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The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

Rate this week's RAW - 6/6/05  

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Guest nokia

credit; several news sites


"There was an incident at WWE RAW last night involving an ECW banner and fans being "planted" by WWE. Below is a fan account from Chris York:


I just wanted to give you an in person account of what really happened with the ECW banner. I had 4th row seats, and directly in front of me, two ladies came in and sat down. Moments later, an official from WWE came over and offered them front row seats in exchange for being able to use their seats for an angle. Two average looking wrestling fans, and I don't know them, so I don't want to bad mouth them too much, but they definitely did not look like smart marks, they looked like typical casual fans, came over and sat down in these seats.


I was a bit confused at the time wondering why these guys were sitting in seats designed for an angle. Just before the ECW segment went down, instructions were given that they were to hold an ECW banner up, and that Paul Heyman would rip it out of their hands. Well, they brought out the banner, and as you could see on TV as it was draped across the ring ropes, how big this thing was. Well, they brought it out, and held it up high, and sitting in the row directly behind them, I could not see a thing. Under normal circumstances, I would have immediately told the person that I could not see, but since this was a "WWE Contrived Sign," there wasn't much I could do.


So, even though my wife still could not see, I got ticked off, and stood up on their chair, and held the top of this gigantic banner and played along chanting ECW. Overall, it was pretty exciting, I will admit that. All is well, I'm kind of joking with these kids about how these were $40 seats and I wanted to see. From there, Heyman walked over and said "give it to me, give it to me," and they casually passed the banner to Heyman, from there the banner made it's way into the ring.


I watched some of the tape immediately when I got home, and it was plain to see that they cut back and forth enough, not to even show our section, or Paul Heyman retrieving it from the "planted fans."

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BTW, now that they did the Cena switch, I wouldn't be shocked if Trips went to SD so as to put the Vengeance match in "doubt". I mean, like Cena, he'll go back to Raw, but they're going to try and be smart and do it.


Bischoff said that if Batista or HHH were traded to Smackdown, the match at Vengeance would still take place and the trade would be in effect after Vengeance.

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BTW, now that they did the Cena switch, I wouldn't be shocked if Trips went to SD so as to put the Vengeance match in "doubt". I mean, like Cena, he'll go back to Raw, but they're going to try and be smart and do it.


Bischoff said that if Batista or HHH were traded to Smackdown, the match at Vengeance would still take place and the trade would be in effect after Vengeance.


That's why it puts it in doubt. Normally, everyone would assume that Batista's winning at Vengeance automatically, but if HHH moves to Smackdown, lots of fans will think that HHH might be winning so that Smackdown will have a world title as well.

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my assumption is that Batista is taking big goldie over to SD...the flaw in that is that I have a hard time seeing HHH let a fued go with him coming out the loser...on the flipside though, I don't see him wanting to go to the pre-recorded B-Level show when he can stay on the "flagship" live show and syphon heat off of Cena's success...

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You guys forget that old rumor from last year that there were plans for Orton and Cena to switch brands after WM after each man winning his respective title. Only difference is Batista winded up replacing Orton and the switch got delayed. Cena's on RAW along with the WWE Championship still on him thankfully. So yeah I'm pretty sure Batista's retaining and heading over to SD. I'm HOPING once the switch is complete, the WWE Championship can go back to being the main focal of PPVs once again.

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Guest RadioBurning
and did Batista really need a new theme song? it sounded worse to me this week.



They have this thing with taking wrestler's well-known entrance riffs and making them into modern rock-ish songs with vocals. They did the same thing with Chris Benoit and Kane.

Smaller acts don't get words, and Stevie Richards only gets two chords.

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Deon just brought up a good point in that Batista is basically taking Orton's because the plan was for Cena, as champ, to swith with Orton, who was supposed to be champ.


To scare you guys, I can see HHH losing to Batista at Vengeance, starting up a feud with Cena through the summer culminating with a HHH win at Summerslam, and then HHH working to an interpromotional match with Batista at either Survivor Series or even WM22 to get his win back from Batista. Sounds pretty feasible, eh?

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I'm done with the WWE if they screw Cena up to please HHH. It would probably kill the company in the long run anyway.

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and did Batista really need a new theme song? it sounded worse to me this week.



They have this thing with taking wrestler's well-known entrance riffs and making them into modern rock-ish songs with vocals. They did the same thing with Chris Benoit and Kane.

Smaller acts don't get words, and Stevie Richards only gets two chords.


It really depends on the band who gets a hold of it. Benoit's theme was a huge improvement. RVD's was a good upgrade, HHH went from "Wah Wah Wah" --> "My Time" --> "Time to Play the Game". Kane's redone theme is probably the best out of all them (Finger 11 actually put in the effort to flesh it out into a full song instead of stopping after 90 seconds). Austin's redone theme flopped.


The Batista one is pretty meh.

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HHH has an opportunity to make both Cena and Batista as the future of the WWE right now.


But sadly, it's not going to happen.

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and did Batista really need a new theme song? it sounded worse to me this week.



They have this thing with taking wrestler's well-known entrance riffs and making them into modern rock-ish songs with vocals. They did the same thing with Chris Benoit and Kane.

Smaller acts don't get words, and Stevie Richards only gets two chords.


I thought that Stevie's theme was just the Kronik theme with a different introduction.

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The only person who will end up ruining and screwing over Cena, is Cena. He's a 100% WWE product. They created and formed the character, allowed it to go on TV, and he's getting more and more over each passing month. He got one of the most insane reactions last night, and he's on the verge of getting Austin and Rocky type of pops consistantly any time now.


What other WWE creation have we seen ruined seemingly on purpose? I can't remember any WWE creation that has even made it this far, so I don't see them ending this.


Sure, RVD, Booker T, Jericho, etc... were all fucked but, well, you know.

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By the way, something that I just noticed:


Cena's WWE title is now out of date.


If he stays on Raw, anyway.




Take a look at the side plate on the right (using the shirt for the picture, it's the same design)



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Guest *KNK*

It wouldn't be that hard to replace that plate. By the way that shirt sucks.


A white "The Champ Is Here" shirt with the CG logo on the back would have been fine but they ruined it with the arrow and the title belt.

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I'm a bit drunk, this may sound pretty weird, but since we're all around 20 years in age... you should get me.


I just watched the initial pop when Cena's music hit.



It was the sound of 10,000 kids popping like fucking MAD. Listen to the sound... it's children, the next generation of wrestling fans, just like most of us like 10, 15 years ago for Hogan, etc.


What WWE has right now, is the potential to create the next wreslting boom, be it 1 or 2 years for now... I really feel like 2001-2003 was a downward trend, 2003-2005 things pretty much stablised and 2005- onwards, WWE and the wrestling industry in general has been heading upwards.


I personally am excited, but anxious that WWE doesn't screw up all the potential new stars that are emerging at the moment....

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I personally am excited, but anxious that WWE doesn't screw up all the potential new stars that are emerging at the moment....


Your exactly right. The segement om Raw involving hristian and Cena was a breathe of fresh air. They both have charisma, connect with the audience and most importantly are both OVER.


WWE right now has a hot act in Cena, Christian is gaining momentum, Orton when he returns will be repackaged into his "legend killer" gimmick which was going so well before HHH fucked it up. Batista is still over despite a lame fued with HHH. Carlito on SD is great on the schtick. Just needs to improve his in ring skills. Edge has an interesting person and could easily be viewed as a legitimate threat and maineventer.


That's Cena, Orton, Christian, Carlito, Batista, Edge. That's your main event scene right there. That's if Vince, Hunter and co don't drop the ball. Add Angle and Eddie too.


I think a huge problem is that they are differne brands.

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Oh boy, the more I think about it, the more I think I've got this really, really wrong. I'm thinking Trips wins the belt at Vengeance, and DOES jump to SD, and becomes the top heel over there. Angle to jump to Raw, along with Cena. Orton may go to SD, too. That REALLY changes the way the rosters line up, and it's appealing to me for some reason. Raw with Edge, Angle, Jericho and Christian as the main event heels sounds pretty boss.

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