad job really, actually a good job but just because of the whole Edge/Matt thingy people say he's boring and they hate him. It's like Triple H in 2002/2003 all over again.

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Am I the only one who remembers Edge's face run from 2001-2002? He was terrific! He was in a **** match every night, and he wasn't carried every time either. I really think that he worked better with Angle than Benoit did. And his character was pretty solid too.

He had alright matches but still had no character other than that skinny blond guy that comes out to a Zombie song. And what I say about Edge has zero to do about the Hardy/Lita mess as a womanly figure in Edge's corner may make the character a lot more intriguing.

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Guest wildpegasus
Beniot - Can't say nothing bad about him. However, the diving headbutt is the most idiotic move I've ever seen in my life. First of all, he hits it like, only at a 1.4 ratio. When he does hit it, he's more messed up then the other guy anyways. I just don't get it. That's the only thing I don't like about the man, and his grand theft of the sharp shooter. He probably got permission from Bret, but I don't care. It's just not the same. I like him doing crazy matches, like the one that almost broke out between him and Tajiri. I can't wait to see him on the ECW ppv.

Just for the record Benoit was using the sharpshooter as far back as at least 1987.

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This game sucks.


If the MOD's are gonna let tripe like this stand then it should be fair game for me and Rudo to run wild, considering in the past all the shit we posted (which is way more fun then this) gets moved.

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I don't think they'd mind us posting, if only we had anything to post.


*checks pockets*


*pulls out lint*




I was thinking about doing a mid-year review, posting various wrestlers on the roster to get evaluations from the board - grading them and whatnot - it appears that SOME PEOPLE can't wait until June for that... bastards...


I'm not hating Edge, but I think they need to do something different with him. This Lita thing won't cut it, as it will be a generic heel coupleship and I don't find either of them very interesting... in other words, it's all very boring for me. I don't know what they could do to make him more interesting, but I'll think about it...

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I'd enjoy seeing a Christian face turn born from Flair lying to him and telling him that "We look for guys like you when we think of who to put in Evolution" and then instead they choose Edge.

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I think they should save Christians face turn for a few more months. Have a strong face run in the fall after a Summer heel build. A good 4 months of building and development would be good for him.


Right now I'm thinking about Edge, have him do something with his name. Something like "He always has an edge". He always has an advantage. Always working an angle. They do that with HHH, BUT, if they have Edge getting the better of HHH -as a heel- that would be very effective in getting him over in a top spot and as a serious main eventer. This, of course, would involve HHH giving up his spot, which is unlikely, but if they were serious about Edges future, it would be the best bet. A HHH face turn is due, IMO, since he has done all that he can as a heel. I think they could make 2 more guys off of HHH in this year alone if they were willing to do that, one as a heel, and one as a face.

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