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The official Rescue Me season 2 thread

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#2 of FX's big three starts it's season again tomorrow night at 10PM.




Really looking forward to the new season, last season ended big with Tommy demanding a transfer, his wife bailing, and Franco in the hospital.



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Episode rocks so far. I love the way they juxtaposed the busier station with the more suburban station. Captured the moods PERFECTLY. I know a couple guys who's idea of an exciting time is working a car fire...this scene made me crack up.


Plus, TOBIAS BEECHER from "OZ" is in this show now! I marked.

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Spoiler tags work again, so use them if you have to spoil things.


I also enjoyed the season opener. I missed the last few eps of the first season, but they caught me up pretty well. Some really funny moments included with the more dramatic moments.



"Super Fag"

"Ultra Fag"

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Great to see Dean Winters back as Johnny. And Lee Terguson (sp) as Sully. I'm a huge mark for Oz, so this is great for me.


I'm glad they're not rushing to get Tommy back in the house or his kids back to him. Tommy, Johnny, and the cousin were great at the diner.

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Guest *KNK*

Sadly, I missed this whole show during it's inital run and not until just a month ago at the late hours i caught a repeat of a episode and i was insantly hooked.


I made sure to watch last weeks episode and it was great although I am a little blurred on the happenings but I'm slowly picking things up and I'm certain this week I will go buy the Season One DVD to be caught up.


I love how Dennis Leary is playing the role he was born to play (essentially himself) and the smattering of OZ Alumus makes it even sweeter.

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After last night's ep, it looks like Janet and the kids aren't going to be around for a while. Somehow I don't think them coming home would be good, especially with Tommy's OTHER kid coming into the picture!


Probe is really starting to freak me out. I knew he was a little off-base but damn if that kid isn't a psycho-in-trianing.


And I can't wait for the Tommy/Franko confrontation! They'll either totally ignore each other or start in with a fistfight. Personally, I'm hoping fistfight! :)

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Good episode, a little comedy heavy with the barbershop quartet.


Probie Mike is off to a bad start, 2 episodes in and he's crazy.


So far nothing lined up for Sean, hope they do something with him soon, he provides some of the best comedy.


FX can not have a series with a happy marriage, it just doesn't happen.

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I agree that Sean provides some great comedy for the show. His Keanu is Dracula impression and his facial expressions when he was hitting on Laura were priceless. It seems that they're going a drama route with Franco, which makes me sad. He and Sean's interactions were great.


I missed the 2nd ep! Argh. Does it replay?

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Guest *KNK*

This was a pretty good episode that likely closed the chapter on the wife and kids for the time being.



I'm digging Tommy's adjustment to the new station.

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I'll bet that when Tommy comes back, Franco is probably so fucked up on painkillers that they have some sort of physical confrontation at the scene of a fire or something.


I didn't think the barbershop quartet angle dominated much of the show at all; it was as good way as any to get Tommy to Ohio and find his kids. I just like how they are able to get most of the characters and storylines (Probie Mike and his girlfriend, Franco dealing with his injury and trying to get something started with Laura, the Chief and his wife that has Alzheimer's) furthered a bit in every episode.

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I know they're only 3 eps in, but that was the best of the season so far.


You knew Sully had to go, but damn...DAMN! Sean's reaction to the whole thing was priceless.


I liked Franco and Tommy's makeup. Not gushy, done well, and there's still stuff that has to be made up between the two

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Sully's exit seemed kind of cliched, the whole "Perfect person has a dark secret" thing. Outside of that yeah, that was probably the best of the three episodes so far. Probie's REALLY going off the deep end, though.

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Sully's exit seemed kind of cliched, the whole "Perfect person has a dark secret" thing.  Outside of that yeah, that was probably the best of the three episodes so far.  Probie's REALLY going off the deep end, though.


I've heard rumors that TPTB made Leary change the Sully storyline at the last minute (originally he was supposed to be gay and not a crossdresser). But as it stands, at least they gave the character SOME level of dignity by having him leave of his own free will rather than be outright forced out.


That said, the show has SOMEWHAT improved since the shit first season but still has a LOT to be improved/changed. Making Franco a likable figure is a start and spending the first two issues having the world beat the hell out of Tommy, shit on his face, and then make him drink piss actually made me give a fuck about Tommy. But the show needs more work: They should rework the show so that Tommy is forever being assfucked by the world and never, EVER has the upper hand. Have Franco never forgive Tommy for what happened at the end of season one and then have Lou and Chief (the two most worthless characters on the show) die horrible, horrible deaths in a fire and replace them with new characters who think Tommy is lower than dogshit under their boots. Then, to add insult to injury, have Tommy's ex return to town and reveal that she's been shacking up with Dean Winter's character and have them get Tommy banned from having anything to do with his kids.


Leary playing a worthless, walking abortion of a loser who can never catch a break? TV Gold. Leary playing a evil bastard who fucks up people's lives left and right and never gets his comeuppance? Garbage.....

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Guest Retro Rob

Yeah, because Leary and Co. want to create by far the most depressing program in the history of television...


Just out of curiousity, are you serious when you make absurd posts like that one and all the ones in The Shield thread? I only ask because your ideas are comparable to the ridiculous crap that twelve year old marks bring up in the WWE chat room.

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I won't let this die!


Definitely my favorite epsiode of the season tonight. A lot of humor in this one (the sensitivity seminar being a complete riot).


Looks like next week's the "shit hitting the fan" epsiode, regarding Tommy's life at least.

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I gotta admit, this show is fucking great. I watched little during the first season, but got it on DVD most recently. One of the things I like the most is the whole Jesus/Gavin thing. It's just so odd, yet funny because it's the exact opposite of what Jesus is represented as in the modern world. I like the whole Franco/Tommy situation and not some happy happy crap we saw on crap like Full House and Step by Step. Overall, keep the show on the same route it's on right now. No stupid ideas, just keep on going. No need on changing what's good.


EDIT: Jason, are for real on killing Lou and Reily? What the fuck are you thinking? Lou's a great character, and Reily is just plain gold as the old school style guy. This isn't a soap opera, it's a drama. Soap Opera is over the top shit like twins finding out they screwed each-other, and stuff like that. It's realistic, and I know because my brother is a damn fire fighter. While it may have some over-the-top elements, but's it is not soap opera over-the-top

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I just saw "Happy" last night and I am really looking forward to tommorrow nights season finale.


Happy...all my years of Whedon watching prepared me for the truth that no episode named "Happy" would be happy. And goddamn did that come out of nowhere.

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I know. That last episode sure punches you in the gut towards the end. It'll be interesting what they do with Laura, since Diane Farr's not coming back.

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The thing is, I actually was turning through and caught the end on the first run(I only saw the hospital scene) so I knew HOW it was going to end. I watched the replay on Sunday and was still caught off guard. Leary's face when he walked around the car to see what happend was more emotional than the scenes following to me.

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Guest *KNK*

This show is greatly underlooked by the general consensus. It blows Lost, Shield and all the other over hyped dramas out of the water.


Nearly every episode is sheer brilliance. Last weeks episode was a great proverbial punch in the stomach and now, tonight's episode looks to be nothing short of amazing.


Tommy Gavin is easily one of the best characters to hit television in years and the rest of the cast is equally memorable. A tribute to the excellent writing the show is filled with.

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I won't say it blows them out the water but it is right up there with them in awsomeness.


I do kinda wish they would stop kicking Tommy in the balls though. I mean goddamn.

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The Shield was particularly weak this season, and being so actually diminished the previous seasons' builds.

Rescue Me's been excellent so far, it's almost becoming like 6' Under, though, in that they just keep heaping more and more abuse on the characters until it becomes almost unbearable for the viewer.

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Guest *KNK*
The Shield was particularly weak this season, and being so actually diminished the previous seasons' builds.

Rescue Me's been excellent so far, it's almost becoming like 6' Under, though, in that they just keep heaping more and more abuse on the characters until it becomes almost unbearable for the viewer.


That's a good comparison (and I've only seen the first 3 seasons of 6' under) and both are equally great quality shows stuck in the shadows of it's networks "big" show (Sorpanos and Shield).


If Rescue Me doesn't get an Emmy nomination this year, the Emmy committee is cracked.

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I thought the Shield picked up around the second half of the season. I seriously thought Walton and Anthony Anderson should have gottem Emmy nods.


And Leary should be up next year as well.


Anyone think that Tommy is going to have a knock down drag out fight with Jesus Christ tonight?

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Guest *KNK*
I thought the Shield picked up around the second half of the season. I seriously thought Walton and Anthony Anderson should have gottem Emmy nods.


And Leary should be up next year as well.


Anyone think that Tommy is going to have a knock down drag out fight with Jesus Christ tonight?


I expect anything to happen tonight.

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