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OAO Raw Thread (7/18/05)

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I think a good sign idea is "John CHEAP-A" in response to his lame rips on Jericho. Though it wont make TV probably. The philly crowd will probably boo the divas------UNLESS they do a lesbian/pregancy angle. After all this is ECW country.


Lita and Edge should get nice heat. Someone ought to copy that "Lita is A Dumas " sign.



But it would be funny if the entire arena booed Cena tonight (but they loved him at rumble 04 so who knows)



Mega brownie points for anyone with the guts to make a "ECW-Extremely Crappy Wrestling Sign" just for fun.

I'd bet Lawler would laugh if he saw that one.


or "HHH fears TSM"


However I think we will all be grateful if someone gets this sign on the air:

"Where's Poochie?" With A big Pic of Trips on it.

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I think Cena will wrestle because Bischoff will tell him to. We will see Carlito's Cabana and the Boogeyman could be debuting as well. They say nothing about Matt Hardy. They fight in the cage for like 10 minutes, Matt Hardy runs to the ring followed by Johnny Ace and some more agents. Matt climbs the cage and he jumps off onto Edge. Now that would rule. I could see them doing some sort of a Hardcore match because they are in Philly.


And I hope Kerwin White and Rob Conway get air time.


(SIGN: Peep Show > Highlight Reel > Carlito's Cabana)

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I'm calling it right now: Matt Hardy interferes at the conclusion of the Edge/Kane match and locks himself in the cage with Edge so no security can get in. Then Matt proceeds to beat down Edge.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Design some better signs please. There are plenty of better ideas out there than atleast half of what you have planned.


Do they still search well enough to prevent you from bringing a marker in?

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If the house show I went to had been televised my bro and I were gonna bring two signs. Mine would say "Push Chris Masters!" and my brother's would say "Release Chris Masters!" Thing is, Masters wasn't even at the house show (and yes, mine was meant to be ironic).

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Plus, the 2005 RAW Diva Search is well underway, and with last week's talent competition, it has been kicked into high gear.




This makes me sad. :(

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Guest Fook

Ten bucks says Matt Hardy comes out from under the ring during the Edge/Kane match.

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Guest Frank_Nabbit

Random Interesting fact: VADER was negotiating with the makers of GI Joe in 1990 to make a villian in his likeness.

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Why the hell did Lilian even start announcing the intros with BISCHOFF'S music playing!? Is she deaf? Did Vis crush her eardrums?




Edit: Bischoff couldn't fire Cena...Cena's not injured. It's not his style.

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So we have one cage match, designed to keep everyone but Matt Hardy out...and a lumberjack match, designed for massive brawling.


Now all we need is Chris Masters vs. Tyson Tomko in a Deep Freeze Match, designed to keep heat out.

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Guest TysonTomko420

cena vs smotsly? cheap sauce lol. Seriously i like cena but that match sucks. snitsky blows and lumberjack matches are like the worst stupulation ever.


I hope tomko gets a match tonight

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