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Velocity just aired here Benoit vs. Regal

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Guest Brian

I doubt it. They were two different types of matches, but the other one felt like a masterpiece. I need to watch the other one, though.

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I doubt it. They were two different types of matches, but the other one felt like a masterpiece. I need to watch the other one, though.

Perhaps not, but I don't like the Pillman show match, I found it to be overrated when I finally saw it on the Benoit DVD.


Hell Im happy Benoit was on tonight, cuz he was on my fantasy team this week.

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/me enters the ring with a chair in my hands, waits for Jericholic to turn around, bam, vicious chair shot to Jeircholic's skull. Zyn tosses the chair aside, "stop posting so often dammit"


Josh Matthews sounded like he was going to blow his load. Why they bothered with this on Velocity of all places is beyond me...this was a PPV match. Awesome, stiff stuff.


My senitments exactly. I was very impressed by Josh Matthews. Especially mentioning Pillman and correcting Romero. Hes just gone up a notch in my eyes.


The crowd seemed pretty quiet to me. :(


Yeah I think this is really just a tryout for a potential feud.  They can't possibly come up with a single reason why Orlando Jordan should retain at the PPV.  If he does, can you just imagine the bitching and bile on the net?


Put this on a PPV, give it 15-20.


Benoit winning the title, only leads to a Christian program.


When it should lead to Regal and JBL programs...


This has to be a top programme for the US Title. If somebody from 'Creative' cant see that . . . wait, I forgot, its 'Creative'. Benoit has to win the strap and I feel that Regal has to somehow be integrated into the Cabinent, to add to the match, make him JBL's foreign secretary. Then have Benoit move up to JBL.


I would love a best of 5/7 series between these 2. Hell, even the belt trading hands and then a rubber match. I dont think they need stips though, such as 2/3 falls, Iron Man match or an Ultimate Submissions match, since your pretty scripting it into going to a 3rd fall or being a very slow start with a speed up at the end. If anything, scrap the best of 5/7 series since that will be scripted to an extent of going to the final match and have a Submissions match, since the pair of them are submission specialists. GIVE THEM 30 MINS ON A PPV, PLEASE WWE, PLEASE VINCE. Also, just give Regal the mike in the buildup to the fued. Cant wait for a Regal-Benoit/JBL interaction.


Have Christian and Benoit ever feuded?


Hey Simon Dean On Velocity, is the bWo done already? Unless he is going to lead a dual existence.


Anyhow I will note that this dumb gimmick limits the former Nova in the ring. Now I never thought Nova was that great, he did use to have some cool moves and work a fast paced style, but now he drags it down with some mat work, though it is decent mat work to be sure.


Hey he finally got a finisher, it looked like a reverse angle slam. Matthews dubbed it "the Simonizer" (hey wasn't that one of Simon Diamond's moves in ECW?). Also what was up with Josh during that match, he kept praising Simon Dean and his system. Is he trying to be a heel?


Who knows? Romero really drags him down/


Yes, everybody wants to see a Simon Dean-Hollywood Nove fued dont they. :P


IIRC yes, Diamond did, or was that the Simon Series? I really miss Simon, especially the way he refers to himself in the 3rd person. Wait a minute, did he do that before The Rock started doing it? :huh:


Nice Regal went for liek 5 pins after the running knee and Matthews poitned out the strategy of making Benoit use all his energy to kick out.


Romero however continues to be uselss, as when Regal went for the Regal Strecth (StF), Romero called it a "Figure Four" even Matthews seemed pissed at that.  WWE CAN ROMERO NOW, PLEASE.


I loved the way that Regal grabbed his own leg to prevent the Full Nelson. Top marks for Josh pointing that out. Why didnt Regal ever hook the leg though in the pinfall attempts, it kind of detracted it from a bit.


I feel even more sorry for Haas and Morgan now, cause Hass could really go with these 2 and Morgan is a good talker. Romero SUCKS. Hell, Id even beat up Cole, if it meant hed miss the rematch on a Big 4 PPV. Matthews and Tazz calling this would be o so great. :D


I loved the holds, especially Regal's Surfboard transitioned into a modified Dragon Sleeper and Benoit's reverse to the Double Underhook Butterfly suplex.


On a down point, there could have been a lot more psychology in this match IMHO, as in targetting a body part as I thought they were going to do this as Benoit pushed Regal into the ringpost and Matthews pointed out that that will weaken him for the crossface. Not having Matthews commentate on any rematch between these 2 will detract from it though.


I marked out big time for the Shoulderbreaker. So good to see Benoit do that again. At first when Regal was going for the Tombstone Piledriver, I was on my feet, thought that Benoit was going to bust out the Brainbuster and was already going crazy but it was fantastic to see the Shoulderbreaker. Benoit could use some more of his old moveset as well in a longer rematch, such as the Wildbomb, DDT and said Brainbuster. Damn, Im really disappointed now that Regal didnt get a PPV shot at HHH after SummerSlam and his taking out of Eugene. The best part of my match IMHO was the fact that Benoit didnt go for the Rolling Germans, nor did he go for the Flying Swan-Dive Headbutt, which has become so automatic and generic.


Btw, cause posters here have got be a bit confused mentioning Double Underhook, Butterfly, Chickenwing, Tiger, Dragon and Full Nelson suplex. They didnt all feature in the match. Which of the terms above refer to the same move please?


To all wrestling fans watch this match to remember what you love to see. To all sports entertainment fans watch this match to realise what this business is and should always be about.


PS: Jericholic, I was only kidding.

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I'm not a big fan of either guy here, but I saw that match last night and would probably rate it match of the year thus far, with Flair/Angle and Shawn/Shelton barely behind it.


Not better than the Pillman match or the NJPW match.

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Have Christian and Benoit ever feuded?


I don't think so. During Benoit pre-surgery run, Christian was doing tag team stuff while Benoit was always competing for either the IC or WWE titles. When he came back, I don't even remember them being on the same show at the same time (Benoit was originally drafted to Smackdown, but showed up on Raw, then jumped back to Smackdown with the IC belt at roughly the same time the UnAmericans jumped to Raw) until early in 2004. In 2004, Benoit was first feuding with HHH and HBK, before moving on to a bried feuds with Kane and Orton, and then Edge. Christian feuded with Jericho for most of 2004.

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Guest jm29195
Have Christian and Benoit ever feuded?



There was the Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit vs E&C feud around Judgment Day 01 and Benoit had a nice little match with Christian much earlier this year but as far as I can recall they've never had a long term singles feud....

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Btw, cause posters here have got be a bit confused mentioning Double Underhook, Butterfly, Chickenwing, Tiger, Dragon and Full Nelson suplex. They didnt all feature in the match. Which of the terms above refer to the same move please?


A basic double underhook suplex is the same as a butterfly suplex. Butterfly is more specific, as a double underhook can be used to set up lots of moves.


A dragon and full nelson suplex are the same thing.


A tiger suplex is completely different. It wasn't used in the Benoit/Regal match. Ultimo used to use it as a finisher in WCW. You hook the arms from behind (like the start of an unprettier) then bridge back driving your opponents neck and head to the mat with their shoulders pinned. It looks impossible to kick out of.


I've never seen a chicken wing suplex. I'm only familiar with the chicken wing as a submission (hammer lock and crossface). I imagine if such a move were to be done, it would be sick.

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really good stuff from these two. i agree that the crowd was kinda quiet but they were watching Velocity! a crowd never knows what its getting from a show like that so they tend to sit on their hands while waiting for Smackdown. really this should have been on SD.

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Have Christian and Benoit ever feuded?


I don't think so. During Benoit pre-surgery run, Christian was doing tag team stuff while Benoit was always competing for either the IC or WWE titles. When he came back, I don't even remember them being on the same show at the same time (Benoit was originally drafted to Smackdown, but showed up on Raw, then jumped back to Smackdown with the IC belt at roughly the same time the UnAmericans jumped to Raw) until early in 2004. In 2004, Benoit was first feuding with HHH and HBK, before moving on to a bried feuds with Kane and Orton, and then Edge. Christian feuded with Jericho for most of 2004.


So whats wrong with them having a programme together then? Not as in now, now Benoit should clearly be wrestling Regal, and then JBL and maybe UT, but down the line perhaps.


Btw, cause posters here have got be a bit confused mentioning Double Underhook, Butterfly, Chickenwing, Tiger, Dragon and Full Nelson suplex. They didnt all feature in the match. Which of the terms above refer to the same move please?


A basic double underhook suplex is the same as a butterfly suplex. Butterfly is more specific, as a double underhook can be used to set up lots of moves.


A dragon and full nelson suplex are the same thing.


A tiger suplex is completely different. It wasn't used in the Benoit/Regal match. Ultimo used to use it as a finisher in WCW. You hook the arms from behind (like the start of an unprettier) then bridge back driving your opponents neck and head to the mat with their shoulders pinned. It looks impossible to kick out of.


I've never seen a chicken wing suplex. I'm only familiar with the chicken wing as a submission (hammer lock and crossface). I imagine if such a move were to be done, it would be sick.


Like a Double Underhook DDT or Cradle Piledriver.


Somebody mentioned that there was a Tiger Suplex in this match, hence the :huh:


Thanks alot Just John, its as I thought, Double Underhook Suplex = Butterfly Suplex (I prefer calling it the latter) and Dragon Suples = Full Nelson Suplex (I prefer calling it the latter). There hasnt been a Tiger Suplex in ages on the WWE and the person must have been refering to the Chickenwing submission and not the Suplex variant here.


really good stuff from these two. i agree that the crowd was kinda quiet but they were watching Velocity! a crowd never knows what its getting from a show like that so they tend to sit on their hands while waiting for Smackdown. really this should have been on SD.


Forget SD, a Big 4 PPV is the stage it should be on.

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Yes, a fantastic match, made better in many people's eyes because they aired it on Velocity for some insane reason. If they aren't careful, I'll have to start watching this show every single week once again. Does Heat ever have great matches like this?


I'd love to see a full blown Benoit/Regal feud over a title. It doesn't have to be a heel/face deal, that wouldn't matter. Just both of the guys as faces or tweeners who REALLY want whatever title they are fighting over. If it was up to me, I'd have them build up both the IC title and US title once again as a step to the World and WWE titles. It would make the feuds over the IC and US titles mean so much more. Why do people even care if they win those two secondary titles right now? They don't mean anything other than just "woohoo, I'm holding a title".


Imagine Benoit/Regal feuding over the US title, with both of them wanting it so badly because they know that it could possibly lead to the World Title.


On a side note, I want to see a Benoit/Rey program once and for all. I don't think we've ever seen that in any wrestling group. Not in Mexico, Japan, ECW, WCW, or even in WWE. I can remember them wrestling once on SD, in a pointless match, then in tags two or three times before, but never an actual full blown fued. If they were allowed to really go all out in the matches, we could possibly see some memories of Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask come rushing back to present day.

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Have Christian and Benoit ever feuded?


I don't think so. During Benoit pre-surgery run, Christian was doing tag team stuff while Benoit was always competing for either the IC or WWE titles. When he came back, I don't even remember them being on the same show at the same time (Benoit was originally drafted to Smackdown, but showed up on Raw, then jumped back to Smackdown with the IC belt at roughly the same time the UnAmericans jumped to Raw) until early in 2004. In 2004, Benoit was first feuding with HHH and HBK, before moving on to a bried feuds with Kane and Orton, and then Edge. Christian feuded with Jericho for most of 2004.


So whats wrong with them having a programme together then?





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Guest RadioBurning
My senitments exactly. I was very impressed by Josh Matthews. Especially mentioning Pillman and correcting Romero. Hes just gone up a notch in my eyes.


I believe Matthews did very well in the Benoit/Regal match, and was mildly amusing in the Simon Dean matchup, although I believe he misnamed an STO (which is certainly better than Romero and the Regal Stretch, however). Hyping the GAB, etc. in between bouts I found him to be somewhat annoying. Another thing I did like, though, was his stereotypical "bewildered interviewer after wrestler ends promo and walks off-screen" face with Kazarian.

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For comparrison, I watched the Pillman show match again and I think it's about 1/4* to 1/2* better than the Velocity match. The Velocity match re-used a ton of spots from the Pillman match (even the hardway blood on the headbutt exchange). Normally, I would oppose this, but since the majority of fans haven't been exposed to the Pillman match, it's alright. The only thing I liked better about the Pillman match was that they just used a few extra moves. Benoit used the apron DDT and rolling Germans, and Regal busted out the top-rope butterfly suplex. It still had the same intensity and focus as the Velocity, but seemed to flow a little better with more moves worked in.


Velocity: *** 1/2 (still probably the #3-4 WWE match of the year)

Pillman: leaning towards **** (one of Regal's best matches)

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Guest BobBacklundRules

The Pillman match was better, no questions asked. But this Velocity match is one of the best TV matches this year, and the best technical match I've seen in recent WWE history.


I liked the Shelton/HBK match much better. The Angle/Flair match was good if you like Flair, but it wasn't a very good match overall.

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Yes, a fantastic match, made better in many people's eyes because they aired it on Velocity for some insane reason.


I'd love to see a full blown Benoit/Regal feud over a title. It doesn't have to be a heel/face deal, that wouldn't matter. Just both of the guys as faces or tweeners who REALLY want whatever title they are fighting over. If it was up to me, I'd have them build up both the IC title and US title once again as a step to the World and WWE titles. It would make the feuds over the IC and US titles mean so much more. Why do people even care if they win those two secondary titles right now? They don't mean anything other than just "woohoo, I'm holding a title".


On a side note, I want to see a Benoit/Rey program once and for all. I don't think we've ever seen that in any wrestling group. Not in Mexico, Japan, ECW, WCW, or even in WWE. I can remember them wrestling once on SD, in a pointless match, then in tags two or three times before, but never an actual full blown fued. If they were allowed to really go all out in the matches, we could possibly see some memories of Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask come rushing back to present day.


It was made better on Velocity cause finally, for once, a play-by-play commentator put a very good effort into the match. I mean it, Matthews was the man. He mentioned Pillman show, corrected Romero and was up to scracth on all the moves, whilst not sounding over-enthusatic.


Everybody would. It doesnt have to be made-up to be a face/heel deal, but a honour and title deal. Last time I checked though, Benoit was a face and Regal was a heel, but I dont think that this has to or should play an important part in their fued. And its not just you who wants the US and IC titles used in such a way.


That would be hot, Benoit-Rey, but Benoit will hopefully fued with Regal, JBL and UT for the forseeable future and Rey with Eddie and then Christain as people here are inclining to believe. I think well say Rey-Juvi before Rey-Benoit. Dammit, I want Benoit-Eddie in their current personas for the WHC at WMXX2. :angry:






Just not right now, right? :D


Hyping the GAB, etc. in between bouts I found him to be somewhat annoying.  Another thing I did like, though, was his stereotypical "bewildered interviewer after wrestler ends promo and walks off-screen" face with Kazarian.


I prefer him as commentator than as the dumb backstage interviewer. Hell, shouldnt the latter be Coles job. :P


The only thing I liked better about the Pillman match was that they just used a few extra moves. Benoit used the apron DDT and rolling Germans, and Regal busted out the top-rope butterfly suplex. It still had the same intensity and focus as the Velocity, but seemed to flow a little better with more moves worked in.


They still have moves in their moveset. Benoit can bust out the apron DDT, Wildbomb (I marked out big time when he used against Eddie for the USC at Vengence) and the Brainbuster, plus a very Delayed Vertical Suplex. Theres the Snap Suplex, Rolling Germans and Flying Swan-Dive Headbutt, and dont forget the Shoulderblock Charge, Enzeguri and Suicide Dive.


Im not that up to strach with Regal's moveset throughtout his career. :huh:


I liked the Shelton/HBK match much better.


Its funny, but all I remember about the Shelton/HBK was the finish and HBK putting Shelton over. Great were that went though. :(

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Hopefully the Benoit/Regal match is the beginning trend for WWE's secondary shows, a 15 minutes main event with 2 very athletic wrestlers (it doesn't have to be a top guy it could be someone like London against Super crazy or Tajiri against Conway) going all out.

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Guest Brian

It'll never go over with management and top guys; having fifteen minutes of guys going all out to kick off the shows.


Anyways, yeah, Pillman Show match was better. I think the story of Regal making the big return and comeback and the way the crowd reacted and warmed to him just gave the match a lot more depth. I think I will put that tape up for sale soon. But this is one of the better matches the WWE has put on this year.

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Zynn I'm sorry for posting so much lol I got your "joke" I was just popping in and out while watching the match.


Seriosuly, though we would all like to see A Benoit -Regal program, the general non-and non full smarks fans woudl nto understand it without a strong storyline of betrayal or beatdowns or some such. However, one great PPV match would have the live crowd get into it, especially if it was the opener. I would have that PPV macth at No Mercy The announcers could pimp it on the sd after the ppv and it could lead to several big rematches or tag matches on SD climaxing with a big blowoff at say Survivor Series, unless you want to drag it to Armageddon.

I think this whole board would stop complaining for at least a week if Benoit-Regal in a 60 minute iron man match happened on a PPV. and I'd bet all of us would go out of the way to see it, and actually buy the PPV shooting up the buyrate, and of course makign WWE think it was the lame main event whatever it is that drew it.

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Hey he finally got a finisher, it looked like a reverse angle slam. Matthews dubbed it "the Simonizer" (hey wasn't that one of Simon Diamond's moves in ECW?).


The funny thing is, Nova also stole his finisher. I'm pretty sure that's the Golden Gate Swing, or at least a safe version of it. Swinging Fisherman's Neckbreaker.

Edited by King Cucaracha

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Maybe someone already asked this, but does any place or anyone have this match available for download? I didn't get to see Velocity and forgot to tape it. It sounds like it was a pretty sweet match. Any help would be appreciated.

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Zynn I'm sorry for posting so much lol I got your "joke" I was just popping in and out while watching the match.


Seriosuly, though we would all like to see A Benoit -Regal program,  the general non-and non full smarks fans woudl nto understand it without a strong storyline of betrayal or beatdowns or some such.  However, one great PPV match would have the live crowd get into it, especially if it was the opener. I would have that PPV macth at No Mercy  The announcers could pimp it on the sd after the ppv and it could lead to several big rematches or tag matches  on SD climaxing with a big blowoff at say Survivor Series, unless you want to drag it to Armageddon.

I think this whole board would stop complaining for at least a week if Benoit-Regal in a 60 minute iron man match happened on a PPV. and I'd bet all of us would go out of the way to see it, and actually buy the PPV shooting up the buyrate, and of course makign WWE think it was the lame main event whatever it is that drew it.


Np. Glad you got it.


I dont think it needs a strong storyline. Just a fued to see who is the better man. Id just induct Regal into the Cabinet as Foreign Secretary to add a bit of spice to it, but it doesnt lead to the Cabinet getting involved left, right and centre. Gives Regal an automatic tag team partner in OJ (which wouldnt be a bad thing for OJ).


If your going to use it as an opener in a regular match, it has to be given time as the opener on SummerSlam, have the USC change hands at No Mercy and the blowoff at Survivour Series in a Submissions match. Iron Man matches are too scripted (apart from the fact that well never get what your asking for and Im just trying to be a bit more realistic).

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