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King Cucaracha

Archiving the fed...

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Browsing the site, we've started with the 'please donate to TSM' threads. Now, I don't want to sound like I'm over-reacting, but maybe we should think about at least moving a copy of the SWF (as in all the shows) somewhere. And actually keep doing it this time, because I know Chuck and I think Manson started a while back.


If there's any way of moving an entire folder, with contents, to another board completely, then that'd be perfect. Doesn't sound likely though.


So, yeah, worth thinking about.

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I wish there was a way to do that, because just doing the month or so of shows was a pain and sooner or later I pretty much just forgot about it. I doubt we can copy and move seperate sections to our server, but if there's a way, Illustrious One would be the guy to ask.

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Hey, if the markers haven't kept EVERY SINGLE ONE of my matches and the boards go down - I'm suing for loss of earnings.


No, but seriously. I started trying to help out, but it was a chore. And besides, I couldn't find a link to those forums from the SWF site. Is there one?

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Just because the donations thing is up doesn't mean the site is about to crash. As of right now, I personally am locked in a 1Yr contract with this new server and after that one year have another year automatic renew. I wouldn't worry too much. Everything is paid for upfront for those contracts too, it’s just there are other expenses such as upgrading these forums to the latest which cost and I can't afford anything extra right now.

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Even so, we were in the process of doing this even before the recent developments. We wanted to have a back up archive on our own boards to go along with our new site, in case the worst happens, like a crash, or if we just decided to leave TSM one day. We want it to be there, but as mentioned, it's a pain to do it show by show which is why we were curious.

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I've been transcribing the entire fed's history with pen and paper for little over a year now, doing pretty well.

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