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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I still find it hard to believe that 99.9% of registered democrats won't vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. With Hillary I can sort of understand why some dems would be jaded because of what it would take for her to actually win, but with Obama, I don't really see where he would come off as disinfranchising democratic voters.


I said I wasnt going to post in here anymore, but I had a phonecall from of all people my mother (Im surprised shed even bother to take the time out of her so busy day to call but alas I think shes trying to make good for Mothers day..ha) Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of politics and she, being the racist person that she is (not joking), has said that if Obama wins the nomination she'll vote for McCain and she followed that with the fact that she has NEVER voted for a Republican for anything in her 30+ years of voting. I told her she shoud start a White Racist Red Hat Wearing Women for McCain group or something now that she's discovered the wonders of blogging on the internet...



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I still find it hard to believe that 99.9% of registered democrats won't vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. With Hillary I can sort of understand why some dems would be jaded because of what it would take for her to actually win, but with Obama, I don't really see where he would come off as disinfranchising democratic voters.


I said I wasnt going to post in here anymore, but I had a phonecall from of all people my mother (Im surprised shed even bother to take the time out of her so busy day to call but alas I think shes trying to make good for Mothers day..ha) Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of politics and she, being the racist person that she is (not joking), has said that if Obama wins the nomination she'll vote for McCain and she followed that with the fact that she has NEVER voted for a Republican for anything in her 30+ years of voting. I told her she shoud start a White Racist Red Hat Wearing Women for McCain group or something now that she's discovered the wonders of blogging on the internet...


Well I did say 99.9% so maybe your mom represents the .01% that is the racist wing of the democrat party.

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I still find it hard to believe that 99.9% of registered democrats won't vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. With Hillary I can sort of understand why some dems would be jaded because of what it would take for her to actually win, but with Obama, I don't really see where he would come off as disinfranchising democratic voters.

I, too, believe the Hillary voters will get over it, just as the Obama voters would have had the positions been reversed. Despite the fact I dislike her as a person, I will admit she's a brilliant woman with a good grasp of what most America's problems are (though I think McCain does moreso than most Republicans) , and I don't have to worry about the Surpeme Court repealing privacy rights or the EPA looking the other way and not enforcing the law because of her.


For all this talk of white working class voters not liking Obama, all the exit polls prove is that within Democratic primary voters (hardly a representative sample of the entire population) most white working class voters prefer Hillary to him...nothing more.

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Guest Vitamin X

Hillary won't adopt the Huckabee option.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee ® felt similarly justified in staying in the race for the Republican nomination until Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) reached the majority threshold required for nomination. He contested the Texas primary vigorously, even though his earlier losses in South Carolina and Florida made it most unlikely that he could win the nomination. But he chose to run a positive campaign. He didn’t knock McCain. He just articulated the case for his own candidacy.


But Hillary won’t avail herself of that option because it does not serve her long-term fallback position: a shot at the nomination in 2012. If Obama is elected this year, he will seek reelection in 2012 and Hillary would have to face taking on an incumbent in a primary in her own party if she wanted to run, a daunting task. But if McCain wins, the nomination in 2012 will be open. And it might be worth having. McCain will be 76 years old and the Republican Party will have been in power for 12 years. Not since FDR and Truman has a party lasted that long in power. When the Republicans tried to do so, in 1980 and 1992, they fell flat on their face....


...The question is how long Democratic primary voters and the party leadership let her go on hitting their ultimate nominee. Will they bring Hillary up short and speak out about the harm she is doing to their party’s prospects by way of her refusal to recognize reality?


Hillary doesn’t have to pull out. She is entitled to run in the remaining states. But she should curtail her negative campaign and adopt the Huckabee strategy: Maximize your own vote share, but don’t beat up the party’s nominee. Unless, of course, that is her goal all along.

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Guest College Party

Now I really want to read Marvin's Mom's World. It's probably like one great confluence of bad chain letters and small-town gossip, with a few comments about what the Ups man brought today.

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I still find it hard to believe that 99.9% of registered democrats won't vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. With Hillary I can sort of understand why some dems would be jaded because of what it would take for her to actually win, but with Obama, I don't really see where he would come off as disinfranchising democratic voters.


I said I wasnt going to post in here anymore, but I had a phonecall from of all people my mother (Im surprised shed even bother to take the time out of her so busy day to call but alas I think shes trying to make good for Mothers day..ha) Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of politics and she, being the racist person that she is (not joking), has said that if Obama wins the nomination she'll vote for McCain and she followed that with the fact that she has NEVER voted for a Republican for anything in her 30+ years of voting. I told her she shoud start a White Racist Red Hat Wearing Women for McCain group or something now that she's discovered the wonders of blogging on the internet...


You must be an Obama supporter what with you throwing your VERY OWN MOTHER UNDER THE BUS.

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I still find it hard to believe that 99.9% of registered democrats won't vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. With Hillary I can sort of understand why some dems would be jaded because of what it would take for her to actually win, but with Obama, I don't really see where he would come off as disinfranchising democratic voters.


I said I wasnt going to post in here anymore, but I had a phonecall from of all people my mother (Im surprised shed even bother to take the time out of her so busy day to call but alas I think shes trying to make good for Mothers day..ha) Anyway, somehow we got on the topic of politics and she, being the racist person that she is (not joking), has said that if Obama wins the nomination she'll vote for McCain and she followed that with the fact that she has NEVER voted for a Republican for anything in her 30+ years of voting. I told her she shoud start a White Racist Red Hat Wearing Women for McCain group or something now that she's discovered the wonders of blogging on the internet...


You must be an Obama supporter what with you throwing your VERY OWN MOTHER UNDER THE BUS.

Marvin should have bought his mother a tv. Shows the kind of man he his, wont even buy his mom a tv, she has to rely on others to donate it to her.

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Marvin's mom has a blog?


She runs a RedHat Society Chapter and the webpage for it and she posts on a bunch of blogs though she doesnt run one herself per se. Its actually pretty amazing for the fact shes nearly blind as a bat, but still doesnt change the fact that I pretty much hate her guts and dont talk to her much.

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A little scenario I came up with.



Great line from Countdown Wednesday night 9talking about the Rev. Wright strategy not working in the Louisiana House race):


Olbermann: Rev. Wright...That's not going to work for the GOP, what will? Do you then switch back to the mutally exclusive lie that Obama is a Muslim or what?


Rachel Maddow: Right...that his Christian pastor is so controversial that it makes us realize what a Muslim he is.

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Obama officially has more Super Delegates than Clinton does.


Of course she wants more debates, that's free air time.

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Hillary said she wants another debate with Obama in Oregon.


What a joke...she knows it's pointless. They've already debated enough. Really, what else is there that either can say on their positions at this point?

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I think Hillary's unhinged behaviour has probably cost her her senate seat now. I saw a clip of the daily show, and Stewart played that interview of her talking about 'hard working, white Americans' and the audience went totally quiet and even Stewart seemed a bit shocked about it. She doesn't even seem to realise the damage she's doing to her politcal future.


Has anyone ever been more obsessed with being president than that woman?

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Guest College Party
I think Hillary's unhinged behaviour has probably cost her her senate seat now.

Not necessarily. That's four years down the road, anyway.


She's probably at the end of the line with this one, but she tried her best. I'm not going to condemn her for being extremely driven in her quest to win the presidency. Would it be preferable to say she could take it or leave it? I'll never get this attack on her. Perhaps posturing as a messiah figure would've been a better approach. Worked for the other guy.

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I think Hillary's unhinged behaviour has probably cost her her senate seat now.

Not necessarily. That's four years down the road, anyway.


She's probably at the end of the line with this one, but she tried her best. I'm not going to condemn her for being extremely driven in her quest to win the presidency. Would it be preferable to say she could take it or leave it? I'll never get this attack on her. Perhaps posturing as a messiah figure would've been a better approach. Worked for the other guy.


By that thinking everyone should admire Tonya Harding because she was willing to do anything to win as well.


Wanting it isn't bad. Everyone involved wants it. But being willing to tear apart your own party to get it? Even Mitt Romney knew when to what was best for his party. And now she sounds like George Wallace 2008.



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Guest College Party
By that thinking everyone should admire Tonya Harding because she was willing to do anything to win as well.

I'm calling the Analogy Police for this one.


I'll admire any candidate who doesn't do What's Best For The Party. Our political parties suck ass. They don't deserve loyalty. Let me enjoy Hillary Clinton, Oppressed Lone Underdog while I can before even she has to fall in line.


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wouldn't romney have been on the way to getting the republican nom if they didn't have a winner-take-all system? i thought i remembered reading that somewhere.


obama's team has finally figured out how to dictate the tempo of expectations and has gotten superdelegates so aggressively that nobody cares about west virginia (where clinton holds like a 20-point lead).


if he had done this kind of long-term planning earlier and made a one-two punch of a close PA and IN-NC win, instead of buying into PA being as important as clinton said it was, then it would already be over.

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Rassmussen has decided to stop polling the Dem primary.


Rasmussen Reports has been tracking the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination daily for nineteen months...


However, while Senator Clinton has remained close and competitive in every meaningful measure, she is a close second and the race is over. It has become clear that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee. [...]


With this in mind, Rasmussen Reports will soon end our daily tracking of the Democratic race and focus exclusively on the general election competition between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama.






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Rassmussen has decided to stop polling the Dem primary.

Dean needs something to do other than review Puro tapes.

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