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The Amazing Rando

Edge or Cena?

Who Should Be WWE Champ?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Should Be WWE Champ?

    • John Cena
    • Edge

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Note: This isn't about the current storylines or any rumored matches, this is just me throwing out a question.


It's a simple question, and one that is harder to answer than it seems to me.


I don't think either of them truly deserve it with all of the other talent flowing around both shows, but Edge seems like he is going to end up with it eventually.



Edge's primary heat for almost the last year was his whining and now the Matt Hardy incident. One goes away when he wins the title, but I doubt it will get transfered to anything larger, the other is just there to be dealt with as it is being dealt with.



Cena's primary heat stems from playing the crowd to points of annoyance, and barring exceptions, has actually been seeming to get worse in the ring in the last year or so. It's become move, pause, move, pause, move, pause, play to crowd, move, pause, etc. and while that does get him the "he notices us!" heat from the arena, it is already getting horribly stale.




As of this moment, I would rather have Cena as the champion and wait until they build up more faces for the Raw ME scene. Right now it's Big Show, John Cena, and Kane...with Shelton and now possible Matt nipping at their heels and Big Show hasn't even appeared since his first show on the brand, at least not that I can remember, though I didn't see a few shows.


For that matter...the heel side is HHH, HBK, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, and Edge. Not alot of guys, but more than the two-three that the face side is.


So...comment, people.

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As of this moment, Cena. He's making tons of money for the company and has little kids, which is one of the most important demographics, watching.


After this feud Edge has with Matt Hardy, who knows what type of heat he'll have? If it's even more heat than what he has now, then I'd definately give him a go at the title. I always find it tough to judge what heels deserve a World Title these days because it's tough to find heels that people truly hate. Triple H always has a group cheering for him, because he is somewhat a cool heel. Angle is too goofy for people to truly hate. I think that Hassan and Edge are the only two heels that are true heels. But should Hassan get a title because of this, or is his heat too cheap to count for anything? Is Edge's heat cheap, or do fans really hate him?


With faces, like Cena, it's a lot more black and white. If the fans pay to see him, pay for merchandise, and cheer for him, then yes, give him the title. With heels, it's always a little iffy.

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Are you really going to make me decide between the company's most money-making superstar or the #5 heel on RAW?


Cena. No contest.

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Rando, I think you forget that RVD will be easily the #2 face on Raw once he gets back. Big Show and Kane have no real heat to speak of, and the whole Carlito feud killed Shelton's momentum dead.


I say enough of heel champions. It's been done to death and really when does it ever draw any money? Especially long term? What is needed is a strong face champ who is given some chances to draw. If I did give Edge the title at some point it'd be just to pay off the Money in the Bank thing, and then he'd just be a short transition guy.

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Guest news_gimmick

I have this sinking feeling that with this problem with faces that somehow....they will use Brock Lesnar to revive the face side of Raw. Does that make a lot of since right now? No. But is it really out of the question? I think if they feel Brock will make a huge impact they will use him to revive Raw (since Raw gets all the preferential treatment anyway) I could definately see them doing this which provides fresh matchups and could lead to an eventual Triple H - Lesnar big money match and Lesnar - Cena.


Of course I could always be completely off, but I would not be surprised. The way Trips was mentioned last week on Raw seemed to tease him returning as a face as well, but I doubt anyone is really clamoring for horribly dull face Triple H.




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Guest news_gimmick

I know, and while that character is old and very stale by now, it always sucked when he played a face with the character. I mean he has never been a likeable face (well at least since he dropped the DX character in 99) and it bombed horribly in 2002. I just don't see him ever being successful as a face.


Lesnar on the other hand I could see develop into what Batista did this year and his ability to put on amazing matches as well would help him pull it off much easier than even Batista (although I feel Batista has the better charisma of the two) Of course he probably have some heat still from the way he left WWE before, I still believe he belongs on Smackdown as a monster heel to build up to a Mania matchup with Batista. I also want to see some more matches between Lesnar and Benoit at some point too.


As for Edge and Cena, it has to be Cena right now as he is the hottest star in the company. I know this thread is trying to include who "deserves" the title into the question, as Edge has been around far longer than Cena and is the better worker between the two, but business wise it has to be Cena.





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It has to be Cena.


He over, draws money and the fans seem to love him. Edge has nothing on him in comparison.

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Cena is still HUGELY over with marks as much as we complain that he'd be much better served as a cocky arrogant heel than a common man do-gooder. That does shorten the lifespan of his draw, as we've seen with Rocky, but until that happens he's still over. Eventually, people will either get tired of him or figure out what we've already known.


By my observations of 2 PPVs this year where both titles were on the line, Cena is the more popular champion. Batista certainly has a marketable look and can definitely go places, but he hasn't main evented over Cena twice just because he's that much more popular. It's because he's a project of someone well connected to the office.


Edge, well, his career could be set back for a whole year or more once they hit the blowoff match of this Hardy feud and the entire world realizes, oh yeah, it's just Edge and Matt Hardy, and promptly shits on the match.

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Did people say the same things about Austin's character back in the day, or was it executed in a more effective manner (and with someone that had a very different look) to where it felt natural?

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Can I have a 3rd choice please? :huh:


If I really have to choose on the spot, out of the two, my heart says Edge but my mind says Cena. Cena is in a way better position than Edge currently is and Edge is not really anywhere near the title or credible enough as at this point in time.


Im very reluctantly voting for Cena given as how things stand at the moment if I really have to choose.


After this feud Edge has with Matt Hardy, who knows what type of heat he'll have? If it's even more heat than what he has now, then I'd definately give him a go at the title. I always find it tough to judge what heels deserve a World Title these days because it's tough to find heels that people truly hate. Is Edge's heat cheap, or do fans really hate him?


With faces, like Cena, it's a lot more black and white. If the fans pay to see him, pay for merchandise, and cheer for him, then yes, give him the title. With heels, it's always a little iffy.


As always, Canadian Chick gets to the heart of the matter and sums up the situation best. It all depends on how Edge comes out of his feud with Matt. To get back in the ball game, Edge needs to give Matt the beating of a lifetime (after all the shots Matt will get in on Edge during the buildup) and put him on the shelf for a while (which wouldnt happen, but for Edge to go for the title, he has to beat Matt, but if that happens and Matt is still around, he will just go after Edge time after time). A way around it could be Edge putting his MitB shot up against Matt leaving the WWE for good and going over (but that would mean that he face doesnt ultimately win the blowoff and an Edge-Matt you stole my gf, now I steal your title is out of the window too). Matt has just come back from a long lay-off hasnt he? Edge is better playing the lone wolf and has to show the world that he will go to any means necessary to win the WWE Championship. If he beats the shit out of Matt and shows him the door, then yes the marks will really hate him.


Does Cena need the title to sell T-Shirts and CDs? I dont think so, so why is it on him? It could be of much use elsewhere.


Are you really going to make me decide between the company's most money-making superstar or the #5 heel on RAW?


Cena. No contest.


Who is before Edge as a heel? I mean HBK yes. I wouldnt say that Jericho is above him, if anything on par with him at most. Angles a tweener IMHO at the moment and HHH is off TV.


technically speaking, Hogan is the #2 face right now.


Yes, hes right people.


I have this sinking feeling that with this problem with faces that somehow....they will use Brock Lesnar to revive the face side of Raw. Does that make a lot of since right now? No. But is it really out of the question? I think if they feel Brock will make a huge impact they will use him to revive Raw (since Raw gets all the preferential treatment anyway) I could definately see them doing this which provides fresh matchups and could lead to an eventual Triple H - Lesnar big money match and Lesnar - Cena.


I have a feeling too that Brock will show up on RAW, and come to think about it, when you look at the ME scenes of both shows post-Draft, RAW needs MEs more than SD does. Batista-Lesnar, Benoit-Lesnar, Lesnar-Eddie and Lesnar-JBL are way better matches though.


I know, and while that character is old and very stale by now, it always sucked when he played a face with the character. I mean he has never been a likeable face (well at least since he dropped the DX character in 99) and it bombed horribly in 2002. I just don't see him ever being successful as a face.


Lesnar on the other hand I could see develop into what Batista did this year and his ability to put on amazing matches as well would help him pull it off much easier than even Batista (although I feel Batista has the better charisma of the two) Of course he probably have some heat still from the way he left WWE before, I still believe he belongs on Smackdown as a monster heel to build up to a Mania matchup with Batista. I also want to see some more matches between Lesnar and Benoit at some point too.


As for Edge and Cena, it has to be Cena right now as he is the hottest star in the company. I know this thread is trying to include who "deserves" the title into the question, as Edge has been around far longer than Cena and is the better worker between the two, but business wise it has to be Cena.


Was he playing a true face when he was heading DGX? :huh:


Lesnar is a better talker and worker than Batista. Batista is way cooler and more charimatic, especially when he says very little.


Edge deserves a shot. Im not sure if this is the right time though.


He over, draws money and the fans seem to love him.


Do the figures support this rumour that Cena draws though?


Cena is still HUGELY over with marks as much as we complain that he'd be much better served as a cocky arrogant heel than a common man do-gooder. That does shorten the lifespan of his draw, as we've seen with Rocky, but until that happens he's still over. Eventually, people will either get tired of him or figure out what we've already known.


Edge, well, his career could be set back for a whole year or more once they hit the blowoff match of this Hardy feud and the entire world realizes, oh yeah, it's just Edge and Matt Hardy, and promptly shits on the match.


My arguement still remains, does Cena really need the title for a prolonged period of time to be as popular as he is. To be a good heel you have to carry a match, something which Cena has never done.


I cant see Edge as a credible champion at this point in time. People will realise that it just Matt-Edge but it has immense heat at the moment. I can understand why the WWE wouldnt want to drag it out though.


Did people say the same things about Austin's character back in the day, or was it executed in a more effective manner (and with someone that had a very different look) to where it felt natural?


Austin was a tweener at best. Vince was the heel.

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Guest Ransome
Edge's primary heat for almost the last year was his whining and now the Matt Hardy incident. One goes away when he wins the title, but I doubt it will get transfered to anything larger, the other is just there to be dealt with as it is being dealt with.


As far as I'm concerned, Edge's major problem is that he cannot portray a effective 'serious' heel. Someone made a good post a couple months back about how Edge undermines his heelish character with an occasional goofy or comedic facial expression, especially at those times when he *should* be projecting white-hot rage. In a way, the same obstacle prevents Kurt Angle from playing a 'serious' heel character. Either way, I still think of Edge as a micarder, which might have something to do with the fact that he's still channelling his 'Edge & Christian' persona of five years back; maybe if he cut his hair and ditched the trenchcoat the ties to that era wouldn't be so blatant?


Cena's primary heat stems from playing the crowd to points of annoyance, and barring exceptions, has actually been seeming to get worse in the ring in the last year or so. It's become move, pause, move, pause, move, pause, play to crowd, move, pause, etc. and while that does get him the "he notices us!" heat from the arena, it is already getting horribly stale.


Can you explain what you mean by 'to points of annoyance'? Playing to the crowd is certainly why the crowds have taken to him. Five years ago, it seemed like every popular WWF promo-maker had a catchphrase. Those kinds of memorable catchphrases are used to a far lesser degree today, which is a little suprising because the crowd is dying to chant along with any repeatable catchphrase whatsoever (check out, for example, the number people in the audience who chant along with the otherwise-hated-heel JBL's "Wrestling....God"). Cena's imitable catchphrases are a huge factor in his success; if you deprive him of those, you're stripping him of his overall resonance with fans.


Anyway, Cena deserves the world title far more than Edge. Thus far, I can't think of any point in Edge's career where he *has* deserved a world title, although I guess that could be mainly because he's never been the #1 heel or face at any given time.

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Either way, I still think of Edge as a micarder, which might have something to do with the fact that he's still channelling his 'Edge & Christian' persona of five years back; maybe if he cut his hair and ditched the trenchcoat the ties to that era wouldn't be so blatant?


Can you explain what you mean by 'to points of annoyance'?


(check out, for example, the number people in the audience who chant along with the otherwise-hated-heel JBL's "Wrestling....God").


Anyway, Cena deserves the world title far more than Edge. Thus far, I can't think of any point in Edge's career where he *has* deserved a world title, although I guess that could be mainly because he's never been the #1 heel or face at any given time.


Maybe cause those where his best days. Ive always associated the hair and the trenchcoat with Edge. Its his getup. Hasnt Edge trimmed his hair recently?


Maybe because Cena overdoes it and does very little else?


Do they really cheer along with JBL like that?


Cena deserves over Edge at this point in time. I think they were onto something Edge from around Survivour Series up to around the Goldrush Tourney. And how can you with HHH on your show?

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Are you really going to make me decide between the company's most money-making superstar or the #5 heel on RAW?


Cena. No contest.


Who is before Edge as a heel? I mean HBK yes. I wouldnt say that Jericho is above him, if anything on par with him at most. Angles a tweener IMHO at the moment and HHH is off TV.


HBK is the top heel right now. I normally wouldn't consider Jericho above him but he is in a title feud right now. Angle is a heel against everyone except Triple H. Hunter is gone, true, but he could come back and win the title anytime, and that would still be a better choice as champion than Edge. What has Edge done in the past 2 years to deserve a title reign?

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Neither of them have done anything for me lately. Even those who argue that Cena is superhumanly over should listen to his crowd reactions lately. His exchanges with Jericho last week were somewhat underwhelming.

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Are you really going to make me decide between the company's most money-making superstar or the #5 heel on RAW?


Cena. No contest.


Who is before Edge as a heel? I mean HBK yes. I wouldnt say that Jericho is above him, if anything on par with him at most. Angles a tweener IMHO at the moment and HHH is off TV.


HBK is the top heel right now. I normally wouldn't consider Jericho above him but he is in a title feud right now. Angle is a heel against everyone except Triple H. Hunter is gone, true, but he could come back and win the title anytime, and that would still be a better choice as champion than Edge. What has Edge done in the past 2 years to deserve a title reign?


Im not saying Edge deserves it, im just saying that Jericho looks weak at the moment, just like Edge. Angle is a lower programme than Edge (Kurt Angle Invitational) and HHH is off TV. If anything that makes Edge #3 at least IMHO.

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Neither Cena or Edge deserve a world title reign because Cena's 15 minutes of fame is almost up (some fans are already booing the crap out of him and that will increase as long as Cena keeps on getting bad and lazy in the ring), now Edge deserved a World title reign back in december 2004 when he was way over as a frustrated heel but he has lost that main event aura after being jobbed out several times to HHH and now to Kane.

The title should be given to heel HBK and let him drop it to RVD (that is if RVD gets built back up as a legit main eventer instead of getting stuck with the IC title as a midcarder w/o any aspirations), the guy is still over with the fans after all these years of being buried by WWE management.

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Cena definately deserves it more. He makes loads of money on merchendise for WWE and is also more of a cross over star from what I've heard and seen (not in any way like Rock or Hogan but you know what I mean). He is very over and he is a bigger draw than Edge. I loved his first heel run with the rapper gimmick so I hope that the people booing him will lead to a turn eventually. He does need to get better in the ring though. He isnt very good at all. Allthough he can hang in there when facing someone good (i.e. Angle or the match against Jericho and Christian).

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Guest slmon

Cena. He is outstanding on the mic, if not in the ring. And Edge is outstanding in neither.

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Are you really going to make me decide between the company's most money-making superstar or the #5 heel on RAW?


Cena. No contest.


Who is before Edge as a heel? I mean HBK yes. I wouldnt say that Jericho is above him, if anything on par with him at most. Angles a tweener IMHO at the moment and HHH is off TV.


HBK is the top heel right now. I normally wouldn't consider Jericho above him but he is in a title feud right now. Angle is a heel against everyone except Triple H. Hunter is gone, true, but he could come back and win the title anytime, and that would still be a better choice as champion than Edge. What has Edge done in the past 2 years to deserve a title reign?


Im not saying Edge deserves it, im just saying that Jericho looks weak at the moment, just like Edge. Angle is a lower programme than Edge (Kurt Angle Invitational) and HHH is off TV. If anything that makes Edge #3 at least IMHO.


Angle, Triple H, and probably Jericho could win the title and have the fans buy it more than Edge winning. Jericho is the only question mark, putting Edge at the very most #4 heel on ONE brand of WWE.

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Did people say the same things about Austin's character back in the day, or was it executed in a more effective manner (and with someone that had a very different look) to where it felt natural?

Austin didn't become a milquetoast babyface, because he was still acting like a heel a lot of the time and simply getting popped for it. They didn't really solidify him as a babyface until Tyson, and the parlaying of Montreal into Austin/McMahon was perfect.


The only time they started to run out of gas on Austin was when the guy needed to move on but they couldn't let go of Vince McMahon, main event heel. Having mini-feuds with Mick, Kane, and eventually Rock as "guys hired by the boss" that ultimately served to feed the larger Austin/McMahon story was fine, but after WM15 and Austin finally getting what's his and Vince tossing a tantrum and skulking off to think about life, that's the conclusion to the story they had been writing. But they kept it up, and tossed more guys like Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Big Show, and others into this feud that would never die.


By the time Vince and Shane were squabbling about who gets to be the big shot of the stable, and Austin was saving Stephanie from dark weddings, it was really really time to put the ol' dog out of it's misery. And yet they kept Austin and Vince inseperable though 2001.

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The title should be given to heel HBK and let him drop it to RVD (that is if RVD gets built back up as a legit main eventer instead of getting stuck with the IC title as a midcarder w/o any aspirations), the guy is still over with the fans after all these years of being buried by WWE management.


As long as HBK is nothing more than a 2 month transitional champ at most, then im fine with that. The last HBK-RVD was weak cause they were both faces. RVD would be second best to Jericho (as a face) as a champ.


Cena definately deserves it more. He makes loads of money on merchendise for WWE and is also more of a cross over star from what I've heard and seen (not in any way like Rock or Hogan but you know what I mean). He is very over and he is a bigger draw than Edge. I loved his first heel run with the rapper gimmick so I hope that the people booing him will lead to a turn eventually. He does need to get better in the ring though. He isnt very good at all. Allthough he can hang in there when facing someone good (i.e. Angle or the match against Jericho and Christian).


But does he really need the title to sell merchandies?


But does he really draw? Do the figures support your statement?


A heel has to lead a match. Is Cena capable of that?


Cena hanged in there because he was being carried, something that he is incapable of doing.

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After this feud Edge has with Matt Hardy, who knows what type of heat he'll have? If it's even more heat than what he has now, then I'd definately give him a go at the title. I always find it tough to judge what heels deserve a World Title these days because it's tough to find heels that people truly hate. Triple H always has a group cheering for him, because he is somewhat a cool heel. Angle is too goofy for people to truly hate. I think that Hassan and Edge are the only two heels that are true heels. But should Hassan get a title because of this, or is his heat too cheap to count for anything? Is Edge's heat cheap, or do fans really hate him?


I think Edge did a good job last night on RAW. He really seem pissed off in his promo with Todd. I like the way he didnt refer to Matt by name. I think he should have stopped at the first pause though cause then he laid it on a bit too thick IMO.


The way introduced Lita (and her facial mannerisms), that promo and the way he went over Kane made me want to see Edge get more of a push. He was a heel that people hated last night IMHO.


And he plugged us smarks too. Hey, bad publicity is better than though no publicity, right Vince?

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Cena definately deserves it more. He makes loads of money on merchendise for WWE and is also more of a cross over star from what I've heard and seen (not in any way like Rock or Hogan but you know what I mean). He is very over and he is a bigger draw than Edge. I loved his first heel run with the rapper gimmick so I hope that the people booing him will lead to a turn eventually. He does need to get better in the ring though. He isnt very good at all. Allthough he can hang in there when facing someone good (i.e. Angle or the match against Jericho and Christian).


But does he really need the title to sell merchandies?


But does he really draw? Do the figures support your statement?


A heel has to lead a match. Is Cena capable of that?


Cena hanged in there because he was being carried, something that he is incapable of doing.


No he doesnt need the title to sell merchendise.


I said that he is a bigger draw than Edge (not that he is a big draw compared to others). I have no numbers but I'm pretty sure Cena draw more than Edge.


I'm not sure if Cena is capable of leading a match. From what he shows right now he isnt capable of doing that. However that can change. I just said I enjoyed his heel gimmick way more than his face one. In fact I loved the out of ring heel Cena (even though I actually despise rap/hip-hop music and culture). As a face I dislike most of what he does.


And about him being carried to a good match. Yes thats right (its pretty much what I said as well). At least he isn't Heideneich/Viscera/Tomko bad so that you cant even drag a good match of him.


The question for the thread was who was more worthy as champion and that is Cena according to me. He doesnt actually need the title to stay popular or to sell merchendise but he does deserve being champ more than Edge does right now.

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A heel has to lead a match. Is Cena capable of that?

Can Edge? So far I've found him boring, even when paired with guys like Shawn who should be able to make him look good even when they're not in control. The only time I was impressed by Heel Edge was the THAT'S AWESOME~! days, and I think he either was being a spot machine (ladders, TLC) or used as the guy who was tagged in to clean house.

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But does he really need the title to sell merchandies?


But does he really draw? Do the figures support your statement?


A heel has to lead a match. Is Cena capable of that?


Cena hanged in there because he was being carried, something that he is incapable of doing.


No he doesnt need the title to sell merchendise.


I said that he is a bigger draw than Edge (not that he is a big draw compared to others). I have no numbers but I'm pretty sure Cena draw more than Edge.


I'm not sure if Cena is capable of leading a match. From what he shows right now he isnt capable of doing that. However that can change. I just said I enjoyed his heel gimmick way more than his face one. In fact I loved the out of ring heel Cena (even though I actually despise rap/hip-hop music and culture). As a face I dislike most of what he does.


And about him being carried to a good match. Yes thats right (its pretty much what I said as well). At least he isn't Heideneich/Viscera/Tomko bad so that you cant even drag a good match of him.


The question for the thread was who was more worthy as champion and that is Cena according to me. He doesnt actually need the title to stay popular or to sell merchendise but he does deserve being champ more than Edge does right now.


I was just pointing out the fact that the possibility does exist that the Title may be of better use strapped around somebody elses waste, not necessarily either of these 2. In fact I asked for a third choice in my 1st post in this thread.


I have my doubt whether anybody really draws anymore, but yes I would say that Cena draws more Edge, but currently, isnt Edge in a hotter programme than Cena, which could result in Edge over-drawing Cena for the time being? You would be right that the programme would be drawing and not Edge per se, but Edge would still be a part of it. Jericho will draw saw people to his fued with Cena.


Anything can change in life, thats the beauty of it. I could wake up a millionaire tomorrow or Vince could just sell the company or the product itself could improve. I was talking about the here and now, not the ifs and maybes. I also prefer Cena as a heel, which I must have said somewhere here. But Cena is doesnt work that well and IMHO he is a poor seller. Edge is IMHO currently a better worker and seller, which, technically speaking, implies that he will be able to lead a match a bit better.


Granted, hes above the 3 hopeless cases you mentioned (Big Vis has a better moveset IMO). Its very easy to compare him though, the top uppercarder to 3 low carders. Using last week as an example, and just as an example, I prefered Edges promos and ring work over Cenas.


I know what the question for the thread is. Ive posted (in my 1st post) that as things currently stand it will be Cena and voted accordingly, despite begrudginly.


I didnt want to come across as stating the obvious or act condensing, I just felt it had to be said. Given the same degree of push and with time as Cena is exposed, I think people would be thinking differently of how they post and vote. Im a traditionalist and prefer wrestling over entertainment. Given that, the answer to the channels topic becomes pretty straigh-forward and hence my not loving Cena (and all the Cena bashing).


Todays be a very bad day wrestling wise, since Im disgruntled with the WWE and TNA. At least RoH continues to surprise me in a good way.


Welcome to the board.


A heel has to lead a match. Is Cena capable of that?

Can Edge? So far I've found him boring, even when paired with guys like Shawn who should be able to make him look good even when they're not in control. The only time I was impressed by Heel Edge was the THAT'S AWESOME~! days, and I think he either was being a spot machine (ladders, TLC) or used as the guy who was tagged in to clean house.


As a blunt statement, I personally think that based on what I have seen of Cena's WWE ring work, I find him incapable of leading a match.


Relatively speaking out of the 2, I prefer Edge's ringwork and move set over Cenas. That would mean that Edge can lead a better match than Cena, given what we have seen of the 2 in a WWE ring.

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