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Cool promo from Maddix to start the show, even if I got totally lambasted in the process, heh. I love Landon's motivation. He's right when he says that getting all three three-time World Champs (and Rane's corpse) to submit to the Land of Nod would be an astonishing achievement. The bit at the end got a chuckle outta me.


Good use of the show's location and gimmick in the tag match, and a nice touch with the Rev-0 entrance. Great spot with Johnson and Pretzler knocking Zyon back and forth with the Chops. I was laughing out loud at the crowd's reaction to the German Suplex. Very cool spot for the finish.




Great choice of a match from Jay. Hawke/Manson would be great as it is, but the 2/3 Falls Old School Rules is only gonna make it better.


Even Ghost Machine is programmed to dream about being the World Heavyweight Champion.


Hahaha. Even though I enjoyed Hawke running down nearly every member of the roster, that stood out for me.


I'm afraid Toxxic is the only person I know in his promo, so I don't feel qualified to comment on it. I'm sure that if I had any idea what was going on, I'd find it to be extremely good. =)


“Simple,” Toxxic replies slightly ruefully. “I started wrestling someone they hate even more than me.”


That's great, though. I know that for sure.


And the rest is me. Enjoy. :)

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For those not in the know:


JET was first seen over a year ago when she ambushed Toxxic backstage whilst wearing a girl scout uniform when he was fighting Insane Luchador all over the Wachovia Center, and proceeded to kiss his face off. She became his girlfriend, and upon the formation of Revolution Zero became a highly effective manager for Spike Jenkins. Jet was a wrestler in training who was actually backstage at the Wachovia Center looking for a job. Earlier this year she elected to finish her training as a wrestler, and she did this with the help of...


CHRIS CARD, the old character of former World Champion Va'aiga. I don't know if Card ever got out of the JL, but after Va'aiga abandoned Va'aiga Chris Card came back, supposedly under remit from the Suicide King to find the 'next big thing' for the SWF. After a failed experiment with a French wrestler called Said (also known as 'La Sensation Senegalese', or as Toxxic called him, 'la sensational mayonnaise') when Card found out that he couldn't actually write the style he'd created for Said, he took Landon Maddix under his wing. RL Chris Card left the fed for various reasons but Landon kept Card as his heelish manager. In autumn last year it emerged that Suicide King was ACTUALLY paying Card not to groom Maddix for the main event but to keep him FROM it, and Landon aligned himself with Grand Slam and turned face as result, after punching out Card when Card attempted to silence Megan Skye (who'd caught on).


Early this year Toxxic grew frustrated with his inability to actually, you know, WRESTLE, and so brought in Card (also from Nottingham) to train him. Card hung around for a while, but after Toxxic had gained a greater understanding (if nowhere near a mastery) of mat wrestling he left to train Jet at his academy.


NATASHA was Card's manager when he was an active wrestler, and now is his business associate (NOT his girlfriend).

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Big congratulations all around to JJ - he wrote the whole match himself and WON~! Wish I could have contributed, but it looks swell enough as it is.

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My comments on the tag:


As I said in the card thread, it was extremely close. Both were great matches, and to tell you the truth, if we just graded by the wrestling content, Zyon and Manson might've gotten the win. But JJ's, in addition to great wrestling, had excellent characterization. He got down the announcers' struggle with the family-friendliness moreso than Zyon and Manson, and the stuff with the crowd and the characterization of the wrestlers themselves was really great. Hats off to both teams.

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-I shudder to think what the national anthem will be next time we're in Canada...


-And the show opens with a promo from Landon! Again! But it's good! Again! And I love the "It's 'nucular', dummy. The s is silent." type line at then end.


-And I improve my record to 7-8! Moving on!


-I learn a new British stereotype! Yay! And Toxx wins after the Inglorious, which is funny, because I was thinking "When's he ever gonna use the Inglorious?". And then he did!


Well, maybe it's not that funny.


-And Jay picks Manson, and names the COOLEST. STIP. EVER. Guys, I envy you. Nice promo.


-OMGWTFCARD!?!? Sure, I wasn't around for him, but I do plenty of reading in my spare time of all the old shows and stuff and junk and things, so I know who he is. To some extent.


-Is it wrong to be supporting Mags, even though he's a heel now? Because if it is, I'm wrong. Guy can't catch a break, and I feel sorry for him, even if he did snap. It's kinda justified. Maybe not to the extent of choking a mutha, but justified.



I was dissapointed that not only did we NOT see a new Lockdown commissioner, but it was NOT a hoot. Because he didn't exist. Or maybe I missed him. Eh.



OH, and I personally would like to see a losing match thread from Zyonosity. If the match is as good as Supes makes it out to be, it should be a great read.

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Lockdown starts the way it should...a promo from Darth Maddix. I enjoyed this promo a lot and the direction he is going really adds to his characters selfishness. Oh and this line ruled...


"He beat up a robot. Big whoop." sneers Maddix. "Last week, my toaster broke, so I put my foot through it. Does that impress you Ben?"


Next up is the tag match. To be honest I haven't seen Manson's portion of the match. Eh no big deal. The headlock getting cheered spot was cool. Kings comments were a joy to read. The ending was cool too, good tag wrestling from the former REV-0 members. Good match.


Toxxic vs Ghost Machine was what it needed to be. A good match, but it was pretty much filler. I hope we didn't run GH off, but it looks like he's nothing more than a jobber now. Eh well...


The Jay Hawke promo was cool. The actual match stipulations gave me a headache. Will be a fun match, I'm just glad I don't have to write against Hawke in a match like that.


Toxxic promo. I wasn't around to know the characters of Jet and Card. I guess it's just the Toxxic character opening up more.


Wildchild vs. The good wholesome albeit angry ELM.


Great match. The added element of ELM being desperate for a win here adds to the match. A real good match which is what I come to expect from ELM and WC.


Wildchild vs. Majin ELM- The heel turn.


PERFECT. Really good way to do it. The dude just went psycho, and the whole choking thing worked for this segment. It was awesome, nothing else can be said. I just pity the next guy he has to face I mean that person is in some deep...wait a minute...crap.


Anyway it was another good Lockdown. I must say that I dig the heel characters of this fed. The face ones are just as entertaining, but the latest heel turns have been done awesomely.

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