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Comments that don't warrant a thread

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That didn't warrant a thread, so why did you make one?


Well, I could've posted about how there wasn't a "Comments that don't warrant a thread" in the general section, but that might have warranted a thread, which would make it kinda pointless. To stay on topic in the "Comments that don't warrant a thread" thread, I had to make a comment that didn't warrant a thread.

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It's 2:43 AM, right now. I hate it when my sister and her friend get on here, fuck up the computer screen and make it bigger than it needs to be, and then I have to work tirelessly for two hours trying to readjust the screen when I have to be at work by seven.


I need a drink.

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You posted at 2:42 AM and said it was 2:43 AM.



so that makes you a big fat liar.

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Hey hey hey...


You know, I invented "Comments which don't warrant a thread." I feel good. I remember the guy that invented "One and Only" threads. Now I'm like that guy.

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I prefer 'Milky Has A Cunt'. Which wasn't even what I told the guy to write, I said to say "Milky is a cunt", he took it further. That's tekcop holding the sign. I hope he's remembered as "The Guy Who Said Milky Has A Cunt."

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Hey hey hey...


You know, I invented "Comments which don't warrant a thread." I feel good. I remember the guy that invented "One and Only" threads. Now I'm like that guy.


Yeah, who DID invent those, anyways?

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Rebecca Romjin is going to be marrying Jerry O'Connell?  I realize John Stamos wasn't anything special, but certainly she can do better than the fat kid from "Stand By Me" (wait, that was O'Connell, right?).


No, the fat kid in Stand By Me was Jerry O'Connell

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well he's not fat anymore...? I got nothin...I don't know why she's with him...I mean it's not like he's bad looking, they just seem odd as a couple...you know like Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz...it's one of those WTF?!?! hookups...

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