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The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

Rate this week's RAW - 6/27/05  

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  1. 1. Rate this week's RAW - 6/27/05

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This was a real solid Raw tonight but I changed the channel during the Diva crap and will continue to do so. Isn't it interesting that the last couple times HHH hasn't been on Raw the quality of the show goes up a great deal?


I loved the Flair/Angle match tonight with Flair realizing he can't outwrestle Angle and doing every cheating, dirty trick he could think of. When it was over I thought it was certainly better than the rest filled Michaels match from Vengeance.


I have no idea however why RVD was traded to Raw. This move makes zero sense to me, especially if they want to do some sort of ECW stuff on Smackdown. And oh great, RVD dicking around pointlessly in the IC division....again. I'm feeling Carlito as a transition guy that sets up an RVD/Shelton match that people would actually want to see. Let's face it, whether you like it or not Carlito fucking sucks in the ring...the guy has literally no credible offensive moves and no finisher. Him going over Van Dam (especially in RVD's return) would be a complete joke.


Other than that I quite liked this Raw tonight....Batista didn't get much screen time due to him likely going to Smackdown. The other guy I dunno about, I'd say either Jericho since they can't have two interview segments...or dare I say Shelton Benjamin? He has jobbed twice to Carlito now and wasn't even on Raw tonight.

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I am not happy at all that RVD is on RAW...can't they just get him the fuck away from HHH...he's ready for the title Vince...they shoulda left him on SD! where they seem to have sent most of the ECW guys..and just to put Carlito over? They had better not..why can't RVD just have a strong run? I feel like WWE is sacrificing better storylines for instant pops but WTF else is new?

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The Good-

OH MY CHRIST, Angle vs. Flair was good. BETTER than last night's Angle vs. Shawn match by a bit, and much, much better than Flair vs. HHH from May 2003. Flair took the belly to belly on the FLOOR like a man. An elderly man, but a man. Flair even covered up a botch by *~Flair Flopping~* off the apron. I loved this shit. Flair is god. I will gladly wash his loins. This was one of his top 3 since returning in 2001.


(BTW. I am in no shape to be defending any match tonight, let alone be typing on the computer. So don't take my word for anything. Okay.)


Jericho/Christian/Tomko speculating in the hallway was awesome. Hahahaha, Kevin Nash. Hahahaha, incarcerated Marty Jannetty.


Hogan did the Legdrop! The tag match was okay!




The Mild-

Batista's so going to SmackDown in 45 minutes after that promo.


Eh, I kinda wanted The Rock. Kinda.


The Bad-

Diva Search: Day One was horrible, although I liked the mis-timed Sgt. Slaughter segment and the racial tension between Coach and Big Vis.


Chris Masters and Tajiri was horseshit. Carlito has NO charisma. ECW ONS was rushed to DVD despite not even being that great of a show. Not a big deal, though.


Best RAW of the year.

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Guest *KNK*

I am so glad that people are being rational and realize that Angle/Flair blew Shawn/Angle out of the water.


If i want pointless spotty rest exhibition wrestling, I'll watch the RVD DVD.


Tonight's match was just traditional heeling flair and Angle doing his shit. Good times.

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HHH doesn't want RVD to capitalize on his popularity on SD!, where he is a chance of winnig the title.


No, no on Raw he will forever be in HHH, HBK and Angle's shadow.


So does SD! kick off now that Raw has finished?

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Guest *KNK*
HHH doesn't want RVD to capitalize on his popularity on SD!, where he is a chance of winnig the title.


No, no on Raw he will forever be in HHH, HBK and Angle's shadow.


So does SD! kick off now that Raw has finished?


Likely just started right now. Give it 30 minutes to Change aprons and such.

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Guest *KNK*

Although I love the addition to Tomko to Vitamin C, it's been done before.


And I love how they conveiently drop that whole Christian slept with the "love" of Jericho's life and betrayed him just a year ago and are best friends again.

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I am not happy at all that RVD is on RAW...can't they just get him the fuck away from HHH...he's ready for the title Vince...they shoulda left him on SD! where they seem to have sent most of the ECW guys..and just to put Carlito over? They had better not..why can't RVD just have a strong run?  I feel like WWE is sacrificing better storylines for instant pops but WTF else is new?


RVD being drafted to Raw just to be an IC title contender definitely doesn't make sense, and he's back on the HHH Show, too, unfortunately.


At least HHH wasn't on Raw tonight, though.

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Anyone verify if Lita's nipple slipped out? I missed it. Anyways, numerous other wrestling websites are saying it popped out, so if anyone can poat a link to it (video or jpeg), I'll make the official determination.

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I can't possibly see this RVD thing being a permanent deal. If SMDN is going to do something with ECW there is no way they can possibly keep RVD on Raw. Hell, jobbing him to Carlito is even worse than jobbing to Kenzo Suzuki...at least Kenzo has a FINISHER, even if it's that lame claw hold.

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Is SD being taped right now? I thought it was taped before Raw the past few supershows.


Well, with RVD and Angle on the same show again, I'm at least hoping for a feud between those two in the future. I know they had a few matches during the Invasion and after, but I honestly can't remember much about them.

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I wasn't even paying attention to Lita. Gene's backne had me playing connect the dots on my tv screen.


Count me in with the folks who LOVED Angle/Flair. Naitch bumped like a crazy old man for Kurt tonight, and Angle going over was the complete right thing to do to further cement him as God in the ring.

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Aero, I'd love to see it again. RVD/Angle was some great shit during the Invasion, although probably the feud that cost RVD the title because he kept busting Angle open EVERY time. Angle's wife even wrote a net diatribe about RVD being too rough on her husband, haha.


I'm not sure what sort of character RVD is going to be...I'd almost make him an edgy tweener who didn't give a shit and was pissed at everything.

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Guest *KNK*
Aero, I'd love to see it again.  RVD/Angle was some great shit during the Invasion, although probably the feud that cost RVD the title because he kept busting Angle open EVERY time.  Angle's wife even wrote a net diatribe about RVD being too rough on her husband, haha. 


I'm not sure what sort of character RVD is going to be...I'd almost make him an edgy tweener who didn't give a shit and was pissed at everything.


So he's Edge 8 months ago then.

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Aero, I'd love to see it again.  RVD/Angle was some great shit during the Invasion, although probably the feud that cost RVD the title because he kept busting Angle open EVERY time.  Angle's wife even wrote a net diatribe about RVD being too rough on her husband, haha. 


I'm not sure what sort of character RVD is going to be...I'd almost make him an edgy tweener who didn't give a shit and was pissed at everything.


I always found that funny since Angle pretty well dropped RVD on his head.

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Guest Rrrsh

Flair-Angle was a lot like ECW's ONS.


It was lots of fun, great to see what once was so great (ECW and Flair) get it spotlight.


However, it lacked the actual workrate of being Great, so its just fun.


Flair just limped around and cheated. And thats all he can do, so it was good for him. But Better than Shawn/Angle? Get off the crack, hommie.


Same with ONS, it had one match that was above ** 3/4, so it gets smoked by almost any other PPV for good matches. But the whole concept was so fun and good, you had to enjoy it.

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Flair-Angle was a lot like ECW's ONS.


It was lots of fun, great to see what once was so great (ECW and Flair) get it spotlight.


However, it lacked the actual workrate of being Great, so its just fun.


Flair just limped around and cheated. And thats all he can do, so it was good for him. But Better than Shawn/Angle? Get off the crack, hommie.


I understand where you're coming from, but I thought Flair/Angle had the "workrate" of a good, if not very good match. They were busting out crazy moves and holds (at least the way I remember it) that made sense. I can't say the same thing about Angle/Michaels last night, which I thought was a bit awkward and just not as good as this match tonight. I thought it was still a very good match, but Angle and Flair topped it tonight.


Flair will die soon, just give him this one match.

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Guest *KNK*

What sucks is that Meltzer will get his way and be able to say "see i told you they could work a good match together" and spend the rest of the year clamoring that They will have a rematch...with a Ladder.

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Although I love the addition to Tomko to Vitamin C, it's been done before.


And I love how they conveiently drop that  whole Christian slept with the "love" of Jericho's life and betrayed him just a year ago and are best friends again.


I wouldn't exactly call them best friends.

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Guest Rrrsh

I just Angle should be given a gold star for trying to hide Flair's weaknessess, but it was far too one sided one the goodness for me.

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What sucks is that Meltzer will get his way and be able to say "see i told you they could work a good match together" and spend the rest of the year clamoring that They will have a rematch...with a Ladder.


Yep, definately Choken.

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CanadianChick, I'm fairly sure that Angle dumped RVD on his head as a receipt for RVD constantly busting him open with kicks or Van Daminators. I always liked those matches too, it wasn't an outright feud per se but they were a blast. I'd say those RVD matches pretty much killed Angle's chances at ever being a top level face. I remember right after Sept. 11 Angle feasibly should have been the most over face in the company, yet RVD (who was still ostensibly a heel) was getting by far the bigger crowd reactions. And he also beat the shit out of Kurt in nearly every match to boot, in particular the non title Smackdown match where RVD beat the holy hell out of Angle and left him laying in a pool of blood. I believe that was the match where RVD earned Austin a title shot by proxy.

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I didn't get off work in time to get to the bar and see Angle/Michaels last night, but I did see the HIAC match, and I have to say that I liked Angle/Flair better.


Whereas in the HIAC match, you could call all the spots ahead of time, and you thought about how stupid the wrestlers would have to be to walk into each other's moves about 18 times, the Angle/Flair match actually progressed logically from move to move. They were actually fighting to escape each other from move to move, rather than laying down or standing around while the other wrestler lay prone.


Basically, it reminded me of the difference between WWF and WCW main event caliber matches back in 1998/1999. The WWF match might run shorter, but when it was going, it looked like the two guys were really fighting, as they both went all-out from bell to bell. Meanwhile, the WCW match would be a bunch of spots strung together by restholds, pacing in a circle, posing, standing around, and of course, laying down.


For all the talk about Batista having his "best in-ring outing in the WWE", I thought it was no better than Nash's HIAC outing, and actually exposed him more than anything up to this point. At this point, I'd like Batista to either get traded to Smackdown or lose the title to Kurt Angle who knows how to go better both in the ring and on the mic.

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Guest Dumb Monkey

The Meltzer/Ladder joke was funny 3 years ago for about 34 seconds. Now it's just stupid.

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