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EVIL~! alkeiper

This Week In Baseball

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What are the chances we can deny a berth to the NL West champion Padres if they don't finish above .500? Nobody's catching them since the other teams suck as much.


And props to my Cardinals for being the first team to clinch the playoffs...I must now have a Barry Horowitz moment and pat myself on the back.


As for all the White Sox hate...Ozzie Guillen's demeanor worked much better back on August 1 when they had a 15 game lead.

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Looking at the standings, the White Sox are currently 90-58. If they lose the division, I think it will have more to do with the Indians' success than any real failure of the Pale Hose. Sox fans should keep in mind however that while this is a close race, the Sox would have to lose the division AND fall behind the Yankees in the wild card race. The Sox are still 5 games up for a wild card berth. But speak of the devil, look who kicks off a series tomorrow night!


Tomorrow will be a banner day, as we finally get rid of that annoying half game the Astros have.

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Mike the ball was inside but you dont keep your bat on your shoulder and look at the pitch from start to end as it goes into the catchers glove and let the Umpire decide.  I would much rather see Jeter hit the ball and make an out or swing and miss than get called looking at strike 3.

I was watching and the ball wasn't nearly as inside as Jeter would have you believe. Just because he does that stupid "stick his ass out as far as he can and lean over home plate real fast" thing doesn't mean it's inside.

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You know it's funny; even though I know Bonds used steroids, I know his records are tainted because of it, and I wouldn't vote him a first ballot HOFer for just that reason, something still draws me in about thr guy.


I think it's a combination of his "fuck the media" personality and the fact that he really can hit the ball tremendously well even if you negate the steroid influence.


At this point, the only thing that has me remotely interested in this baseball season is the off-chance that the Giants will catch the Padres and win the NL West. The idea of Bonds coming in and lifting a shitty team to the playoffs just sounds awesome.


I've gotten to the point where I hate the Red Sox just as much as the Yankees, and I strongly dislike the Indians as well. In fact, I'd say that I dislike just about every potential playoff team right now.


It seems impossible for the Giants to catch the Padres right now, but it really shouldn't be. Yes, they're 11 games under .500, but they're only 5.5 back and they still have 4 games against the Padres. I figure they're going to need to sweep the Padres to have a chance, and then go about 8-3 in they're remaning games.


I don't know if Bonds will give them enough of a lift to do that, but if he does, I really think they could be dangerous in the playoffs. Even though they'd have the worst record of any playoff team in MLB history, they'd be believing they could beat anyone, and they'd be the best player in baseball better than they were for most of the summer. The idea of Barry Bonds taking a 80-84 Giants team to the World Series sounds about 100 times more interesting than Yankees/Red Sox part 87.

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There's almost no chance the Giants will catch the Padres. If you want a story though, this could be Trevor Hoffman's swan song with the Padres. Hoffman rates as this generation's second best closer behind Rivera, but without the postseason credentials. Here's Hoffman's chance to prove himself in the postseason and win a ring.


As an aside, how many wins will it take to not mind the Padres in the postseason? Above .500? 83?

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