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Gary Floyd

Anti-Gay protestors protest soldiers funeral

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Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq.


The church members were met with scorn from local residents. They chased the church members cars' down a highway, waving flags and screaming "God bless America."


Yes, Fred Phelps was involved. Good to see someone finally taking a stand against him.

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Guest clockworkraven

You think you'd realise that funerals probably aren't the safest place to protest anything at all, let alone saying that the guy is dead because God said so.



The church members carried signs and shouted things such as “God hates fags” and “God hates you.”

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They aren't America Hating Hippies, they're We Hate Everyone Who Doesn't Agree With Us Wackjobs. Hippies generally don't bother anyone as long as no one touches their stash

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So wait, the America-Hating Hippies were the ones who were anti-gay, and the Flag-Waving Rednecks were pro-gay?




Where the fuck do you come up with a conclusion like that?

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I love Fred Phelps.  Every single thing he does in life, I disagree with, but he provides me with a monthly dose of hilarity.


Me too. From Wikipedia:


After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Phelps' group went to New York City to protest the rescue efforts going on there, mocking victims as they were taken from the rubble, shouting obscenities at rescue workers, and demanding that those still alive be left to die. Phelps reasoned that God had caused the terrorist attacks as a punishment for tolerance of homosexuality, and that it was God's will that those who suffered in the attacks should die. Signs carried at the Ground Zero site included, "THANK GOD FOR SEPT. 11", "FDNY SIN (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "NYPD FAGS (with a picture of stick-figures engaged in anal sex)", "YOUR PENTAGON IS SQUARE", and "TOWERS CRASH, GOD LAUGHS".


At the same time, Phelps also wrote several songs about the incident and recorded them with the Westboro Baptist Church Choir. The two most notable songs (which Phelps published on his own record label, named for the church) were "God Hates America" and "America the Burning," which are both sung as hymns mocking the dead and thanking God for killing WBC's enemies. The third song, "I Like to Watch," was told from the point of view of someone masturbating to footage of the WTC collapsing; the lyrics implied that the narrator is either a gay man or God Himself.


So, which is better - this, or Scientologists claiming that the attacks were carried out by people brainwashed by psychiatrists? I leave that up to you, the reader.

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The third song, "I Like to Watch," was told from the point of view of someone masturbating to footage of the WTC collapsing; the lyrics implied that the narrator is either a gay man or God Himself.

Barron's off the hook for his "Hilary's breasts reached their peak at 16" comment that I said was like the creepiest thing I've read on the board in a long time

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The third song, "I Like to Watch," was told from the point of view of someone masturbating to footage of the WTC collapsing; the lyrics implied that the narrator is either a gay man or God Himself.

Barron's off the hook for his "Hilary's breasts reached their peak at 16" comment that I said was like the creepiest thing I've read on the board in a long time


The worst part is that he stole, and thus tainted, a great line from Being There for the title. (Although the phrase may have existed before the movie came out. But if not, fuck him.)

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