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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Yes, if you want to see a revolt in the Democratic Party and a really nasty convention this summer then Hillary's manuevering would do just that. While some may argue that Michigan and Florida should be seated both of those states screwed themselves. The DNC told them they faced sanction if they moved up and they did anyway so THOSE STATES and those states alone disenfranchised their voters. If Michigan/Florida had waited for their calendar date then they would've had a genuine impact on the primary (and yes I know that they didn't know that at the time). Attempting to seat those delegates is ridiculous because Obama and all other candidates signed on to the fact that they would not campaign there. Furthermore, counting Michigan's vote is even more ridiculous than Florida because in Michigan Obama's name wasn't on the ballot.


The Michigan/Florida fiasco is another flip-flop by the Clinton campaign since they've known since Iowa that they were going to be in trouble with this nomination process. An attempt to pull this "nuclear option" would lead credence to the belief in Obama supporter circles that the nomination had been stolen from him and in the midst of that political climate there is NO WAY that Clinton would win in November. And to those who would argue that Obama would just be the VP that'd be even more silly after this scenario because he'd basically be endorsing his own screwing over by the party elite.

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If someone appears with someone and accepts their endorsement but says nothing about their crackpot views, obviosuly they don't agree with him. But if someone goes on national television and specificly points out their disagreements and differences with that person, they obviously share his views.

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Did McCain have a twenty-year history with Hagee, attend his religious services for years, allow his children to be baptised by him, and refer to Hagee as his "spiritual adviser"?


Don't believe so.


Guys, I think you're trying to compare apples and oranges here.

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I'm not saying that Hagee is the same as Wright. I am saying that standing up, accepting, & being proud of this guy's endorsement is not a good thing.

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Did McCain have a twenty-year history with Hagee, attend his religious services for years, allow his children to be baptised by him, and refer to Hagee as his "spiritual adviser"?


Don't believe so.


Guys, I think you're trying to compare apples and oranges here


Who cares about what happened twenty years ago? McCain stands there, TODAY, and accepts his endorsement and gets completely let off the hook with it.

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Guest College Party

In all honesty, I don't know anything about this Hagee guy, except that he doesn't like the Catholics, and, well, I don't like them either!

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It's not just catholics that he hates. I mean, can you imagine the media storm there would be if Jeremiah Wright came out tomorrow and said that Katrina was an act of god meant to punish the people of New Orleans? It would be looped all day long on Fox. And here we have Hagee, a guy who's endorsement McCain accepted, saying just that and the media doesn't even bat an eye towards it.

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Guest College Party

Why would he even say that? That doesn't make any sense.

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Guest Vitamin X
According to Drudge the Clinton campaign is fearing a 15 point blowout in North Carolina but is hoping the media will keep focused on Indiana where they believe she will win tonight.


134 delegates in North Carolina, with 19 superdelegates and 85 delegates in Indiana, with 13 supers. Good job, Mrs. C.

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Exactly, which makes me hate the media for zooming in on Indiana and making the uneducated believe it has more delegates at stake than North Carolina. I guess North Carolina just isn't getting the coverage since its a southern state and has a bigger black population so it HAS to vote for Obama.


A loss in NC by that margin (which exit polls are now seeming to confirm) would basically ensure that Clinton cannot catch Obama in the delegate math minus that 'nuclear option' politico.com was floating not too long ago. Regardless, I expect her to continue after tonight and go on a string of victories in lesser rich delegate states such as West Virginia (where she should win big) and here in Kentucky and then have those victories blunted to a degree by an Obama blowout in Oregon.

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In all honesty, I don't know anything about this Hagee guy, except that he doesn't like the Catholics, and, well, I don't like them either!


Shawn Michaels is a member of his church. Therefore, fuck him.

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I'm usually not a Keith Olberman fan but that was brillant, pretty much sums up my frustration with the Clinton machine constantly changing the yard sticks in this race. I also love how they make it seem like Obama can't close when they couldn't close this race either. Remember the "inevitable" candidate? Remember how Hillary was going to finish him off by January? Remember when she was going to do it on Super Tuesday?


Now the Clinton team has said that 2,025 is not the magic threshold to get the nomination and is instead 2,209 or so (counting Florida and Michigan). According to press sources, the Clinton team intends to wage a rules fight at the end of May to get Florida and Michigan reinstated.


Sounds like this damn thing is never going to end and the Democrats are just going to turn around and lose a third straight election they could've won.

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Even more disturbing is the way that she regularly contradicts herself with a completely straight face.

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Guest College Party

The Democratic convention is for nominating a candidate, not celebrating a candidate.


Caucuses are kind of lame, anyway. Ideally, every state would have a winner-take-all primary and they'd all be done in like a month, but alas.

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