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The Amazing Race: Family Edition Thread

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The title of episode 5 (10/25) is We're Getting Out of the Country, Girls so I guess they'll finally leave the U.S. then.  Nothing against the U.S. adventure, but this isn't what I'm expecting in this show.  I want to see people try to communicate in other countries by speaking English loud and slow, dammit!!

The previews for next week showed the Paolos at what appeared to be La Ronde in Montreal.

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The Louisiana team going the wrong way on the way to Louisiana was just classic.


I'm hoping the Gaghans make it close to the end just to destroy the brats dreams. Ok so I'm evil...big deal.

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The Louisiana team going the wrong way on the way to Louisiana was just classic.   

I know some of you are sad to see Jailbait Faruiza go, but dad was starting to go all BoloDouche on the family, so it's probably good that they went now.

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She wasn't really that hot. The previously-eliminated LA family's daughter was much hotter.


I want to see people try to communicate in other countries by speaking English loud and slow, dammit!!

The deep south kinda counts.

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She wasn't really that hot.  The previously-eliminated LA family's daughter was much hotter.

I'd actually agree, but different strokes for different folks, you know?


I want to see people try to communicate in other countries by speaking English loud and slow, dammit!!

The deep south kinda counts.

Only the rural areas. New Orleans really doesn't count. Les the Gas Guy, however...


BTW, is anyone else disappointed that the Bransen girls declined the Linz request for them to show their tits?

Edited by starvenger

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She wasn't really that hot.  The previously-eliminated LA family's daughter was much hotter.



Plus, like I said before, wtf kind of name is "stah-see"?


Granted, that's more on her old man than her, but still

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A Road Block that requires three girls with nice racks instead of one? The Bransens should have been made to swim to that riverboat so we can get some wet t-shirt action, dammit!


Can they get out of the fucking South already? Finding the world's largest office chair, staying in a trailer park, off roading in the mud......it's too much.

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Well, that was okay. It's nice to see them get out of the country and mangle a foreign language like everyone else.


It was so unbelievably obvious that it was a non-elimination, though. And for the race planners to put the ONLY FF ON THE FREAKING RACE on a NON-ELIMINATION LEG shows how horrible the planning has been for this entire race.


And get rid of the mugging already. I can't believe they kept it in. How's it going to look if Phil has to mug the kids?

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Well, that was okay.  It's nice to see them get out of the country and mangle a foreign language like everyone else.


It was so unbelievably obvious that it was a non-elimination, though.  And for the race planners to put the ONLY FF ON THE FREAKING RACE on a NON-ELIMINATION LEG shows how horrible the planning has been for this entire race.


They've been doing that for the last few races. Which actually made it a surprise when the Head Shaving FF leg was an elimination one last season.


And get rid of the mugging already.  I can't believe they kept it in.  How's it going to look if Phil has to mug the kids?

Fucking great, I'd say. Besides, they need a way to top the whole "Black family" thing...

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Eh, it looked like they were wearing tank tops under their shirts, so there wasn't much nippleage.


Once the Weavers go, this show will be much more enjoyable. I mean, even the Pauolo family is becoming more likeable than them.

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I enjoyed the thong shot of the Godlewski girl, too.


And seeing as the Bransen dad is named Wally, I'm surprised nobody's made a "Wally and the Beaver(s)" joke yet about him & his daughters. Linz boys, I'm looking at you.

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The producers seem to enjoy torturing the Weavers with these tasks at race tracks, and I'm enjoying every moment of it.

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So, the Weavers almost break down crying when the mom has to drive a figgin' go-cart because the dad died on a race track, yet flying a loop in a plane doesn't seem that big of a deal? WTF?

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Yeah, the boycott didn't last long.


I LOATHE the Weavers. Probably more than any other team on any previous race. Where in the Christian Lifestyle Handbook does is say it's OK to mock, taunt and throw stuff at other people?


I would've loved for a cop to be behind them at the throwing incident and have them pulled over for littering.


Oh, and the latest entry in the Amazing Race Drinking Game: Every time one of the Weavers says "Thank the Lord, " take a drink.

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Bransens still in it!  ::whew::

Makes up for seeing Marion's granny panties. Speaking of the Paolos, anyone notice that they did well outside the U.S., but once they were back in, they did poorly? And Brian? Nice job with the hug, kid.


Four words for the Weavers:

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


Linzes? Got screwed out of first in leg 8 because of the boat. But karma being karma, it balanced out their comeback in leg 7.


Bransens. Exactly how many wifebeaters did the girls have? They seemed to be wearing the same ones every leg. And Wally, if the task calls for someone to get head-to-toe wet swimming to a buoy, there's no need for you to step up...

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I was just floored that the Weavers have no idea why the rest of the teams hate them.


I was all about some slow-motion shots of the Bransen girls bailing water, esp. the 1 wearing the sports bra. Alas, it was not to be.

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I was waiting for the Linz to start bumping the Weaver mother during the go kart race.


Phil needs to call out the Weavers when they pull that crying shit because everyone was being mean to them. The father dies at a racetrack around cars but yet they have no problem throwing stuff at moving vehicles on a major highway.

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I was just floored that the Weavers have no idea why the rest of the teams hate them.


And how about cornering that Paolo kid in the airport demanding why he yielded them and actually GASPING when he said it was to take them out? I mean, THAT'S WHAT THE FUCKING THING IS THERE FOR! I now am confident that the Weavers have never watched a second of this show and have no clue about what strategies are used on it.

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I now am confident that the Weavers have never watched a second of this show and have no clue about what strategies are used on it.

They've noted before that they think using it is "cheating", which is a stance that has been taken by a racers before (Colin and Christie, most memorably). It's not a smart stance, but that's what they decided. Or not, since they were contemplating Yielding the Paolos if they had the opportunity. Basically, it comes back to them being hypocrites, and hopefully karma comes back to bitchslap them repeatedly.


Oh, and an interesting side note - the Schroeders lost their home in Louisiana during Katrina, and 8 of the other teams pitched in to help them out. Guess which team didn't?

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From The Early Show interview of the Paolos:


There are two things the family is in agreement, however. One, the Weavers are not very likeable people.


"Last night we talked about what we wanted to say about the Weavers," D.J. said. "The bottom line is anyone who has a functioning brain, who watched the last two episodes, can see the reasons why people don't get along with them. They're very hypocritical. I mean, I could go on forever."


Marion added they actually looked good on camera.


And two, the race was an unbelievable experience that they will never forget.

Looked good on camera? I gather that means she thought that they came off as better than they truly are. And that's fucking scary.

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Guest Monty Burns

In a strange way I was cheering for the Paolo's since they were all insane and amusing to watch, but now I guess I'll have to jump on the Linz boat. The others are all annoying as hell.

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