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Edge vs Batista

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They were all in the GR Tourney

So they all just randomly interfere? That's weak.

Each man can go after the guy who beat them, and the guy who they beat comes out to stop them from interfering, and so on.

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How this match should end, IMO, is somehow getting Christian, HHH, Sheldon Benjamin, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho involved.  The more guys that are floating around the top spot, the better.  Batista, Benjamin, Benoit, Michaels vs. Edge, HHH, Christian, Chris Jericho would be awesome.  Throw in Tomko and Kane if you'd like, but I wouldn't.  Evil Flair and Lita would be interesting together, though a Face Flair deeming Batista/Benjamin/Benoit/Michaels the 4 Horsemen against HHH's new Evolution would be sick.

Alright, but would the reason for all these guy's interfering be explained at all, or just self-explaintory? Because yes, HHH is an obvious choice, but why is Jericho interfering?

Well I said "somehow"...


... it's not like I had it all worked out. I'm sure a few select promos cut before the match could make it work. Each guy is interviewed on who he thinks will win, to reinforce their involvement in the tournament. Hell, they could sit ring-side to watch the match, or around the ring, for that matter. It heightens the interest of the match, and if HHH isn't there, it helps establish his exhile (him coming out and the end is the pay-off to the tease... even though being gone 1 week isn't long enough). Kane is at ring-side, gets into it with Lita, Edge takes a shot at Kane, HBK gets involved, Christian gets involved, Benjamin, Jericho, etc. etc. etc. like HTQ said, each tournament guy getting a bit of revenge for their loss.

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Guest JMA

How do I think this match should end? Simple: Neither man gets pinned. This keeps both guys looking strong.


The easiest way to do this is to have Kane interfere and chokeslam Edge, thus resulting in a DQ win for Edge. Plus, this will add to Edge's bitching about constantly being screwed out of title shots. Flair would try to attack Batista after the match--it's in his nature to betray those who help him. He would fail, however, and take a vicious Batista Bomb and be "injured" from it. This way you have Batista taking out ALL of his formers partners in Evolution.


As for Edge and Kane, I'd have Edge win through cheating. Lita would get her comeuppance after the match by getting Tombstoned on the steel-ramp (and would not appear on TV for a while--if ever).

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Guest Brian

Since Edge has his two title shots, and made it a point that no one could beat him twice, I see no reason to avoid giving him one after the other. Assuming someone interferes, he's going to want to invoke the clause immediately. The title should be his goal at this point; if he loses twice, an obsessive goal that I hope creates a rift between he and Lita while creating a sense of self doubt. Two losses would drive Edge crazy, and I think he has the potential to be an awesome character at that point, especially if they play Lita off as the trailer park trash who gets treated like absolute shit (slow burn on this) but keeps on coming back.

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The way I see it, Flair will run out and get Batista DQed by attacking Edge for the first fall, Edge will use the MITB title shot, HHH comes down after Flair, no one pays any attention to Edge in the ring, he nails Batista with the briefcase and wins the belt.


Something like that.

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I'm thinking Edge comes up a little short tomorrow night, or gets DQed, or Kane runs in. I know Scott Keith is expecting some odd Evolution reformation with HHH, Edge, Christian, and Flair but that seems odd at this point (Edge shouldn't play the flunky heel at this point, it makes no sense).


Here's a wild thought: HHH shows up and costs Batista the title. After all, he knows at this point he can't beat Batista, so maybe he'll have more luck with Edge. It also is payback for Batista costing HHH the tourney match.

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Guest Brian

I'd be surprised if HHH concedes that he can't actually beat Batista, because there's no motivation for another match between the two unless they hot shot the title off Edge and onto Triple H quickly. The only way I can see that working is if the reform Evolution, which I disagree with and wil explain later, and Edge just gives up the title to Triple H. Horrible move, because Edge has put an emphasis on winning the title, and I think it's horrible anytime anyone puts the title secondary to something else. Title number one in almost all cases, with very few exceptions (life or death and love being what I can come up with off the top of my head, and maybe a deep-seeded need for vengeance).


As for reforming Evolution, two major problems. One, rehash. Two, Edge and Christian should not take a backseat. If you bring these two together again under any circumstance, they've already by far outgrown any need to be part of group. As I see things (1) they've already established singles personalities; (2) they've had too much tag team success; and (3) the sum of their parts is greater than any group they could be a part of. They're too strong on the mic to take a back seat, especially when paired together. And pairing the together will inherently hut=rt their progress as singles workers. No doubt I'd love to see them tagging again, cutting promos, but they've passed that, and they've definately passed being HHH's groupies.

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It wouldn't have to be evolution, then.


HHH can try to reform another Evolution, but Christian and Edge (and Jericho~!) say...


"Hey, no way. We see what happens when you lead groups. DX. Evolution. You always end up screwing your partners. No no no. This isn't your kliq, we aren't your lackies. We will work together for a common goal, and that's to get the title off Batista."

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Guest Brian

Too many egos for me to even consider it working. It screams break-up at every moments, because even as these guys work together they'll still want to be the one individually to win. It just doesn't seem like a functional clique of people.

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Who said it would last? :)


The draft wouldn't allow for either groups to remain for long. The point is to mix up the 8 guys and get some good matches out of it, possibly some good feuds, and make for a month of good television.

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Personally, I'd almost find HHH/Batista more interesting if it wasn't for the title, and I think Edge vs. Kane for the title would be a solid secondary main event for the card. That way, when Batista does finally get his rematch with Edge at Summerslam, it will be good build and feel more like a real main event than if they tried to throw something together with a half-ready Orton.




Oh, and a UK newspaper said that Triple H and Flair would go to SD, and Taker and Angle would go to Raw. They lie, I am sure.

I assure you, you'll NEVER see Triple H on Smackdown!




I promise you that.

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When I look back at what I wrote, I think I was mainly trying to talk myself into a way Edge could win the title to make the matches tomorrow seem exciting. Deep down, I really don't think Edge should get the title because he's only the number three heel. Sometimes, there need to be guys that want the title, but just aren't good enough. When everyone in the division has already won the title, you get apathy as seen by the WWE women's division before it died or the WCW title chase.


From the perspective of making the next two months of television entertaining, and selling Vengeance and Summerslam, I think giving Edge a quick run would be a great idea. However, as far as what's good for the WWE in the long term, he probably shouldn't get the belt. Orton/Batista's the money feud for the summer, and they're the ones that should be switching the title back and forth. Giving Edge the strap at this point would be nothing more than a distraction.


Finally, Rudo, I wasn't saying that Batista/HHH in HIAC was a brilliant idea that would set the world on fire and cement Batista as a major star. I was just saying that it didn't matter that if the champion main evented since Edge was just a transitional champ anyway, and Batista's still the guy they're building the brand around. If we didn't have the promotional posters out and everything, there would be more options with the card, but given that HHH and Batista will be fighting for a third time, I really don't see any reason whatsoever, (other than Edge being an undeserving champion), that the title should be involved.

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The title should be involved because it's the top match on the card. By saying that the champ is not the top guy, you devalue the champ. Therefore, the guy who beats the Champ doesn't really get much of an advantage from winning the title. The longer you have The Champ and The Top Guy as the same person, the better off each are, and the better off are the people who take over the role. Is this concept so hard to grasp?

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Well, both matches would still get plenty of promotion, and be treated as important. It's just that Batista's would go on last. Austin routinely went on last when he wasn't the champion, and I wouldn't say it "devalued" Rock, Foley, or Taker as champs. Well, Foley maybe, but he never held it for more than a couple weeks at a time anyway.


Edge would still get a nice boost from his title run, but since he needed two falls to beat Batista, it would be accepted that he hadn't "really" earned Batista's title yet, just like Rock hadn't "really" earned Austin's title at Survivor Series 1998. Then, when they finally did meet again at Summerslam, there would be tons of heat, and the buyrate would be much better than just throwing a challenger in there cold.

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A HIAC match inherently gets more attention than a regular match, there is no way Edge/Kane would be treated or perceived "as important". Edges motivation right now is to hold the title and that's it, when he wins the title his characters quest dies. Do you think the current Edge character would CARE about having "earned" it? He already feels like he has earned it, he feels it is owed to him, so I doubt he would.


Now, if they had Hulk Hogan come out the next week and say to Edge that he didn't earn it, that that wasn't how Hulk did it, etc. etc., THEN you have something. We know Edge has changed, but we also know that Edge loves the Hulkster and that may not have changed. Edge is conflicted between the man he is and the man (child) he was. He ultimately chooses to stay the man he is (with a lil encouragement from Lita) and tells Hulk to fuck off.. or better yet, if he was such a great champion and Edge isn't, how about they have a match at Bad Blood. Hulk says sure, Edge says on one condition - if Edge is putting up his title, then Hogan has to put up his career. THEN you have a match that can rival a HIAC and that could be justified in taking the top spot on the card.


And you have to have the silliest comparisons on the board. What result do you think is more likely to happen in this situation - Austin/Rock from 1998/99, or Chris Benoit/Kane HHH/HBK from last year?

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They've really booked themselves into a corner here because it makes logical sense for Edge to use both title shots. Batista can't afford to lose to Edge and Edge can't afford to not pin Batista with two shots at it.

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Here is a wild thought. The Vengeance ad has Batista and HHH standing in front of a cage but who says they will fight in it? The cage resembles Kane and Edge facing each other with the World Heavyweight Title on the line in a HIAC match while HHH faces Batista one more time.


Edge © vs. Kane - HIAC


HHH vs. Batista

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And you have to have the silliest comparisons on the board. What result do you think is more likely to happen in this situation - Austin/Rock from 1998/99, or Chris Benoit/Kane HHH/HBK from last year?

Well, for the record, I obviously wasn't comparing either of the Vengeance matches to Rock/Austin.


I was just saying that Edge could gain heat as the heel champ who didn't earn the title like Rock did when facing Foley, even if Batista was still going on last with his nemesis like Austin did with Taker and Vince. It's a perfectly logical comparison.


And if Batista got screwed out of his only rematch by HHH, then it would leave tons of heat not just for the Vengeance HIAC match, but for a match between Benoit and Edge at Summerslam as well.


However, with the energy they've put into the Edge/Kane situation, I'd much rather see a real match between them than watch Hogan hobble around the ring. The man can barely walk. Now, if Hogan comes talk to Edge after Vengeance to set up the Batista feud, and tells him how the title has to be earned, and he has to "win it the right way, brother" only for Edge to batter him in the middle of the ring, then you might have something. The idea that Hogan's words would resonate, but would also make Edge lash out due to his insecurity is good, but I sure as hell don't want to see Hogan trying to wrestle again.

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Guest Phoenix
logically, he would just murder Batista with a chair and cause the DQ and then instantly use his Money in the Bank clause and simply cover him for the win...

The only person to actually use this situation was Brock in the Iron Man Match vs Angle. Anytime there is a match like this I always ask why doesn't the heel just straight cheat, get a DQ, and then be up a fall and/or just win the match. Like in a 2 out of 3 falls match just kill them with a weapon get DQ'ed and then pin them twice.


Of course they will never let this happen and have a good set up with this Money in the Bank thing. They will just have Big Dave smash him. Which honestly I don't mind. I like Batista as World Champ.


There will be a Kane run in anyway, Then an HHH run in, then a Flair face turn. That is what I think is going to happen.

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Well, for the record, I obviously wasn't comparing either of the Vengeance matches to Rock/Austin.


You were saying that the results would be similar, no?


I was just saying that Edge could gain heat as the heel champ who didn't earn the title like Rock did when facing Foley, even if Batista was still going on last with his nemesis like Austin did with Taker and Vince. It's a perfectly logical comparison.


No. See, "The Rock" and "Austin" and the "late 90's" don't make it logical. There is no way there would be even a similar response to what they did then; there were simply different factors involved. Meanwhile, the factors comparing this year to last year are pretty damn similar.


And if Batista got screwed out of his only rematch by HHH, then it would leave tons of heat not just for the Vengeance HIAC match, but for a match between Benoit and Edge at Summerslam as well.


Yeah... no... there really isn't a way they can put heat on HHH/Batista, it's a worn feud. It already peaked in heat, and that was _before_ Batista turned.



However, with the energy they've put into the Edge/Kane situation


Energy? What the fuck are you talking about? They had one match and Lita turned. It's not exactly the NWO they were building. They haven't done anything that can't be solved in one sketch.


I'd much rather see a real match between them than watch Hogan hobble around the ring. The man can barely walk. Now, if Hogan comes talk to Edge after Vengeance to set up the Batista feud, and tells him how the title has to be earned, and he has to "win it the right way, brother" only for Edge to batter him in the middle of the ring, then you might have something. The idea that Hogan's words would resonate, but would also make Edge lash out due to his insecurity is good, but I sure as hell don't want to see Hogan trying to wrestle again.


But you'd _want_ to see Batista/HHH HIAC and Kane/Edge? Iggy, Iggy, Iggy, this isn't about what we want. It's what would be better in a situation that has Edge winning the title tonight. Hogan/Edge with a retirement stip on top of HHH/Batista would be better than HHH/Batista HIAC on top of Edge/Kane for the title. Why? Because the world title match should be the most important match on the show, and in this case, it would be.

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Tell me which makes the World Title more of a joke:


1. Contesting it in the second to last match of a PPV.


2. Making the #1 contender a 55 year old man who can barely walk.

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Guest gameplayer

i believe there should be a hhh runin causing the match to be a no contest, srewing edge out of his title shot once again, to continue that storyline until edges shot at summerslam, kane runin to take out edge/ lita, and hhh sledgehammer beatdown on dave setting up hell in the cell at vengance and a flair turn against hunter in the cell that allows tista to retain the title.

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Is preemptive banning an option for new posters who can't write coherently?

LOL IGGY but cmon give the guy a chance he only has 2 posts , I mean this is the Net, NO ONE WRITES COHERENTLY.



I will not wager on tonight, cuz I am not the booker of RAW.



However, as I asked before, was it ever said that the bank shot was like the 24/7 rule? I mean he gets it when he wants it, but maybe that means he can come out at the start of the show and ask for the match tonight. The lazy booking continues on.

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