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This Week In Baseball

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Prior went six, gave up a bloop hit, and struck out three. I cannot believe this is the same guy who looked like he had his arm explode on the field a month ago. Jerome Williams looked good in his inning of work, so hopefully they can get it to Dempster, who's been reliable since moving into the closer's role. *knocks on wood*

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Guest Joe_G

Red Sox blow a seven run lead but get four in the bottom of the eighth and win 12-8. That's their seventh straight win, the last six being on the road, and 11 of 12. With the Orioles loss they now have a 2.5 game lead in the AL East.

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A's 16, Giants 0 in the 5th inning. Ya I'm sure Bonds is dying to comeback.


A's call off dogs and put on the prevent defense after that. They out hit the Giants 24 to 1.

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Goddamn. Randy Johnson's been throwing an amazing game, but Torre's taken him out after a bad play in center field and an error at second allows the Mets to go ahead 2-1.


Really exciting game so far.

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Guest Smues

4-1. Watching the Yankee's unable to hold on to the ball is quite amusing.

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Keep your head up. You're always good for a couple of wins against the Cubs. I bet the Brewers will be the ones to knock us out of contention. Damn Brewers.


We Wisconsin baseball fans dont have much to cheer for...but the future does look promising with the young talent and commited ownership. And, its always fun to fuck with the Cubbies. :)


I should also mention - I always root for the Cubs in the playoffs.

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Guest Mosaicv2

And the lousy pile of shit Looper allows the Yanks to have their oh-so "dramatic" season-turnaround game try #44584725711348374

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Guest Mosaicv2

LEAVE ME ALONE! I have fucking Yankees fans on my ass... now Red Sox fans. God help me!

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Oh yeah, THAT'S why the Mets are in last.



hey, Sox and Mets fans have to stick together!! NY Untouchable summed it up in regards to Looper


Who's in the centre of your pic, between Piazza and Jericho?


Piazza in a BLS shirt? Maybe I don't hate him after all.

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I'm happy with today's game. Cubs win a huge game to split the Crosstown Series, Prior is looking great (71 pitches in 6! Yeah-uh~!), and the Cardinals lose too, so hopefully we can slowly nibble away at that insurmountable lead they have.


Here's hoping we get all those wins against the Brewers. You know, as long as the Cubs take every game they can from them from here on out, I'd like to see them do as well as they can against the other 14 NL teams from here on out. I think Milwaukee deserves it by now.

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The White Sox needs to win ASAP or the Twins will come back and take AL Central!


Seriously though, Prior always does well in his return. He'll return to normal soon.


Normal Prior isn't too shabby. Hell of a lot better than Normal Wood.


Speaking of Kerry, our rotation just got very crowded with Wood-Prior-Zambrano-Maddux-Rusch-Mitre-Williams. Great problem to have, though. For now, at least, I'd lean towards dropping Mitre from the rotation, because after the Jays and Marlins games where he was dominant, he has fallen waaaay down. I'm more confident in Rusch as a #5, because I think we need some lefty presence in there. Wood will be back on the DL soon enough anyway. Meh.


As for Toronto, they could finish third in the East if the Yankees tailspin to the deadline and sell from there, but I don't see them as a wild-card threat. Feel free to beat me over the head with that when they make it to October, though.

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Guest Mosaicv2
Oh yeah, THAT'S why the Mets are in last.



hey, Sox and Mets fans have to stick together!! NY Untouchable summed it up in regards to Looper


It's funny how I seem to hate on the Yanks more than the Sox, but still Red Sox fans hate me... and I don't know why?

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I don't hate you, I'm just stating that the Mets' bullpen is keeping them from really making a move in the East.


CanadianGuitarist, I moved your post earlier into the new TWiB thread.

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Seriously though, Mets fans, don't hate The Yanks, Love The Mets. :cheers: NYC

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The White Sox needs to win ASAP or the Twins will come back and take AL Central!


Seriously though, Prior always does well in his return. He'll return to normal soon.

And by normal, you mean incredible, right? Your dislike of the Cubs has made you blind even to the obvious.

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The White Sox needs to win ASAP or the Twins will come back and take AL Central!


Seriously though, Prior always does well in his return. He'll return to normal soon.

And by normal, you mean incredible, right? Your dislike of the Cubs has made you blind even to the obvious.


I never said he was bad or something. Normal=good but not good enough to suddenly turn around fortunes.

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He won't turn the team around on his own, but when he's on (and that's been all but one start this season), it's a near automatic win for the Cubs. That is, assuming, the pen doesn't blow it. Were it not for the pen, he'd be nearing 10 wins already, which is amazing, considering he missed the first couple of weeks and then a month.

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