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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Johnboy Edwards picked that awful Johnny Cougar 'Our Country' shit as his theme song. Terrible.

So much for ever being President. No one would vote for a candidate associated with that.

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Does anyone else think the press is ignoring this guy?


I hate to say it, but the press has already picked out the people they will be covering and who they will be pretending don't exist. Sadly, Richardson seems to be in the "doesn't exist" area.


So right now the Democrats are who?

Richardson, Clinton, Edwards and Biden.

Did I miss anyone or is that it so far? I'm not 100% sure if Obama said he is going for the nod or not yet.


I'd say of those four, the media will view them like this

Clinton and Biden- Front Runners

Edwards- The "Dark Horse" candiate

Richardson- Who?

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THIS IS THE PLACE I WANT TO LIVE. If a hear one more redneck, peace of shit santimonious aw-shuscks the presidentsjust a counry boy enormous profit (fuck you America!) Jesus fucking Christ This is the biggest, smarmiest, biggest (neede to be reiterated)w gov't ever.


This government is going to fucking shreds, in th richest country in the world/

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Does anyone else think the press is ignoring this guy?


I hate to say it, but the press has already picked out the people they will be covering and who they will be pretending don't exist. Sadly, Richardson seems to be in the "doesn't exist" area.


So right now the Democrats are who?

Richardson, Clinton, Edwards and Biden.

Did I miss anyone or is that it so far? I'm not 100% sure if Obama said he is going for the nod or not yet.


I'd say of those four, the media will view them like this

Clinton and Biden- Front Runners

Edwards- The "Dark Horse" candiate

Richardson- Who?

(Frontrunners are in bold, but in no particular order.)



John McCain

Rudy Guiliani

Mitt Romney

Sam Brownback

Tommy Thompson

Duncan Hunter

Tom Tancredo

Jim Gilmore

Ron Paul

Mike Huckabee



John Edwards

Hillary Clinton

Barack Obama

Tom Vilsack

Dennis Kucinich

Joe Biden

Bill Richardson

Chris Dodd

Mike Gravel



Newt Gingrich

Chuck Hagel

Al Sharpton

Wesley Clark

George Pataki


No Thanks

John Kerry

Dick Cheney

Bill Frist

Mark Warner

Evan Bayh

Al Gore

Russ Feingold

Howard Dean

Tom Daschle

Condoleezza Rice

Jeb Bush

Ed Rendell

Frank Keating

George Allen


Three reason to be optimistic:

(1) At this stage, being a frontrunner just means you have the biggest target on your back.

(2) Caucus voters don't really care how big your campaign accounts are. They just want to like you.

(3) The Democrats usually don't nominated the early frontrunner, and the only times they did have been the years presidents or vice presidents were running.

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Volume 1: Genesis


So my fiancee's aunt was in med school at UT at the same time as Frist. She claims that Frist pinched her on the ass one day while they were working together.

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Volume 2: Frist Strikes Backs


Recently, my fiancee's big shot super rich uncle (who I'm expecting some tremendously sweet wedding gifts from) (motherfucker has an MD and a phD) was interviewing for some very important job in DC. There were only like 3 to 5 people nationally that qualified for the job. One of his competitors was Frist. Her uncle was told that he didn't get the job because he didn't have enough political connections. Who got it? Fucking Frist.

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I thought Frist was goin' back home ta Tennessee and helpin' them there good country people with their health care.

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Wait, wait, wait...Dennis is trying AGAIN? Didn't he get the message last year that no one is going to vote for him?

And I have no clue who Mitt Romney is at all. I guess that's another candidate I have to look up and research this weekend.


Thanks for the list, I'll check up on them to see if my opinion can get swayed from Richardson vs Huckabee.

And I may be from his home state, but I'm not jumping on the Biden for President bandwagon. Anyone who supported the ideas of Ruth Ann "The Delaware Destroyer" Minner isn't getting my vote.

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

Mitt Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts, and son of George Romney, former governor of Michigan, Sec. of HUD under Nixon, and brainwashing victim in Vietnam. Mitt took over the Salt Lake City Olympic committee after they were really fuckin' up, and he kinda helped things get back on track. I think he seems like a solid moderate northeastern Republican, probably has a firm handshake, but he's pro-life, and he's a Mormon, so he believes that when he dies, he's going to be God of his own planet, but in the meantime, needs to wear a white Masonic symbol-laden union suit under his clothes so that he's not struck by lightning. I know that we're supposed to be progressive! enough that we can elect Catholics and Jews and non-mainliners to high offices, but Mormonism really creeps me out.

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Mitt Romney is the former governor of Massachusetts. He graduated valedictorian of BYU and holds degrees in law and business from Harvard. He’s a self-made man who made millions as a CEO and earned a reputation for turning around failing businesses.

In 1999, the Salt Lake City Olympics were $379 million short of its revenue benchmarks and was in a whirlwind of scandal. Romney was brought in and he turned around the games and in the wake of 9/11 planned the security for the games. Much to the surprise of many the games ended up clearing a profit of $100 million. Romney donated his whole salary to charity after the games ended.

As Governor of Massachuets he created a new health-care policy that required a great deal of bipartisanship and covered nearly all of Massachuests’ uninsured. He hopes to bring the plan to a national stage. He esablished education reform which rewarded the top 25% of high school students with tution-free education at public universities in Massachuets. He is among the few canidates that realize that competing with Asia is a must and we must start today.


From his website on some other issues:

Without raising taxes or increasing debt, Governor Romney closed a $3 billion budget deficit his first year in office with a heavily Democrat legislature. Each year, Governor Romney filed a balanced budget without raising taxes. By eliminating waste, streamlining government, and enacting comprehensive economic reforms to help spur growth, Governor Romney helped the state achieve a surplus totaling nearly $1 billion in 2005.


In the bluest of blue states, Governor Romney kept taxes down. Under his leadership, the state abolished a retroactive capital gains tax that would have forced nearly 50,000 taxpayers to pay additional taxes and fees.


When Governor Romney took office, Massachusetts was losing thousands of jobs every month. Today, the unemployment rate is averaging more than a full percentage point lower, and the state has added approximately 60,000 jobs in the last two years.


In short Romney is the Republican’s best shot. As a moderate Dem, since Bayh is out, Romney probably gained my vote.








Mormonism really creeps me out.


Why does Mormonism creep you out? It's not like it can be called a cult as it is the forth largest religion in the country with 6 million members and 13 million members worldwide. The beliefs though different don't advocate anything crazy or strange, (polygamy was stopped in 1890 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and was originally intended to take care of widows and is not unlike what Abraham did) and the belief is that in the highest part of the Celestial Kingdom you can become "god like" ( <--that's the phrashing used) at the very least gives everything a sense of purpose.

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I really, really dislike Clinton. I like Edwards and Obama but I don't think they have a record to run on. Plus Romney is really quite moderate running to the right to get the nomination, he'll run back to the center for the general eleaction. I'll take Gore or Richardson over Romney but I don't see Gore running or Richardson getting the nomination.

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Guest Oedipus Rex
Why does Mormonism creep you out? It's not like it can be called a cult as it is the forth largest religion in the country with 6 million members and 13 million members worldwide. The beliefs though different don't advocate anything crazy or strange, (polygamy was stopped in 1890 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and was originally intended to take care of widows and is not unlike what Abraham did) and the belief is that in the highest part of the Celestial Kingdom you can become "god like" ( <--that's the phrashing used) at the very least gives everything a sense of purpose.

I don't think their size, albeit impressive, makes it any less weird. Are you a member of the church?

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We've had two Quakers, so why not a Mormon? I don't think he'll be able to go all the way because of other factors ("huh? Who's that?" for the most part), but I doubt Mormonism would be the issue unless there's another polygamist the news freaks out about 'round primary time.

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Why I don't have high expectations for Romney:

1. There's a lot of prejudice against Mormons within the religious groups that have veto power over the Republican nomination.

2. Voters aren't going to equate running the Olympics with running a war. They're not even close to being the same things.

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Anybody watch Richardson on the youtubes yet?

"I don't need 7 minutes."


The first part of his speech is making me want to move to New Mexico.




Obama's speech:

Part 1

Part 2

Edited by SuperJerk

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Anybody watch Richardson on the youtubes yet?

"I don't need 7 minutes."


The first part of his speech is making me want to move to New Mexico.


Trust me, you don't want to.

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I had the pleasure of sitting in [on the Scooter Libby trial]last Thursday...


The discussion among the reporters present that day was of Joe Biden's Obama flub. It was generally agreed that the statements were an embarrassment. The point was underlined, in their minds, by the video they had all seen of Biden's comments on the Indian-American community (and yes, 7-11s)...


One reporter, with not even the slightest hint of irony, turns to the others, declares Biden's candidacy as good as dead, and then says, essentially: Who's gonna vote for him? He just runs around saying dumb stuff. Who wants to vote for a president who's just gonna say dumb stuff for four years?


Nods all around, and not a snicker to be heard...


from blogger Kagro X

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Vote spineless in '08.


I'd rather have someone who tries to represent the views of his voters rather than stubbornly refusing to change any of his ideas.


Why does Mormonism creep you out? It's not like it can be called a cult as it is the forth largest religion in the country with 6 million members and 13 million members worldwide. The beliefs though different don't advocate anything crazy or strange, (polygamy was stopped in 1890 by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and was originally intended to take care of widows and is not unlike what Abraham did) and the belief is that in the highest part of the Celestial Kingdom you can become "god like" ( <--that's the phrashing used) at the very least gives everything a sense of purpose.

I don't think their size, albeit impressive, makes it any less weird. Are you a member of the church?


I know a lot of Mormons. Why do you find the church weird?

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I don't have anything against Mormons, but these stories you see on the news about Mormon or Mormon-like towns where the women aren't allowed to talk, and the men have multiple women living in their homes don't give it a good name in the public's eyes.

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Guest Oedipus Rex

I don't mean the polygamist offshoots, I just mean the whole Stepford Wife feel you get from them. It's like they're hiding something. Nobody is that well-groomed, industrious, patriotic, friendly, and athletic without harboring some secret double life, which in this case involves buying your way into secret temples and watching strange movies and giving each other secret clubhouse handshakes.

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The only Mormon I've knowingly known was excellent at everything he did. It was crazy. Dude did everything but play football, as well as being the captain of two national champion academic teams.


I've actually known another, now that I think about it. She got pregnant in our sophomore year of high school and I never saw her again.

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