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USC Wuz Robbed!

UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

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Guest JMA

Wow. It's amazing how UPN has just threw a huge wrench into WWE's plans. I didn't care for Hassan's character, but I did think he was a good talker.


Hopefully Magnus (I guess we have to call him that now) and Daivari aren't released now. It wasn't their fault, and I feel that they can have a good future in WWE.

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Oh well, I guess if he gets released we could flood the WWE with angry e-mails about screwing him over.


This would probably be the first WWE release that would really bother me. This guy is young and talented and did everything that management asked of him. He goes from main eventer to food line in one day. Unbelievable.

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I'd love it, for just about that one moment, just to see Hassan back. Where does he go from there, though? Happy go lucky American? Man who went from "bitching about injustice" to bitching for forgiveness? He's pretty much fucked, even if they try to bring him back like that. The crowd won't buy it. Unless they eventually turn him again but tone him down, there's not much longevity in that move.


An Arab American version of Shelton Benjamin minus the in-ring ability but maybe that will come. He's young, good on the mic and has the look. Don't have him say that this was a 'character' he was playing. Say that he's arab american but he took things too far. He wanted to become a star and used recent events and emotions negatively to achieve that. He's a good talker, this would sound convincing coming from. He wanted to educate people to not be racist and instead he gave them a reason to be racist and hateful. Drop the turban. Downplay the arab american stereotypical look that they've created for him. Maybe at some point adapt an American name like Mark Magnus. And let him beat the living shit out of the first Carlito-like heel who makes a reference to him opening up a 7-11.


Or he just acknowledges the UPN ban and does a Chavo and denounces his Arabian descent to appease the United States press and 'the network'. Maybe team him with Kerwin White. Announcing that he's now "Blue Chipper" Mark Magnus.


Or he asks the FBI if he can pass for Italian and they adopt him into da famlee and he's renamed Guido the Hero.


I think the point is that they can have fun with this without taking this guy into unemployment.

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Yeah, I feel sorry for the guy that has no dignity.


Poor guy.


But boy o boy, could he TALK! Couldn't wrestle a lick, but those promos... FABULOUS. Didn't get much heat, but, WOW. PROMOS!


You know, there was a guy... what's his name.... I forget. But this guy thought you could hire ACTORS to be wrestlers and teach em a few moves. Sounds silly, right? It sounded stupid to everyone he said it to... oh what was his name? Vince.. Retard... Nonono, he's still with the WWE... Roo... Roooooo.... Vince Russo! Yeah, him! Well, if some of you are so bent out of shape from this AWESOME TALENT potentially being gone, then maybe the WWE could hire some D-grade actors to say the lines the D-grade writers are feeding them, and you'd get the exact same effect. And maybe they could hire an actual Arab this time!

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Hey, I'm not saying Magnus is like the next Benoit or Dean Malenko here BUT if he gets fired I think that's downright wrong. What was he supposed to say when creative told him to do the angle with the Undertaker? No? Seriously, the guy was on a main event push where he'd be making tons of cash and was just doing what he was told to do. Hell, if they are going to fire the Hebners over some t-shirts then I say fire the idiot who came up with this angle in the first place instead of Magnus, who is young and can learn more in the business.


I'll be the first to tell WWE to go screw themselves too if they try to pin all the blame on Magnus by firing him.

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I doubt Magnus gets fired over this incident. That would make zero sense any way you look at it. Magnus will be re-packaged and the Muhammed Hassan character, in typical "WWE we fucked up fashion," will be swept under the rug and never mentioned again.

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Yeah, I feel sorry for the guy that has no dignity. 


Poor guy. 


But boy o boy, could he TALK!  Couldn't wrestle a lick, but those promos... FABULOUS.  Didn't get much heat, but, WOW.  PROMOS! 


You know, there was a guy... what's his name.... I forget.  But this guy thought you could hire ACTORS to be wrestlers and teach em a few moves.  Sounds silly, right?  It sounded stupid to everyone he said it to... oh what was his name?  Vince.. Retard... Nonono, he's still with the WWE... Roo... Roooooo.... Vince Russo!  Yeah, him!  Well, if some of you are so bent out of shape from this AWESOME TALENT potentially being gone, then maybe the WWE could hire some D-grade actors to say the lines the D-grade writers are feeding them, and you'd get the exact same effect.  And maybe they could hire an actual Arab this time!


The guy wants to be a professional wrestler. He was training to become a professional wrestler. The WWE called him up before he was ready and saddled him with a cheap heat gimmick. The guy worked hard, did his job and got over enough to warrant a push to the main event. Now he might lose it all because the creative team is a bunch of monkeys with typewriters. How could you possibly fault the guy for that?

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I'll be honest, I don't really get the promo love for this guy. Yeah, he cuts a decent promo, but not that good. He....Talks...Like...This....All....The...Time. It...Gets...Pretty....Annoying. Not to mention he blows at, um, what's this thing called? Oh yeah, wrestling! Not only isn't he good, but he's boring. If you're a bad wrestler, you have to at least do some cool moves or something.

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I fault the guy for saying "yes" to a character that clearly is race-based (and not even your ethnicity) and wouldn't be written with a lick of respect or sensitivity to anyone or anything. But heaven forbid a wrestler actually have a backbone. Clearly, I am expecting too much from people.


Hassan didn't "get over" anything. The guy got a push from, what, November 04 to June 05 and Scotty 2 Hotty still gets more noise than him. And couldn't sustain any heat when he was in the ring, let alone week-to-week. What he got was the basic anti-american heat, so I don't really see anything special about him. He couldn't entertain me in the ring, and his so-called awesome promos didn't make me want to see him wrestle, or see someone kick his ass, let alone pay for it, so I don't really see the value in his great promos.


Then again, he entertained a bunch of people who have bad taste in wrestling and television, so let's start a petition! He had great music! Give him the title! HE WORKED HARD! (Though clearly not on his ring skills!) FUCK UPN!

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Why bother with that comparison? One is in a high profile feud and the other has a belt and they both suck. What's your point?

Carlito is getting somewhat of a push, but my point was that they both suck in the ring, are somewhat good on the mic and thus shouldn't be in the position that they are in according to the people with common sense on this board.

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I fault the guy for saying "yes" to a character that clearly is race-based (and not even your ethnicity) and wouldn't be written with a lick of respect or sensitivity to anyone or anything.  But heaven forbid a wrestler actually have a backbone.  Clearly, I am expecting too much from people.


Hassan didn't "get over" anything.  The guy got a push from, what, November 04 to June 05 and Scotty 2 Hotty still gets more noise than him.  And couldn't sustain any heat when he was in the ring, let alone week-to-week.  What he got was the basic anti-american heat, so I don't really see anything special about him.  He couldn't entertain me in the ring, and his so-called awesome promos didn't make me want to see him wrestle, or see someone kick his ass, let alone pay for it, so I don't really see the value in his great promos.


Then again, he entertained a bunch of people who have bad taste in wrestling and television, so let's start a petition!  He had great music!  Give him the title!  HE WORKED HARD! (Though clearly not on his ring skills!)  FUCK UPN!


Then we fundamentally disagree. I can't fault the guy for doing his job, whether it was in poor taste of not. We all see how political this WWE stuff is, and if he wanted a sustained push it was in his best interest to go with the flow. If you have a problem with that, I respect your opinion.


Plus, I really thought the guy was over. And someone else did because he got to wrestle Hogan in his comeback match, meet in Austin in his Raw return and get a Summerslam main event. I thought he got real "I hate you" heat instead of the cheap boo because he doesn't like America ( a la Unamericans or La Resistance). But then again, I guess we were just seeing different things.

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Guest Trecko
I'd love it, for just about that one moment, just to see Hassan back. Where does he go from there, though? Happy go lucky American? Man who went from "bitching about injustice" to bitching for forgiveness? He's pretty much fucked, even if they try to bring him back like that. The crowd won't buy it. Unless they eventually turn him again but tone him down, there's not much longevity in that move.


An Arab American version of Shelton Benjamin minus the in-ring ability but maybe that will come. He's young, good on the mic and has the look. Don't have him say that this was a 'character' he was playing. Say that he's arab american but he took things too far. He wanted to become a star and used recent events and emotions negatively to achieve that. He's a good talker, this would sound convincing coming from. He wanted to educate people to not be racist and instead he gave them a reason to be racist and hateful. Drop the turban. Downplay the arab american stereotypical look that they've created for him. Maybe at some point adapt an American name like Mark Magnus. And let him beat the living shit out of the first Carlito-like heel who makes a reference to him opening up a 7-11.


Or he just acknowledges the UPN ban and does a Chavo and denounces his Arabian descent to appease the United States press and 'the network'. Maybe team him with Kerwin White. Announcing that he's now "Blue Chipper" Mark Magnus.


Or he asks the FBI if he can pass for Italian and they adopt him into da famlee and he's renamed Guido the Hero.


I think the point is that they can have fun with this without taking this guy into unemployment.



lol this shit is legitimately sad to me. I feel like one of the damn females on the Matt Hardy boards. I actually like the idea for dude, but now it's just depressin to me that it's really come to that for him. Above all else, I just hope that topic gets addressed. If they keep him off TV for a couple months and try to bring him back as somethin else, I'll be pissed. He deserves a chance to get one last shot in, at least.


And Rudo, kill yourself, kplzthx.

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And Rudo, kill yourself, kplzthx.

I don't know who the fuck this Trecko guy is but I agree with him. I usualy just ignore Rudo when he's like this but he's being a bit of a bitch in this thread. I mean, he can't seriously expect siomeone in the position Magnus was in to turn down being put on TV. He'd be working an indy show with Jindrak and Haas before he finished his second sentence.

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Rudo is by far the biggest asshole on these boards.


I don't understand why he hasn't been deported to banland.

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I wouldn't put it past Vince to have the match at GAB end with Hassan revealing a bomb strapped to himself and blowing up or something.

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Rudo is by far the biggest asshole on these boards.


I don't understand why he hasn't been deported to banland.

He adds more to the wrestling discussion here than most. He's not half bad, I don't think. He just doesn't seem to care about arguing anymore. He just says what he thinks and if you don't agree you must be an idiot.

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I fault the guy for saying "yes" to a character that clearly is race-based (and not even your ethnicity) and wouldn't be written with a lick of respect or sensitivity to anyone or anything. But heaven forbid a wrestler actually have a backbone. Clearly, I am expecting too much from people.

Fuck that.


I don't have to explain any of this to you, because you know it as well as I do, but you're reaching to bash a young wrestler who just broke into this business.


Mark Magnus had no choice but to accept this gimmick. Should he risk being cut because he refuses to do a gimmick? By doing that, he's showing up all of the boys in OVW by being better than them: Damaja and Doug Basham didn't choose their gimmick. Neither did Matt Morgan. Kevin Fertig. Travis Tomko. Aaron Aguilera. Dave Batista. John Cena, Carly Colon.... the list goes on, but it's the same result: NONE OF THEM have turned down a chance to get into the WWE, no matter what the gimmick is.


When the time comes, you obviously seize the moment or risk being passed over time after time like Nick Dinsmore, who came up with his own gimmick to even make the jump.


EDIT:I'll add some more:


Melina being called up without MNM.

Lamont Brown.



Randy Orton.

Garrison Cade.

Mark Jindrak.


Rob Conway.


Orlando Jordan.

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Ugh...still think this sucks because Hassan is an amazing talker and I love those guys. Maybe he can become an actor or something, whatever.




Shit I have Hassan in my WWE Fantasy, crap :P

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I fault the guy for saying "yes" to a character that clearly is race-based (and not even your ethnicity) and wouldn't be written with a lick of respect or sensitivity to anyone or anything. But heaven forbid a wrestler actually have a backbone. Clearly, I am expecting too much from people.


Seriously... I'll just go out on a limb and assume one of Mark Magnus' career goals is NOT to get fired. What do you think happens if he refuses the gimmick?


Bravesfan summed up the rest pretty nicely.

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So, WWE has been forced to scrap a character that, not only was getting a serious push, but was a major part of their summer angles to be in one of the main events for their second or third biggest PPV of the year. Yeah, that angle might have been a mistake(!).

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Then again, he entertained a bunch of people who have bad taste in wrestling and television, so let's start a petition!  He had great music!  Give him the title!  HE WORKED HARD! (Though clearly not on his ring skills!)  FUCK UPN!


And people call Rudo wrong. These posts have taken a downturn and now act as if Hassan was the second coming of the Rock, and that IS laughably stupid. People, please take Hassan off the cross he's on right now (note the irony there). I'm sure you'll have forgotten about him anyway this time next year.


Jesus, as renowned as wrestling fans are for being fickle and forgetful you'd think this guy would've been a distant memory by now. But nooo, people want to be all "fuck the network...fuck television authority...the WWE is HARDKORE!"...while the WWE laughs along, agrees, and takes your money regardless of the situation. Hm. Carry on, then, and let's hope a lightning bug flies by to recapture your attention.

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I fault the guy for saying "yes" to a character that clearly is race-based (and not even your ethnicity) and wouldn't be written with a lick of respect or sensitivity to anyone or anything.  But heaven forbid a wrestler actually have a backbone.  Clearly, I am expecting too much from people.


I never liked the Hassan character, but I don't fault the guy for saying yes. He's a rookie. Refusing an assignment could do more to blackball him than this will.

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It was a combination of bad timing and bad taste for the WWE, Magnus will either be repackaged with a new gimmick or released after this. The Hassan character was more entertaining than a JBL or an Orton ,but he still needed to improve his wrestling skills big time.

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