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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Guest "Go, Mordecai!"

McCain hitched his wagon to the wrong star. He's through. He has charisma and he's friendly, but friendly charismatic politicians are dime-a-dozen, and not all of them are advocating a surge in Iraq. And much like Lieberman, the whole maverick thing is pretty much a falsehood. They're rank-and-file when it counts.

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McCain's latching onto Bush since 2000 may be one of the saddest stories written in American politics. Beyond the disturbing aspects of bending over for a guy who did so much to him in the primary season that year he has absolutely destroyed his own chances of becoming President. Really the only thread he is hanging on to at this moment is the continued gibberish of the media proclaiming him 'celebrity' and such other nonsense.


As of now, and not much different than my first analysis of a couple months ago, the top three real prospects for the GOP in '08 are Huckabee, Thompson, & in a new inclusion Chuck Hagel.

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I'm just going to say that I used to like McCain. He's let me down too much though, so I'm latching onto Obama and Richardson right now.


I still like him more than Hillary.

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This was Fox's response to CNN finding, rather simply, the facts behind the Obama/madrasa 'story'...


“Yet another cry for attention by the Paris Hilton of television news, Anderson Cooper.”

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I need Ralph Nader to run again in 08.

No we don't

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I need Ralph Nader to run again in 08.

No we don't


I never said "WE" I said "I"..although I'll take that back and say I need a good 3rd party candidate to come out and run. Because I don't see myself voting for Hillary/Obama or whoever the Republicans pick. And to elaborate..I absolutely do not like Hillary Clinton and I do not think Obama has enough experience to be running for President. And Im pretty sure that there isn't a republican that Id vote for..

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Can I say we have a consensus all across the board, in disliking Hillary?


I really don't like the whole nasty 'jilted woman' thing. However....


I think she's just disingenuous, cold and completely uninspiring.




And yeah, she does come off as a bitch.

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Chuck Hagel is the only person I support on the Republican side, and I'd he cheering for him to win if Hillary was heading the other ticket. Among declared Democratic candidates I support Obama, Edwards, and Richardson, and I'd still like to see Mark Warner and Al Gore get into the race.


Also, I expect to see an absolute hatchet job on Hagel by the Bush clique and the neocons, should he get into the race.

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The presidential election has always been a popularity contest so in that case, Hilary Clinton will be the 44th President of The United States. Not only will she get the women voters, she's obviously famous and has more political experience. I like Obama, but he's better off being Hilary's running mate, which of course won't happen.


I like McCain and I wish he'd been President already, but there's no point in him running again because he won't win. Bush's fuck-ups as well as the Republicans in general have already put a stop to that before it even started.

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There's only 3 reasons anyone would vote to make Mrs. Clinton the Democratic nominee:


1. They really, really miss her husband.


2. The novelty of "first woman president" gives them the feminist equivalent of a hard-on.


3. They want to see Rush Limbaugh's head explode.

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I need Ralph Nader to run again in 08.

No we don't


I never said "WE" I said "I"..although I'll take that back and say I need a good 3rd party candidate to come out and run. Because I don't see myself voting for Hillary/Obama or whoever the Republicans pick. And to elaborate..I absolutely do not like Hillary Clinton and I do not think Obama has enough experience to be running for President. And Im pretty sure that there isn't a republican that Id vote for..


Yet Ralph Nader DOES?


Obama isn't the most qualified candidate but he smokes Nader for experience relevant to being President.

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Hagel is the Republican Lieberman.


In what way?


Lieberman is pretty much an orthodox liberal, but is pretty hated by the Dem base due to Iraq.


Hagel is pretty much an orthodox conservative, but is pretty hated by the R base due to Iraq.

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If we get a third party candiate, I want it to be Ross Perot. The 2008 election is going to need a little bit of the crazy if it ends up being between Hillary and McCain. I'll need the distraction from the impending doom. Plus Ross is fun with his constant dropping in and out of the election.


McCain lost me after that 2000 Republican Primary when he backed GW after Bush's people threw McCain under a bus, deeming him crazy with anger issues BECAUSE he was a POW (it was brief and it was removed quickly, but damn it was a low blow). I guess they were trying to say he'd go all Rambo meets Braddock and invade Vietnam or something. Instead of firing back a nice middle finger and leaving the party (when he still would have made one hell of an independent and might have been able to win the election as one), he dropped right in line and said Bush would make a great President. I lost SO much respect for him that day, so so much since Bush was against EVERYTHING he was for.


John's problem is he tries to play he's the "rebel" republican when the reality is he is nothing more than the party line tow and will do whatever they say whenever they tell him too. Sorry, that means he'd be a lousy president. When he's ready to compromise everything he believes and stands for just because some uppity white guy with a big R on his jacket tells him he should, that shows me he has no ability to lead and no ability to work with the other party to make the country better. We need a Leader who wants the country to move forward in many areas, not another party Yes man or Yes woman.

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Leiberman, on Fox this morning, said he's open to supporting a Republican in '08.


So, the American & Iraqi people disapprove of the Iraq policy, the House & Senate including more and more Republicans, Iraq Study Group, former Presidents of both parties, numerous Generals and other ranking military figures past and present, the only reason the President decided sending more troops was the 'right/necessary thing to do' was because his political Party lost a mid-term election, etc...but, hey, the guy that wanted Al Snow toys off the shelves due to the tiny plastic mannequin heads promoting violence against women supports it!

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Yeah, I saw part of that interview...someone really needs to define for me WTF Lieberman means when he says he's an "Independent Democrat".

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I need Ralph Nader to run again in 08.

No we don't


I never said "WE" I said "I"..although I'll take that back and say I need a good 3rd party candidate to come out and run. Because I don't see myself voting for Hillary/Obama or whoever the Republicans pick. And to elaborate..I absolutely do not like Hillary Clinton and I do not think Obama has enough experience to be running for President. And Im pretty sure that there isn't a republican that Id vote for..


Yet Ralph Nader DOES?


Obama isn't the most qualified candidate but he smokes Nader for experience relevant to being President.

I was just throwing out a name for a 3rd party to run..I Doubt he'll run again anyway and I doubt there will be a viable 3rd party running either so its all pointless.


write in for Mickey Mouse!

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Good reason to support Obama:




Barack Obama speaks in defense of civil liberties on the Senate floor.


edit: Should we have a separate thread for Barack Obama news/articles/etc., and save this thread for discussion of the actual campaign and less notable candidates?

Edited by SuperJerk

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I live in NY State, so I don't know how much I can objectively appraise Hillary's appeal nationally, but I'll try and do my best to explain why she has some appeal to a decent amount of the American people.


1. Girl Power- People see her as a competent female candidate for President. Given the way the GOP has governed America, why not Hillary? The old “Soccer Mom” crowd still loves her. Some amount of liberal and centrist dads are gonna think, yeah, why can’t my daughter be Prez. Go Hillary!


2. 90s nostalgia. Let’s face it the 90s were a better time. While I view Bill Clinton as a mediocre President who was lucky enough to serve during relatively good economic times, many people associate the prosperity of the 90s directly with Bill, and thus Hillary.


3. Centrism. While I view Hillary and Bill as opinion poll whores, they came off as reasonable and pragmatic to large parts of the population.


4. Backlash against Conservative Backlash. The Right since 92, has done their best to portray Hillary as communist femi-nazi, when she’s been extremely centrist in reality. Anyone who’s not a far right ideologue can see she’s not Mrs. Lenin, so they react against the extreme hate of her by Rush and the like.


5. Stand by your man. While Bill has done a lot to cause a divorce, she stood by him in the end stood. While some view this as the actions of a cold calculating political bitch, a lot of people appreciate the hardships she’s gone through in her relationship with Bill. I don’t like Hillary at all, but I can sympathize with her on this point. I don’t know how accurate Primary Colors was, but it portrayed her as a real human being who could feel real emotions, and in the end forgave her man. I don’t like her, but in the end I think she decided to stay with Bill out of more than just political considerations. She could have played up the righteous woman scorned, and IMO positioned herself for the White House just as well as she has done my sticking with Bill.


This said I don’t think she can win nationally. As a registered Dem, I’m putting my support behind Obama for now. I’m kind of worried he’s too inexperienced at this point, and that he could screw himself out of a Presidency latter on by losing know. Considering what the landscape is like by the time the NY Primary roles around, I’ll vote for Edwards or Biden against Hillary if Obama doesn’t has a chance. If Hillary is cruising I’ll waste my vote on Kucinich and Nader in the general election, baring that I move to a swing state by November 2008. I voted for Kerry in 2004 in Ohio, and would vote for Hillary in 2008 if I was in a swing state.

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a lot of people project their own views or the views of "everybody i know" onto hillary. There's a lot of people that dislike her, but there's also a lot that like her or don't look at her in any "extreme hate" way. She also still polls extremely well with women, and also polls well in the "is she qualified?" category, despite how many supposedly hate her. A lot of people underestimate her popularity outside of the political circle. she is a "political celebrity" and all political celebrities who aren't looked at as unqualified wannabes (and despite what ppl here think, she isn't look upon that way), have a chance to win assuming they don't go off the deep end or get caught up in some extreme scandal (which is always possible).

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