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Giuseppe Zangara

Comments which don't warrant a thread.

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Don't blame me.



But here they are again.


Burbage dies on pg. 12

Hedwig dies on pg. 56

Mad-Eye dies on pg. 78

Scrimgeour dies on pg. 159

Wormtail dies on pg. 471

Dobby dies on pg. 476

Snape dies on pg. 658

Fred Weasley dies on pg. 637


Harry dies on page 704 at the hands of Voldemort, comes back on page 724 because he has the "Deathly Hallows". Voldemort then dies.


The last chapter is set 19 years in the future. Harry marries Ron's little sister, they have three kids named James, Albus Severus and some other one that I forget. Ron marries Hermoine, they also have kids. Draco has a kid too. All their children are going to Hogwarts together on that year.

Everyone is happy, the end.


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So the book God Is Not Great is under peer review on myspace. The boards have practically been flooded with piece of shit comments on both sides, and it's kind of ridiculous. Here's just one of the comments:


fuck you josef, you fuckin muslim or whatever dumbass religion you are that was founded by some guy that claimed to be god, god jesus and the holy ghost are real, there is no relationship where you actually can feel god other than christianity


maybe if you opened your eyes to different religions and dropped the one you were in youd understand, because you probably dont even know who god is, and if you do, he is not our god faggot


His myspace is myspace.com/white_people_having_fun


Oh, I posted a review too. I think it pretty equally weighed both ends of the argument. I didn't take sides, and I said that it looked like an interesting book. "Wes" sent me a message about it.

obviously you have no idea about how the world works and are missing out on a great opportunity to have a relationship with Christ. since he is the "Way, Truth, and Life" adn no one comes to the Father except through Him. so therefore, most of the other religions are just that, a religion, living there lives by a set of practices instead of a relationghip with God, which He desires above all things. maybe you should try and open your mind and experince the power of His ressurection! in the mean time, prays will be going up for you to let go of yourself and let Him live inside you.


My response:

Obviously, huh. I went to church for the lion's share of my life before I started questioning my beliefs. Now, I'm agnostic. I don't know if God exists.


How does your religion's "set of practices" suddenly differentiate itself from other religions' "set of practices"? Because it's true? I guess that's a pretty good defense, there. If you were raised Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Animist, Hindu, or Sikh, would you defend those religions with as much fervor as you do Christianity? I'm not pulling any punches or saying that Christianity is wrong or Atheism/Agnosticism is right, I'm just saying that perhaps opening your mind to different opinions isn't such a bad thing.


His response:

people need to be either hot or cold, not luke warm. whatever i believe in i do eith all my heart. you have to have a backbone adnstand up for something. in the end, only you and God know if you stood up for the right things. i commend you on your thoughts and pray that through you seeking of the truth that you will truly find it. and remember, you can never truly look up "towards heaven" until you've been flat on you back.


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Number of times I have walked in on my parents looking at porn today: 4










Every night before I go to bed, I drink a glass of water or a diet soda (I don't want to pack on any unnecessary calories before sleepy time tea) so I can take a really nice, long, satisfying piss as soon as I wake up.

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I was just reading a thread about a 14 year old asking advice on whether he should have sex, and I was surprised at how straight laced everybody was. I even saw shock expressed that a girl lost her virginity at 13.


Am I alone in the knowledge of how sexed up this culture is? I mean, I'm going to say a good 30% of the girls whose virginity losing age I know lost it at like 11 or 12. Younger than that, I'd say that's a different category. Everybody's a slut these days. I should start fucking underage girls, I mean, there's no reason not to anymore. Better me than some pervert. I don't even know what it's like, besides the time I fucked the 13 year old, and she was actually pretty good for her age. I mean, I'd do like 15 year olds and stuff when I was around 18, but that's not even illegal. Still, the biggest age gap I've ever experienced was six years, 18/24. I can top that. But I've gotta go down south where they don't care about that stuff. Yeah, I need to plan a trip to the deep south and fuck me an adolescent.


Speaking of sluts, this one married slut who my friend set me up with, is one of the stupidest people I've ever met. I mean, she can't even talk in complete sentences. I like her though, because you can call her a stupid slut to her face and she'll laugh.



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Guest Vitamin X

You could always go to the suburbs, too. That tends to happen in droves out there.

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In the "Slayer gets his threads mixed up again" file, a post I made in LSD was supposed to be in response to Milky's above post


Boy is my face red!

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Azathoth could kick Cthulhu's ass.

Azathoth is also cooler than Cthulhu, as is Yog Sothoth. Cthulhu is just ok, and only looks the coolest.

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Yeah, no that isn't true, although I do call my friend who hooked me up with the married Mexican slut Azathoth, in reference to him being the blind idiot god.

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Nyarlathotep is the best one anyways.

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I seriously worship Cthulhu, guys. I'm not joking when I say that. This is very offensive to me.

Cthulhu sucks next to Nyarlathotep. Face it Milky.

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So at the shins' concert last night, I think I called out for a song that they already played without realizing that they already played it.


Some guy yelled "BOOOOOOO" the entire time Ratatat was setting up (they took 75 minutes to set up and half the time was spent drinking) and then pulled out a huge joint in the middle of the venue and lit up. The whole place stunk to high hell. It was seriously overwhelming.

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what's up with ripper correcting my capitalization for quoting me in his signature. real friends don't do that.


there's a [sic] joke in there somewhere, but i don't feel like going for it.


this also makes me realize that i can't remember what my last sig actually was.

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I think it's like when I came back as Modern Man's Hustle, and everyone was like, "Who's this new guy? He's awesome!" and then when it was revealed I was me, everyone went back to not liking me.

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I think it's like when I came back as Modern Man's Hustle, and everyone was like, "Who's this new guy? He's awesome!" and then when it was revealed I was me, everyone went back to not liking me.

Nope. No matter who you are or were you pretty much suck.


Good news though! I have an idea for you: Contribute.


All the best of luck.

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I think it's like when I came back as Modern Man's Hustle, and everyone was like, "Who's this new guy? He's awesome!" and then when it was revealed I was me, everyone went back to not liking me.


To be fair, I didn't know it was you til now and I still didn't like you.

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Matt Young and that other guy don't like me? I should reevaluate my life. Changes need to made. Hopefully there's still time. If only I could change enough that the biggest fucking joke of the board could like me.


I like you too, Drew.

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