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The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

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Guest *KNK*
Why is Carlito being pushed so hard???  He is lousy in the ring..and quite frankly not that great of a talker.  Is it the hair??  He looks like a jobber from the 80's that the likes of Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy would squash in less than a minute.


Good pedigree which would make you think He'd have some clue of how to work. The Rock, in his most green of green days had some idea of how to work.


He's promos are decent but hardly exceptional, He does have the advantage of a different look.


It's a case of Vince looking for the next rock by pushing a generational name.

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Guest *KNK*

I'm guessing no RVD or Shelton after all... at least for the match itself.


It'll end with Shawn hitting SCM on Carlito but Masters clocks him with a chair and draws the DQ and they beat him down and flair limps back and they fight the heels off as Flair stands in dried blood.

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Why is Carlito being pushed so hard???  He is lousy in the ring..and quite frankly not that great of a talker.  Is it the hair??  He looks like a jobber from the 80's that the likes of Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy would squash in less than a minute.


...because he's further along than Randy Orton and the Rock were at this point in his career? He has so much time to improve on his in-ring ability, while everything from the mannerisms to the charisma comes naturally for the kid.


It was only a few years ago that he was completely against following in his father's footsteps. Sounds a bit familiar?

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Guest JMA

Is it just me or is Shawn being pushed as the number one face on Raw? It seems to me that Cena is being booked like an IC champ would be. Granted, WWE has hurt his character, but the champion should not be made to look inferior.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

His old man Carlos Colon was not that big of a deal in the states...his "feud" with Abdulla The Butcher is about the only thing I can remember that is even noteworthy. Not sure why Vince would do Carlos any favors...I don't think he was ever in the WWWF/WWF.

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Guest XxMariaSantosxX

Well, I'm sitting here, and I'm thinking "Well, ok. This is 10 minute of stupid, and well, then 11 minute of commercial. Well, wait. Am I wasting my life? Well, yes! So, Maria, we've decided wrestling is stupid."

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His old man Carlos Colon was not that big of a deal in the states...his "feud" with Abdulla The Butcher is about the only thing I can remember that is even noteworthy.  Not sure why Vince would do Carlos any favors...I don't think he was ever in the WWWF/WWF.


93 Royal Rumble.

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Guest *KNK*

I just watched a 15 minute Masters/CCC involved main event.


My life is slipping over the edge.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

Carlito & Masters owe Shawn dinner tonight for making them look good with all the selling he is doing for them.

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Guest *KNK*

Bloody pink shirt.


It would have been better if he had worn a white shirt eariler and dumped blood all over it to REALLY sell the attack...

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Shawn gets to beat up two guys in a match, and won't even lie down to superior numbers?


God, he complains about Hogan's ego......

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I have no idea why, but I enjoyed the show tonight. Despite some of the rehashed angles (Flair getting beaten down and blooded in the locker room by an unknown person, Edge/Hardy going through the stage), I thought they worked for the story and I have no problem with it. Some of the production and image of the show seemed a lot more fresh to me, for whatever reason. Some different camera angles, etc. The commentary was a lot better than usual and Lawler was a lot better than he has been in the past months. The booking seemed more balanced and equaled out instead of everything just cramped in and being too predictable like the past, I dunno, two or so years have been. There wasn't really any segment that I was particularly bothered by and I thought everything they went to accomplish worked. I thought the Cena/Angle segment was solid, and it didn't make Angle look like a coward near the end. The bait and switch of the Masterlock Challenge didn't exactly bother me because that wasn't much of a selling point in my eye to watch the show cause Masters isn't a draw. I thought the main event was slow but I liked Flair coming out at the end, even though he'll more than likely turn on Michaels at some point like the 23 other times he's foreshadowed turning face and then turned back heel, and he'll probably join back up with Triple H when he gets back on TV. I didn't particularly like the finish of the main event and the show, but that was more so because I'm not exactly a big fan of Chris Masters and it seemed kind of abrupt.


He's got to go to Heat or something. If they are trying to replace him for Jericho's absense...10 Chris Masters' clones can't duplicate a Chris Jericho. I think after Edge gets done with his program with Hardy and Angle/Cena do there thing, Cena/Edge is going to be the next program we see. I also wouldn't particular be offended to see Kane/Cena in a program (assuming Kane comes back as a heel), though the match would suck balls, it would be something new. They do need to feed Cena some new big named heels the next few months if they want him built up for Triple H at Wrestlemania, because that's the money match he's got in 2006.


Good show, however. I'm intrested to see if they are going to do things for Unforgiven, or if it's just going to be a filler PPV like most PPVs are these days.

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I'm waiting for someone to break the Masterlock with the mule kick.


Why doesn't someone just break it with a key? :lol:


J/K. Boring main-event. Carlito and Chris Masters don't need to be pushed to the main events so soon, obviously.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

I hate to keep picking on Carlito but the guy has been in main event angels on Raw several times over the past month and I still don't see much in him. I might be wrong but I really doubt he will be much of a draw.


The same with Masters. He just has that current WWE generic look that the company is putting on alot of their wrestlers today. The short hair, the bland moves, ect. ect. ala Randy Orton. He just doesn't stand out other than his "masterlock" gimmick,... which won't sell many PPVs.

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When is someone going to state the obvious? Raw right now is in "I don't give a shit" mode of cashing the paycheck before they move back to USA. It's sorta like the lame duck Nash booking in WCW before Russo took over, or the post Montreal WWF 1997 stuff before they began Austin's push.


The problem is that there really isn't anything on the horizon for Raw that will make it any better. Oh yay, HHH vs. Cena. I saw that on a house show and we're in for some suffering, guys.


Till the USA move it's just going to be throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks, hence these nonsensical pushes for Carlito and Chris Masters (not to mention Tyson Tomko squashing the tag champs).

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My thoughts on tonights Raw


The Good


-Matt Hardy vs. Edge. This is everything the Summerslam Main Event should have been. Excellent chemestry and workrate. And, who cares if the finish has been done before. It worked here.


-The Big Show. I enjoy Big Show squashes. So sue me.


-Ashley. This chicks got quite a future.


Lawler: He actually didn't grate on my nerves tonight. In fact, I think he's starting to become a decent announcer. Actually, all three announcers were good tonight.


The Bad


-Big Show vs. Snitsky. I'm just not buying this feud.


-Chris Masters: Main eventer. In the words of the horse from Ren and Stimpy: No sir, I don't like it!


-The general fact that the tag champs are useless, as are the titles.


The who cares


-Tyson Tomko. I'm sorry, I just can't get into him.

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Raw was absolutely awful tonight. Beyond pitiful.


Only two things I enjoyed were Tyson Tomko embarassing the tag team champs in less than a minute and Ric Flair no-selling his brains coming out the back of his skull. That's good enough to last me 'til next week.

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