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This week in baseball 8/29 - 9/5

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Astros call up Scott Strickland. He will be pitching in the Major Leagues for the first time  in 3 years due to Tommy John surgery.  That's a hella long time between gigs.



As Barry Bonds joined his teammates for the first time in nearly three months, multiple sources have confirmed to ESPN's Pedro Gomez that Bonds' banishment to Los Angeles in late June was precipitated by a clubhouse fight with a teammate.

A Giants player took offense to Harvey Shields, one of Bonds' personal trainers the team hired at Bonds' urging, while in the players' food room at SBC Park.


Shortly after the unnamed Giants player and Shields exchanged words, Bonds sought out the player inside the clubhouse and had words.


A scuffle ensued in which Bonds punched the player in the jaw, whereupon the player put Bonds in a headlock and retaliated.


The two were separated by players and Giants personnel, though Bonds and the player have since made amends. Through a club spokesman, Bonds said, "I never had a problem with that player."



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Anybody watching MLB: A Season In The Wire on FSN? This thing is hilarious. I caught it halfway through, and from the Devil Ray's 1st base boach calling Alex Gonzalez the big cheese because he can hit a slider, or Carl Crawford making chicken noises because Gobble on the Royals is pitching, the show is gold.

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