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Rockstar Protested again.....

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This comes from Gamespot....


Bully draws protesters to Rockstar's front doors


Washington, D.C.-based group marches on developer's Manhattan headquarters to protest marketing of violent games to children.

Although the Hot Coffee isn't quite as piping hot as it has been of late, the fallout over the hidden sex mini-games in Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is still simmering. Always a lightning rod for controversy, Rockstar might be growing weary of all the free publicity it has been getting, as games it hasn't even released yet are now becoming the target of public outcries.



Yesterday, members of the Washington, D.C.-based youth group Peaceoholics protested outside Rockstar Games' New York offices, carrying signs that read "Put the cuffs on Rockstar, not youth" and "Prosecute Rockstar Games; they are felons" and chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, Rockstar Games has got to go."


Though the Peaceoholics have accused Rockstar of marketing violent games for children in the past, Tuesday's event was specifically directed at convincing the developer to shelve the upcoming Bully, which Rockstar describes as a game where players take the role of a "troublesome schoolboy" who "stands up to bullies, gets picked on by teachers, plays pranks on malicious kids, wins or loses the girl, and ultimately learns to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious reform school."


Although the game is not yet rated (an M for Mature tag seems a certainty) and Rockstar has revealed next to nothing about the actual gameplay, Bully has already made some waves. Given the developer's history with controversial titles and the lasting taboo of violence in a school setting ever since the Columbine High School shootings, it's a safe bet this won't be the last bit of protest directed Rockstar's way over its latest offering.


Attempts to reach Rockstar Games and Peaceoholics for comment Wednesday afternoon were not successful.


By Brendan Sinclair -- GameSpot



Don't you wish just sometimes, that when protesters come together someone would just start a "shut the fuck up" chant directed towards them?

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Washington, D.C.-based youth group Peaceoholics......chanting "Hey hey, ho ho, Rockstar Games has got to go."

So this is what hippies do when they are not at Dave Mathews concerts.

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"Whoa...that hippie is starting to kick in."


"DUDE...my hands...they're HUGE! They can touch anything but themselves..."


This "right-winged" campaign against Rockstar must stop.

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Guest MikeSC

Can't they wait for the game to be released and for them to actually play a review copy of the game before protesting?

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Course not, Mike because that would make sense. I can't believe this, maybe the parents should do their fucking jobs and be parents. Tell them that it's fake, and if you can't do that, you should even be caring for a fucking fish.

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Can't they wait for the game to be released and for them to actually play a review copy of the game before protesting?


That's passe. Now they bitch about games that aren't even completed yet. Didn't you hear about the 25 To Life hubbub?


It's going to be funny when these games sell twice as much as they likely would have if they'd have shut up. Thankfully Narc and Manhunt slipped under their radar, since they weren't really any good..

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Before reading this article, I had never heard anything about this game. Now I'm gonna buy Bully when it comes out just so I can spite those hippie bastards.

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In the past month, three new drum circles have sprouted up in front of Rockstar........


We must stop the hippies!!!!


Someone call Eric Cartman fast.



It's amazing how much time some people have on their hands eh?

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It's ridiculous.


Completely ridiculous.


That's why these ratings need to be LAW. So kids can't buy/play the game, so parents can smarten the FUCK UP and play the role of, you know - PARENT?! ...and so that resonsible adults like myself don't have to deal with fuckwits like these protestor groups telling me what & should and shouldn't be allowed to play.

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It's ridiculous.


Completely ridiculous.


That's why these ratings need to be LAW. So kids can't buy/play the game, so parents can smarten the FUCK UP and play the role of, you know - PARENT?! ...and so that resonsible adults like myself don't have to deal with fuckwits like these protestor groups telling me what & should and shouldn't be allowed to play.


*Gives my 1 year old son Leisure Larry...*

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It's ridiculous.


Completely ridiculous.


That's why these ratings need to be LAW.


I think "making it law" is a bad idea, and the SA controversy had nothing to do with minors allegedly buying the game themselves, but rather it being re-rated over the hidden content. However, certain persons twisted it try to make it appear that way. I see no evidence why self-regulation is a problem, nor do I find it necessary for M-rated games to be treated like booze and porn. AO games already are harder to get than real porn.


Plus--this has nothing to do with the rating whatsover, so I'm not following you. They aren't protesting the rating (most certainly an M); they're protesting the game's very existence.


*Gives my 1 year old son Leisure Larry...*


You have every legal right to as a parent.


Even though he'll probably just chew on the disc. :P

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Didn't you have to download the "Hot Coffee" modification over the internet? If so, I really don't understand why parents would be worried about their children "accidently" accessing it. Not to mention the fact that some of the kids shown in the various news reports aren't even old enough to be playing GTA, with or without the sex. As far as "Bully" goes, sounds pretty interesting. If they use a similar game engine as in GTA, I can only imagine how detailed that schoolhouse will be.

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*Gives my 1 year old son Leisure Larry...*


You have every legal right to as a parent.


Even though he'll probably just chew on the disc. :P


Heh, well if I actually physically gave him the disc, yeah, but if I popped it in, he has the ability to play. He is already playing Mario Bros (as ported to Animal Crossing).

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True. I guess there will be zealous nuts no matter what. I'm just sick and tired of people trying to tell me what I should watch and shouldn't watch, what I should read and shouldn't read, and now what I should play and shouldn't play. =\

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Didn't you have to download the "Hot Coffee" modification over the internet?  If so, I really don't understand why parents would be worried about their children "accidently" accessing it.  Not to mention the fact that some of the kids shown in the various news reports aren't even old enough to be playing GTA, with or without the sex.  As far as "Bully" goes, sounds pretty interesting.  If they use a similar game engine as in GTA, I can only imagine how detailed that schoolhouse will be.

so I guess the parents were fine with regular coffee. where you could still hear the sex sound effects. and pick up hokkers and kill them.


I'm guessing most of these parents dont even know the whole details of the "mod download" they just heard it from someone else and freaked out. hell they probably bouht the game for their kids not even knowing what it was about. Despite the fact that the title of the game is the name of a crime. its true some people dont understand the game ratings.


So they are ok with massive violence, but nudity= evil HMMMMM?



in ohter events, I saw a preview of BULLY in a game mag the other day and it looks pretty cool actually.

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Before reading this article, I had never heard anything about this game. Now I'm gonna buy Bully when it comes out just so I can spite those hippie bastards.

I didn't bother reading the rest of the thread, I'm just sick of seeing these people being called hippies. They're probably a bunch of overweight middle-aged normal people with too much time on their hands and not enough brains.

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