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Guest nokia

Sabu to meet vince on Monday !

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Guest nokia

According to Meltzer, Monday Sabu has a meeting with Vince


Anyone care to speculate? contract suggestion ? dvd release of Sabu in Ecw ? Anything else ?

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probably some merchandise deal.

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I'd like to see Sabu get some acknowledgment for what he's given to the business. I think there is still a few years of marketability in him and that his background is such that they could at least get him on Mick Foley hardcore credibility status level with fans. They own his footage from ECW, could probably easily get other international and indie footage, etc. for a DVD and he could work some decent series in WWE with guys like RVD.

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Throwing a bone to RVD, Dreamer, as well as Sabu. All you ever hear about is how broke down his body is and how poor he is. ECW ONS made a huge amount of money(probably), and every so often it seems (from the outside) that Vince does something that is just a decent thing. Probably a combo of dvd/24-7 deal with maybe a role for a bit on tv. Sabu can get that last good payday to set him up for his future.

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You could make some angle where they make Sabu the mentor of Muhammand and Davari. I can't wait to see a training montage video set to either that Jay-Z song or that Sting song that sounded middle eastern.

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You could make some angle where they make Sabu the mentor of Muhammand and Davari.  I can't wait to see a training montage video set to either that Jay-Z song or that Sting song that sounded middle eastern.


Desert Rose

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I'm inclined to believe it's just a deal for 24/7, DVDs and future ECW events, probably an action figure and t-shirt in there as well. It's premature to speculate until we know what the plans for ECW are, but my pipe dream is that they reunite RVD, Sabu and Fonzie and give us, along with the Dudley Boyz, a true veteran tag team. They could probably milk 6 months out of a feud between those teams if they booked it right.

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RVD/Sabu vs. the Dudleys...a dork ECW fanboy like myself's heart skips a beat.


I think there is perhaps more to this than the WWE 24/7 thing...Vince could use Sabu's footage from ECW anyway without meeting him. This hopefully is about bringing him in as part of an ECW faction or major angle. At least I hope so.

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"Tell Sabu to fuck Sabu."


I dont get it. :S

When Dreamer and Heyman were recruiting for the ECW PPV, they called Sabu, who proceeded to speak in the third person and demand more money than anyone else. Unbeknownst to him, Vince was in the room and said that totally awesome line to Dreamer.


oh my god, that's awesome

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Here's what actually happened:


OK, this is right off the Death Valley Driver board, but is too funny not to post here. Supposedly, former ECW ref Jim Molineaux had this to say about Vince trying to get Sabu for the ECW One Night Stand PPV:


"Apparently, so the story goes, Dreamer and Nova were calling people about it while Vince was in the room in secret, and Dreamer called Sabu and said that Sandman was doing the show for $5,000. Sabu said "Well, Sabu will do the show for $25,000," to which McMahon put Sabu on "mute," and McMahon said "Tell Sabu to fuck Sabu."

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Isnt Sabu very unreliable when it comes to meeting dates


Not really, about standard for anyone working the independents. How he got such a reputation is a mystery.


in bad physical shape?


Oh yeah, big time. But compared to other vets like Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair he's not THAT much worse off than anyone else.


I hope this leads to a contract for him, cuz nobody deserves it more. Plus, with the WWE's current toned-down, less risky inring style it could be a well-deserved break for his battered self.

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"Tell Sabu to fuck Sabu."


I dont get it. :S

When Dreamer and Heyman were recruiting for the ECW PPV, they called Sabu, who proceeded to speak in the third person and demand more money than anyone else. Unbeknownst to him, Vince was in the room and said that totally awesome line to Dreamer.


Here's what actually happened:


OK, this is right off the Death Valley Driver board, but is too funny not to post here. Supposedly, former ECW ref Jim Molineaux had this to say about Vince trying to get Sabu for the ECW One Night Stand PPV:


"Apparently, so the story goes, Dreamer and Nova were calling people about it while Vince was in the room in secret, and Dreamer called Sabu and said that Sandman was doing the show for $5,000. Sabu said "Well, Sabu will do the show for $25,000," to which McMahon put Sabu on "mute," and McMahon said "Tell Sabu to fuck Sabu."


Thats just so phenomenal. I can imagine Vince saying that in his gravely voice. How much did Sabu do it for anyway? Bit ridiculous getting more than Sandman, since Sandman had more TV time and shows to do.


And I thought Sabu doesnt talk :S


Isnt Sabu very unreliable when it comes to meeting dates


Not really, about standard for anyone working the independents. How he got such a reputation is a mystery.


in bad physical shape?


Oh yeah, big time. But compared to other vets like Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair he's not THAT much worse off than anyone else.


I hope this leads to a contract for him, cuz nobody deserves it more. Plus, with the WWE's current toned-down, less risky inring style it could be a well-deserved break for his battered self.


Ive always known him to have a reputation. Mainly in TNA, like Jeff is getting.


I see. I think they will be bringing him in to partner RVD. RVD didnt want to go to Iraq and spouted off on ONS, so I think hes stuck in the tag div for a while. The upside is RVD will have to talk for 2 then.


RVD should have been Champ at No Mercy vs Angle and Austin, the Xmas after that, then Unforgiven vs HHH, vs HBK when he was WHC and should have had a shot at JBL. Would have loved to see him vs JBL at WMXX1 or even better, SummerSlam, winning the title at his 1st attempt. He could have then shot a promo on Eddie, UT, Booker, Angle, TBS and Cena saying why hasnt he got a shot before since hes done what the WWE and WCE guys couldnt do.


I always thought that RVD would have been paired with Dreamer in the WWE so what do I know. Would have loved to see that Extreme Team.


I really think RVD should go to TNA. Hed have good matches with Styles, Daniels, Raven, Killings, Brown, Abyss and Jeff. Matt too if hed join. It would great for RVD to tell Vince: RVD finally tells Vince to stick it. :headbang:

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Guest Vitamin X

Funny enough, I was just commenting on why Sabu never got a real shot at the bigtime with WWE on another board, I'd love to see him take a run and serve to do some fun little spot-filled matches.


Naturally, they'd have to bring Bill Alfonso on board for good if they're going to plan on an RVD/Sabu tag team..

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Funny enough, I was just commenting on why Sabu never got a real shot at the bigtime with WWE on another board, I'd love to see him take a run and serve to do some fun little spot-filled matches.


Naturally, they'd have to bring Bill Alfonso on board for good if they're going to plan on an RVD/Sabu tag team..


That blasted whistle :angry:

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Yeah if Alfonso would chill with the whistle it'd be great to bring him in since RVD and Sabu need him somehow. It just wouldn't be the same. Thing is, they absolutely CANNOT job to fucksticks like the Bashams or MNM. I would absolutely puke.


Here's one problem with Sabu working the WWE style to avoid injury: No one will like him. Sabu is so firmly established as a crazed daredevil willing to kill himself that if he doesn't bring that act he has no hope of getting over.

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Here's one problem with Sabu working the WWE style to avoid injury:  No one will like him.  Sabu is so firmly established as a crazed daredevil willing to kill himself that if he doesn't bring that act he has no hope of getting over.


I don't think Sabu would change his style.


Remember what happened when he went to WCW? He had a great Nitro match and immediately afterward pulled a table from under the ring and put his opponent through it.


The camera panned away to the announcers so it couldn't be seen, and he was fired by the end of the week.

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Funny enough, I was just commenting on why Sabu never got a real shot at the bigtime with WWE on another board, I'd love to see him take a run and serve to do some fun little spot-filled matches.


Naturally, they'd have to bring Bill Alfonso on board for good if they're going to plan on an RVD/Sabu tag team..


That blasted whistle :angry:

Fonzie is good for 3 things: pointing to the ceiling, calling it down the middle, and giving Sabu the athletic tape.

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Why did Bischoff even sign Sabu if he didn't want him putting people through tables? Isn't that a bit foolish?


I thought Sabu looked solid at the ECW PPV but there were some spots set up that kept him from doing some really dangerous stuff that he could have missed, so it's hard to say if he can still hit some of that crazy stuff.

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Guest dreamer420

I could swear I heard Joey Styles say that he had signed a contract with WWE during One Night Stand. I figured that could only mean that ECW was going to make some kind of return in the future, and we would be hearing of former ECW talent getting signed up. If it is true that the PPV did approx 800,000 buys Vince would be stupid not to bring back the ECW brand. He need to leave it alone and let it run completely independantly from WWE, except for the funding.

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I could swear I heard Joey Styles say that he had signed a contract with WWE during One Night Stand.  I figured that could only mean that ECW was going to make some kind of return in the future, and we would be hearing of former ECW talent getting signed up.  If it is true that the PPV did approx 800,000 buys Vince would be stupid not to bring back the ECW brand.  He need to leave it alone and let it run completely independantly from WWE, except for the funding.


Didnt Styles say that he somehow ruined any future that he had by 1 comment during the night? ^o)

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Guest jm29195
You could make some angle where they make Sabu the mentor of Muhammand and Davari. I can't wait to see a training montage video set to either that Jay-Z song or that Sting song that sounded middle eastern.




Ummmmm...but Sabu doesn't talk that much, he just seems to point in the air a lot... probably wouldn't be the best mentor, Fonzie on the other hand.....

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I could swear I heard Joey Styles say that he had signed a contract with WWE during One Night Stand.  I figured that could only mean that ECW was going to make some kind of return in the future, and we would be hearing of former ECW talent getting signed up.  If it is true that the PPV did approx 800,000 buys Vince would be stupid not to bring back the ECW brand.  He need to leave it alone and let it run completely independantly from WWE, except for the funding.


Didnt Styles say that he somehow ruined any future that he had by 1 comment during the night? ^o)


He was kidding.

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