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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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No, go ahead, I'd like to read your analysis on why a black man getting the democratic nod is nothing note-worthy.

<bored> First I'll thank you for re-instituting the "one-drop" rule. Goddamn niggers... what size do you take in hoods, brother Knight?

I got a good laugh out of this.

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Apparently not black enough for "Firestarter"!

This made me laugh.

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The vast majority of people in this country considered "black" have white ancestors. Obama is 50% white, and still considered black. There are people in this country that have even more white ancestry than that are considered black. Being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.

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The vast majority of people in this country considered "black" have white ancestors. Obama is 50% white, and still considered black. There are people in this country that have even more white ancestry than that are considered black. Being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.


Your point would be? I have a black ancestor myself, but I'm still listed as "Caucasian" on my firearms license. (The only federal ID which still lists your race, btw. Fun little fact.)

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The vast majority of people in this country considered "black" have white ancestors. Obama is 50% white, and still considered black. There are people in this country that have even more white ancestry than that are considered black. Being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.


Your point would be? I have a black ancestor myself, but I'm still listed as "Caucasian" on my firearms license. (The only federal ID which still lists your race, btw. Fun little fact.)

My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you. A point you demonstrated that you missed when you brought up your one black ancestor.

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The vast majority of people in this country considered "black" have white ancestors. Obama is 50% white, and still considered black. There are people in this country that have even more white ancestry than that are considered black. Being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.

Hush, I brought this up a while back during an argument where I was opining that The Rock doesn't "look black", and it just pissed everyone off. Nobody likes to talk about how you can literally have seven great-grandparents from Sweden and just one from Nigeria and somehow still be pidgeonholed as Black by society.

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you. A point you demonstrated that you missed when you brought up your one black ancestor.

Fair enough, given that she was almost eleven centuries ago.

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Nobody likes to talk about how you can literally have seven great-grandparents from Sweden and just one from Nigeria and somehow still be pidgeonholed as Black by society.

That was exactly my point when I made my KKK comment.

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you. A point you demonstrated that you missed when you brought up your one black ancestor.

Fair enough, given that she was almost eleven centuries ago.

Oh come on! That doesn't count anymore! I'm going to have to consult the judges on this one: Does this still count?




Fuck you Magic 8-Ball. It never gives the "good answer"!

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Fun video of the collective punditry mocking McCain's speech from hell the other night.



So...a younger, energetic and charismatic candidate running against generationally older, oratorically impaired, war hero.

I'm having flashbacks from 1996.

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you. A point you demonstrated that you missed when you brought up your one black ancestor.

Fair enough, given that she was almost eleven centuries ago.

Oh come on! That doesn't count anymore! I'm going to have to consult the judges on this one: Does this still count?




Fuck you Magic 8-Ball. It never gives the "good answer"!


Eh, Magic 8-Balls suck anyway.

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.


I say we white folk adopt Obama as our own due to half of his lineage.


Not so much because I like the guy or want him as President, I'd just find it humorous for us to take THAT away from black people too.

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.


I say we white folk adopt Obama as our own due to half of his lineage.


Not so much because I like the guy or want him as President, I'd just find it humorous for us to take THAT away from black people too.


Why can't he just be an American? I know re-vo-fuck-ing-lution-ary thought right there. Or he could be, "The guy I'm voting for!" or "The jerkoff who's losing to McCain."


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Guest Vitamin X

NOW Czech can masturbate in here.


(he has a thing for girls with scarves)

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My point was that being black has less to do with how many African ancestors you have, and more to do with what society sees when they look at you.


I say we white folk adopt Obama as our own due to half of his lineage.


Not so much because I like the guy or want him as President, I'd just find it humorous for us to take THAT away from black people too.


Why can't he just be an American? I know re-vo-fuck-ing-lution-ary thought right there.


Because his nomination is evidence that the racism in this country is no longer absolute. Because when Barack Obama was born, African-American oppression was still legal. He grew up in a time when African-Americans were only first beginning to have the rule of law on their side, for the first time in 400 years. And even though the legal oppression finally came to an end in 1965, social oppression still remained for a great number of years. The last signs of Jim Crow have been swept away, but the social impact of that oppression remains with us because of the impact it had on the psychological make-up of the black community. The belief that the law was not on your side, and that black people were going to have to face an uphill climb where ever they went, was passed from parents to children for centuries. Fortunately, we live in an age where today's black parents are the first generation of African-Americans to have not faced legal oppression, and the message that in America everyone has an opportunity to achieve their dreams is more likely to be taught to those children. The subconscious distrust of whites which many blacks still have now (and vice versa), which manifests itself in how blacks and white socialize and stick together, has a real chance of disappearing forever within our lifetimes. But, make no mistake about it, that has not happened yet.

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Dude, that's a nice pipe dream... but it's never going to disappear as long as they keep teaching future generations about how to dissect people into groups.


It would take a conscious effort from everyone to change this way of thinking and sorry dude... but things ain't going to dramatically change like that. They will continue to get better, but it's never going to simply vanish... it would take a mass catastrophic event for this to happen, but even then there's a good chance you would find a more extreme line of thinking.

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Dude, that's a nice pipe dream... but it's never going to disappear as long as they keep teaching future generations about how to dissect people into groups.



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if obama is elected & doesn't use his position to take real action on the race problems he's addressed, then he remains an empty symbol. this--


The subconscious distrust of whites which many blacks still have now (and vice versa), which manifests itself in how blacks and white socialize and stick together


also has a chance of backfiring in obama's face as a mistrust of black elected officials who try to "pass." if he gets votes as a member of the black community, then does nothing to uplift that community, then he just becomes a token. then after the "anything is possible" party is over, that community has a right to start asking him, "so what have you ever done for us other than be black?"


celebration of how far we've come and all is fine, but it's certainly not a substitute for policy, and there's a big danger of that celebration becoming an excuse for taking no further action--as if to say, "look how good we white people are, we put a black man in the white house! we don't need to do anything else now!"

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