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Smackdown Spoiler Thread

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Uh I want to say RIP Meanie. I haven't seen much of his work... BWO reformation???




JBL is going to win anyway. He won that 6 man thing last week and that sucked. He took like 15 kicks from Booker T and still won. A face should be doing that.

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it's safe to say the seeds of ECW on SD will be planted


both Dean and Richards got traded to SD last week

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If this is true...


How many casual fans really know about this situation, or even give a shit about it? I mean...really. I'm very excited if this is true, don't get me wrong, but it makes me wonder just why they are doing it. It's odd for WWE to do something like this. It would be like bringing Matt Hardy back to feud with Edge.


Either way, I can't wait!


*stops reading the spoilers now*

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Guest *KNK*

Um, Matt Vs Edge makes sense because EVERYONE knows about it on some level.


Either the smarks like us or the marks who still think of Matt as Lita's last boyfriend who Lita claimed to have loved and can figure out that Lita cheated on as well...


Meanie/JBL...well thats just to serve to us. Which makes it odd.

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I know "casual" fans who have no clue why the fans still chant and call out for Matt Hardy. They have no idea why his music played a few weeks ago. They think it's only because Lita and him were together on TV for that period of time, not because of the real situation.


I agree though, the Meanie/JBL thing is something that most just wont understand at all.


I need a confirmation that this report is real. It looks like something someone who hacked the site might post just to get the internet fans excited.

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I need a confirmation that this report is real. It looks like something someone who hacked the site might post just to get the internet fans excited.


Meltz always post stuff like this in a "oh my god what are they thinking" way

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Just got back from the RAW/SD tapings and yes it is true Blue Meanie and the bWo were there.


Meanie vs. JBL, with Meanie basically getting squashed until Stevie hits JBL in the head with a chair, the back of his head was disgustingly sliced open, and Batista also did a run in....Meanie wins.



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Can you give us the rest of the results NoCal?



Yeah, what I remember, here goes:


Show opens with the JBL/Meanie segment that I just mentioned. JBL opens the show and is in mid-promo when his music hits and his limo comes down, he looks confused and bWo get out dressed up as a mock cabinet. Justin Lamefield, Blue0Wheat and I forgot the other name. Sets up JBL/Meanie


Eddie/Rey/Big secret angle, as they take on the tag champs, Eddie basically has them beat but pulls the guys head up making Rey get into the ring to finish him but everytime Rey has him pinned, Eddie stomps him and they end up losing.



Matt Morgan vs. Regal gets interuppted as Regal is coming to the ring by the Mexicools who do a number on Matt Morgan while Regal watches and doesn't get involved.


JBL vs. Meanie: see last post


UT vs. Davari as Hassan says Davari will be the sacrifice, 10 second squash but after the match in something kind of distasteful all these thugs dressed up as terrorists with the masks and camoflauge pants come in and beat down Taker. I mean seriously all these guys were missing were the machine guns.


Benoit vs. Booker T in a pretty good match with Benoit going over to become #1 contender for U.S. title belt.


Batista vs. Christian which was pretty nice cause Christian actually got to get in his offense and there seemed to be a large amouth of "peeps" in the crowd" Batista goes over to end the show, no run-in by JBL to get even for earlier.


I might be missing a promo or two, but I think that covers it mostly, Dangerous_A and Ced and another couple of TSMers were there and they can fill in anything I missed.





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Just got back from the RAW/SD tapings and yes it is true Blue Meanie and the bWo were there.


Meanie vs. JBL, with Meanie basically getting squashed until Stevie hits JBL in the head with a chair, the back of his head was disgustingly sliced open, and Batista also did a run in....Meanie wins.




Oh. My. God.



edit: Aren't spoiler tags pointless in a spoiler thread?

Edited by RobotJerk

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UT vs. Davari as Hassan says Davari will be the sacrifice, 10 second squash but after the match in something kind of distasteful all these thugs dressed up as terrorists with the masks and camoflauge pants come in and beat down Taker. I mean seriously all these guys were missing were the machine guns.


This cannot be good.

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Seriously though, sticking him in the mid card is one thing, but as a rule, former world champions should never by vying for mid card titles.


Let's just say I disagree and leave it at that.

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oh and one of the guys in my group took a shitload of pics, we were in the front row right behind the foldup chairs, so expect those to get posted sometime soon.


Goodnight guys.

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Guest Trecko

LOL at the Hassan thing. I'm sorry, but that'll really have me dying when I see it on TV. I'm mad they never pulled that sort of thing on RAW, though, I would've loved to hear the live crowd response. They would've gone nuts.


LOL! That pic has me sold. I can't wait for Smackdown. It'll be fun enjoying the few times he actually goes over Taker before he eventually loses. Which will suck. A lot.


*still tries to get the image of Carlito being leg dropped out of his head*

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Full spoilers:


Teddy Long came out and announced Booker T vs. Chris Benoit, and Batista vs. Christian for tonight.



JBL starts off the show complaining about how his screw job makes "Bret Hart look like a parking ticket". JBL's music plays and a limo comes out. The bWo appears from the limo and run Bradshaw down, and the bWo was acting as the cabinet. (I forgot the nick names.) This leads to Bradshaw calling Meanie a fat (insert insult here), and Meanie vs. JBL is set for the night.


Chris Benoit vs. Booker T - #1 contendership for the US title. Chain wrestling, and teased finishes all over this match. Benoit eventually wins after going for the Crippler for the 2nd or 3rd time. Benoit looked to have gotten a stinger in one of his arms.


Rey Mysterio tries to get Eddie Guerrero to reconsider telling the world the secret. This eventually leads to Eddie forcing Mysterio to tag w/ him to face MNM for the WWE Tag Titles.


JBL vs. The Blue Meanie - No DQ

JBL basically squashes Meanie. Richards and Nova try to get involved and fail. JBL goes for a chair, and Richards recovers. This leads to JBL losing the chair, and getting clocked STIFF by Richards. Meanie hits a moonsault for a two count. Eventually Batista comes out and costs JBL the match via Spinebuster. JBL bleeds hardway from the chairshot.


Muhammad Hassan and Daviari are complaining that Hassan was never elimated in last weeks main event. Long books Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan, #1 Contender for The World Heavyweight Championship @ Great American Bash. Long also decides Daviari has lots to say, and books Daviari vs. Undertaker tonight.


Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio vs. MNM - WWE Tag Titles Mysterio and Guerrero dominate the early part of the match. Eddie even hits a frog splash and teases a title change when... Eddie pulls Mercury (I believe) up by his hair @ two. He tags in Rey, and from there Rey almost wins the Tag belts on his own. Eddie attacks Rey a few times, and MNM wins with there finisher. After the match, Eddie forces Rey into almost hitting him, and then eventually basically being a servent. Eddie made Rey do this things by threating to expose the "secret".


Matt Morgan vs. William Regal

Never Happened as the Mexicools destroy Morgan. Regal just chills in the enterance way.


Undertaker vs. Daviari

UT destroys Daviari. After the match 5 men come out in Black Masks, Black shirts, and Khaki Pants and beat the hell out of the Undertaker. Hassan

comes into the ring and puts the Undertaker in the Camel Clutch. The 5 men carry Daviari out as if he was Jesus.


Christian cuts a promo stating he is the first man to ever main event RAW and Smackdown in the Same week, and states he will beat Batista because he

is Captain Christima... (insert insult here)!


Batista vs. Christian

Batsita wins via Demon Bomb (nothing to notre really about the match, it was good, but nothing noteworthy) After match JBl and Orlando Jordan come out and attack Batista. Batista overpowers and JBL throws Jordan to Batista. Demon Bomb for Jordan, and JBL walks away.

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