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Guest Failed Mascot

Goodbye Jingus board

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Guest Failed Mascot

The past couple of weeks for me have been terrible. They got worse today when for some reason Alina decided to block me and completely cut me out of her life for some reason. This after being pointed to a thread at the now destroyed Pit board where she asked where I had been and wanted to know if I was alright. Well this little game was the straw that broke the camel's back. So goodbye to the board I helped work on at one point which became a dumping ground towards me and the playground of some real stupidity.


The only person I apologise to is Josh. The rest of you I couldn't care less.


and that's that.

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Guest MikeSC



If I didn't read it, I wouldn't have imagined anybody could be quite this sad.

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Frigid, you're a fucking drama queen with donkey shit for brains, you useless bag of rancid monkey spunk.


Some chick blocks you on AIM, so you delete an entire messageboard full of people who don't even know you? No wonder nobody likes you, you simpering jackass.


The Pit was a thriving online community, which had plenty of ongoing discussions and online friendships, which you tried to ruin for no reason other than the fact that you're upset that you couldn't find your dick with both hands and a map.


Man, when I used to own WDI, and I got pissed off at them, I kicked them off my server. I gave them 10 days notice, and they moved to a whole new address with their board intact. That's how you do something like this...if you have to...which you shouldn't...especially since The Pit was NOT YOURS.


That board was on somebody else's server, paid for by somebody else's money. You had no right to do that, but small wonder. Aren't you the same knob gobbler who thought that Doc had it in for you, and moaned about it for months? Aren't you the same guy who told everybody some sob story about how you can't go outside because of your mental problems?


You don't have mental problems...you're just a douche.


Your real problem was that you weren't the center of attention anymore, and nobody gave a shit about you (and rightfully so) so you threw a little spaz in order to get yourself lets of boo hoos.


Well guess what, you ball licking son of a 5 cent crack whore...The Pit will be back...I guarantee it. You go back to having your mental problems...and in the meantine, allow me to dispense some advice. You know how you get real depressed sometimes? Next time that happens...


Kill yourself. Nobody will care and the world will be a lot better off.

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Huh.... I really though you seemed to be a cool guy at one time. Quit being a bitch. It's the internet.

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Guest MikeSC

Hell, the thread about him stopped being about him inside of 4 posts. We moved on with life.


And, Adam, for a hint: chicks don't go for obsessively psychopathic loners.

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Aren't you the same knob gobbler who thought that Doc had it in for you, and moaned about it for months?

He is. But as we've now seen, such a vendetta would have been a complete waste of my time.


Also, nice flame, Dave. Good times. Takes me back to the old days.

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Guest MikeSC

Don't tell me HE'S one of the two Alina got herself off about. That would be criminal.

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Have I ever told TTK how much I loved him. Seriously, ever since he started posting way back at the hosted forums version I said to myself I says, "That seems like a damned fine poster." I was right.

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Guest T®ITEC

Yeah, OK, and get on AIM and try bragging to me. Fuckin' a, you suck at life.

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Trust me guys, The Pit will be back...I don't care if I have to buy a damn domain, board license, and get a freaking prostate exam...The Pit will be back. That was a fun board, and it's not going to die just because Frigid's mother didn't use a coat hanger when she should have.

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Guest MikeSC
Trust me guys, The Pit will be back...I don't care if I have to buy a damn domain, board license, and get a freaking prostate exam...The Pit will be back.  That was a fun board, and it's not going to die just because Frigid's mother didn't use a coat hanger when she should have.

I blame his dad for not using his sock this one time.

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Jingus just can't win, can he? Whether it's a jackass Hosted Forums admin or a complete whackjob, every board he creates implodes within 3 weeks.


FWIW, I hope the Pit returns as well.

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Try InvisionFree, like NMB has. Seems to be working out there pretty well.


Oh, and if the group is still there, Frigid should be eternally a Whiny Bitch.

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Guest T®ITEC

All he said was some some stupid shit about turning heel. Oh.


MrAdamFromMass: bye bye Jingus board. Tell Piss its his birthday present

TRITEC509: Didn't someone just lay down a whole lot of money on that board?

MrAdamFromMass: I dunno, if they did then oh well

TRITEC509: Nice, nice. That's really fucking lame.

MrAdamFromMass: it still felt good and that's what counts!

TRITEC509: Fuckin' a.

MrAdamFromMass: I'd been far too nice for far too long. Ratings were down. I needed a heel turn

TRITEC509: Well good for you, cupcake.

TRITEC509: Yeah, OK, relish your little decision and leave me alone. No one cares. Bye.


And then:


MrAdamFromMass: I thought you disliked the place anyways

TRITEC509: Maybe, but deleting it on a whim when so many other people enjoyed it is pretty stupid.

MrAdamFromMass: I deleted the stuff I worked on. I think I'm allowed to do that

MrAdamFromMass: specifically the files I worked on

TRITEC509: Good for you. Shut the fuck up already.

MrAdamFromMass: whatever. Take it easy


Thus concludes jnr. high.

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That's really bitchy. I never really cared one way or another for FM until now. Now I fucking hate him. Seriously. What the fuck? I've never been bothered enough to really dislike anyone on the internet until now. It took five years of message boarding, but it finally happened.


What a little bitch.

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It shouldn't be too hard to create a new board. At least I hope it isn't.


Nah, it's just that we JUST paid the damn licensing fee for THAT board. If we have to get ANOTHER board, we might have to pay again. Josh doesn't seem to think we will (and always I defer to his know how when it comes to stuff like this) but if we did, it would be like flushing almost $100 down the crapper.


Secondly, I know that there were a ton of ongoing discussions and debate going on at The Pit, which are all gone now. That's just annoying. The admins at The Pit let FM keep his admin powers, and for that he thanks them by deleting the board.


If he was so terribly upset about comments made about him, he could have just erased the offending threads...I doubt any of the threads in the Literature folder offended him...he probably can't read at higher than a Grade 3 level...but no, he had to erase the whole thing. It's a clear case of Twattery in The First Degree, which calls for a mandatory sentence of a Dick Punch.


Hell, I don't even like that Leena all that much, but I wouldn't delete an entire board over her. That just goes to show what happens when the only women you ever have contact with are online, or inflatable and kept in a box under your bed. You go quackers.

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Guest MikeSC

Hell, most of us let his drama queen departure go without much comment.


Of course, that probably helped set him off.

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Guest T®ITEC

Geez, and it was like ten minutes after my first post in the Boardum (i fail at spelling) thread, y'know? Now I'll never get a reply about my question regarding the ice from Sonic. WTF!

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Guest T®ITEC

It's odd. It looks like a bunch of tiny snowballs, but it's just ice. Actually, it was pretty damn good.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Hi guys! What's new?


Dave you have a liscense to any board that's created, so long as its just one. You don't have to pay extra. I wouldn't have actually deleted what I did if I didn't know this for a fact. Sandy told me you paid for it actually and I wouldn't go costing you money.


Where's Banky?

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