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OAO Great American Bash Thread

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Guest Trecko

SMH. That ref bump could be seen 10,000 miles away. Then the horrible selling for it, to go along with the horrible DQ ending, to finally go along with the worst $35.00 I've ever spent.


Batista/Muhammad in the nations capital >>>>>> Batista/Taker/JBL


RIP Muhammad.


Thanks for the half nudity, Melina.



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Well, I guess I'm in the minority...because I didn't completely hate it. In fact, some of it I actually enjoyed. For one, I enjoyed Jordan/Benoit a lot. (I actually like Jordan, since before he was even in WWE at that)


But that may just be because I didn't pay for it. I just don't see how it's considered worst booked show ever...


Maybe because it didn't tie up any loose ends, but it was obvious before the ppv even started, that it probaly wasn't going to, and that it was just gonna add more build up to Summerslam (like every year) which it did.

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I enjoyed the PPV for the most part, even with some shitty booking. I can't be too pissed about the main event, because in another thread (or maybe earlier in this thread), I predicted a possible DQ ending to this match.


I think I was just in a mood to watch a wrestling show tonight, for better and for worse.

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The female is Valentina, former UPW Women's Champ for like a week or two, and a NY'er, much like myself.


The booking of the show killed any interest I had in the matches. Booker's character is dead, so why have him beat Christian cleanly? I have no desire to see Eddie/Rey MCMLVII later this year. 'Taker killing Hassan was just a disgusting way to turn attention away from a "terrorist" act. MNM losing, OJ retaining and the prospect of Batista/JBL/'Taker makes me nauseous.

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I can't believe I ordered that PPV. Especially after all the negative comments I had about it in the predictions thread.


Hey, my friends pressured me into it.


That had to be the most dull three hours of PPV in some time. They should have just shown Best of HHH vs. Undertaker (Backlash 2001, KOTR 2002) in its place.


All matches were either what I expected or worse. Most of them were worse. Christian doing a meaningless job for Booker T is one of the lowlights of the show.


I am cry.


EDIT: The best part was Daivari eating the table like a man. That was absolutely disgusting. Keep Daivari.

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Oh God. This show was pretty much the worst shit I've seen in a long time, probably the worst show since last year's GAB. I didn't even watch the New Year's Revolution PPV so I can't comment.


Will someone please tell me why the FUCK they keep up with this Orlando Jordan bullshit? Seriously, the guy is a total jobber, he can't wrestle, can't brawl, can't work the mic to any degree....why do they keep the US title on this piece of fucking dogshit????? I mean does anyone realize this totally heatless wonder has wins over both Cena and Benoit now? Seriously, this is some sort of sick joke. I flat out turned off the TV after he beat Benoit tonight, only turned it back on due to the show costing 35.00.


Speaking of bullshit, what is up with this Eddie/Rey thing now? I mean, I'd think most people bought this show mainly to see what the big secret was, and not only did Eddie job yet AGAIN to Rey he didn't even do anything cool like people predicted on here where he would job and then be a dick and tell the secret anyway. This whole angle was garbage tonight and the Dominic stuff killed what should have been a good match.


And the main event? Fuck me. A really horrible 25m Bradshaw match ending in a DQ. What have I done to deserve this? Anyone who dares to say that JBL has improved a great deal needs to be forced to watch this snoozer on a loop for 24 hours.


The only thing saving this from contention in the "Worst PPV Ever" category is UT crushing Hassan. Unfortunately this leads to yet more Bradshaw in the main event.


They outta just get rid of the Great American Bash as a PPV. It seems like when they take the WCW PPV name they try and actually BOOK the show like WCW.


After tonight it's time to start the "Orlando Jordan Must Die" club. Who's with me?

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Oh God.  This show was pretty much the worst shit I've seen in a long time, probably the worst show since last year's GAB.  I didn't even watch the New Year's Revolution PPV so I can't comment. 


Will someone please tell me why the FUCK they keep up with this Orlando Jordan bullshit?  Seriously, the guy is a total jobber, he can't wrestle, can't brawl, can't work the mic to any degree....why do they keep the US title on this piece of fucking dogshit?????  I mean does anyone realize this totally heatless wonder has wins over both Cena and Benoit now?  Seriously, this is some sort of sick joke.  I flat out turned off the TV after he beat Benoit tonight, only turned it back on due to the show costing 35.00.


Speaking of bullshit, what is up with this Eddie/Rey thing now?  I mean, I'd think most people bought this show mainly to see what the big secret was, and not only did Eddie job yet AGAIN to Rey he didn't even do anything cool like people predicted on here where he would job and then be a dick and tell the secret anyway.  This whole angle was garbage tonight and the Dominic stuff killed what should have been a good match.


And the main event?  Fuck me.  A really horrible 25m Bradshaw match ending in a DQ.  What have I done to deserve this?  Anyone who dares to say that JBL has improved a great deal needs to be forced to watch this snoozer on a loop for 24 hours.


The only thing saving this from contention in the "Worst PPV Ever" category is UT crushing Hassan.  Unfortunately this leads to yet more Bradshaw in the main event. 


They outta just get rid of the Great American Bash as a PPV.  It seems like when they take the WCW PPV name they try and actually BOOK the show like WCW.


After tonight it's time to start the "Orlando Jordan Must Die" club.  Who's with me?

I sense Booker/Christian, Mexicools/BWO, Melina/Torrie didn't hold much weight.


I didn't see the PPV but it seems more that it just contained too many poor booking decisions rather than terrible matches, the Main Event and the T & A fest aside.

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They outta just get rid of the Great American Bash as a PPV.  It seems like when they take the WCW PPV name they try and actually BOOK the show like WCW.



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Well main event is over so I ask again, star ratings for the PPV main event included.


Well, here are Wade Keller's ratings:


MNM-Heidenreich/Animal: 3/4*

Christian-Booker: **1/2

Jordan-Benoit: 1/2*

Undertaker-Hassan: 3/4*

bWo-Mexicools: *

Rey-Eddie: ***

Melina-Torrie: n/a

Batista-JBL: *1/2

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Things I liked:


Animal & Heidenreich winning the WWE Tag Team Championship - I didn't expect them to win


Booker T finally getting his JOB back from Christian


The Mexicools Vs. the bWo


Muhummad Hassan is finally gone!!! WOOHOO!!!


JBL's promo and attire


Things I didn't like:


Eddie Guerrero jobbing to Rey Mysterio AGAIN!


The usual shitty DQ ending to a PPV (which now leaves us with a Triple Threat match for SummerSlam...UGH!!!)


and :firing: Chris Benoit being jobbed out to Orlando FUCKING Jordan?!!



so in all cases, Great American Bash 2005 >>> The Great American Trash 2004

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Well main event is over so I ask again, star ratings for the PPV main event included.


Well, here are Wade Keller's ratings:


MNM-Heidenreich/Animal: 3/4*

Christian-Booker: **1/2

Jordan-Benoit: 1/2*

Undertaker-Hassan: 3/4*

bWo-Mexicools: *

Rey-Eddie: ***

Melina-Torrie: n/a

Batista-JBL: *1/2


Well if those are accurate I see what everyone's so pissed about then. I am pleasantly surprised to see Christian and Booker having the second best match of the night so congrats to them I guess.

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Deon: London DID have a match...they just put it on Heat as it wasn't as important, since he was facing Nunzio for the title.


Though he did get to use the Shooting Star Press.

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The only explanation I have for Jordan retaining, and Booker winning, is that potentially they're setting up Booker T to win the U.S. Title.

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Wade Keller's star ratings are pretty much right, but Christian-Booker is almost negative stars for the horrible anti-climatic finish. And no way is MNM-LOD that good.


Christian should retire. They have NO idea what to do with him. The peeps are being left hanging week after week.


I can't believe I thought the draft lottery would improve SmackDown. I was proven wrong.

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Chris Benoit and Christian are my 2 favorites, but I'm through with Smackdown. I won't sit and watch while they're buried.

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Chris Benoit and Christian are my 2 favorites, but I'm through with Smackdown.  I won't sit and watch while they're buried.


I know how you feel, Benoit and Christian are my two favourite wrestlers (since long before the brand split) as well.


Big Dave was number one until they ripped his balls off for a face turn.


Thank God for Eddie Guerrero's acting, otherwise SmackDown would be sub-2003(~!) levels.

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I wasn't too upset with Booker winning since I kinda like both guys there really, and besides Booker did a mega squash for Christian on Smackdown.


Have there ever been two more horrible secondary champs than what we have right now? Carlito doing his tedious HTM 1987 bullshit on Raw and Orlando Jordan's insanely heatless US title run on SMDN. Jordan is far worse, at least Carlito is kinda over and has some mic skills. I mean honestly Orlando Jordan is a guy who frankly should be RELEASED, not going over Benoit on a PPV. You cannot defend this man. Join the club now: "Orlando Must Die!"


How about renaming the OCT. PPV Halloween Havoc and having the PPV go off the air because it went over 3 hours?

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So yeah I'd rather have Batista / JBL II or preferably Batista / Undertaker for SummerSlam, not a triple threat match. Sigh.

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The worst part of the show, though this may be nitpicking, was Rey's blatant no-sell of the Brainbuster / Frogsplash combo. Reversing the pin on a ONE COUNT then RUNNING OUT OF THE RING with FULL ENERGY?


I call B.S. on that finish.

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What stood out to me about the show, other than some very slow paced "action" was that each match's finish was probably wrong to do in theory. Shouldnt Benoit be defeating Jordan? MNM over Animal/Heide? Eddy over Rey? And especially Batista over JBL all should have happened. Hassan-Taker was way better than I expect and its sad to see Hassan have to go if he could work a match with that kind of heat everytime. But ugh, what a complete waste of rest of the ppv. Mexis-BWO didnt even get 5 minutes!


I definately feel ripped off, worst ppv in quite some time.

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Interesting (and sad) fact. All the new Draft Lottery picks for Smackdown lost on this PPV (except for Orton who was injured anyway).


Job out all the new draft picks?


At this point, the WWE is just inventing NEW WAYS to book stupidly.


I remember a couple of weeks ago when PK said in the Smackdown recap that they were just letting SD circle the drain...I thought he was being to harsh. Man, was I wrong.


I quit watching during the bulk of JBL's title reign, but decided I'd give them another chance. *sigh*


Fuck Smackdown.

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Except for the main event triple threat I have no idea what Summerslam on the Smackdown side is going to be as tonight's match results really threw off my predictions for upcoming feuds.

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It would seem to me that it seems to be that Batista/Taker will happen on SD! with Orton and JBL messing it all up. Then WWE will still continue on with Orton/Taker and we'll get JBL/Batista again. That's the only reasoning I have for JBL having 90% of the offense tonight AND winning the match.

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Damn though, I really dont want to see another Batista - JBL singles match, especially on top of the SummerSlam card. That match tonight was unbelievably boring and tedious. Might be better to have a fatal 4 way with Orton, Taker, Batista, and JBL.


Thats ridiculous to give Rey another win over Eddy as well. Why should I care for a SummerSlam match with them?


What a bunch of booking mistakes made tonight.

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