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Anyone interested in a TSM Online Poker Tourney?

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Just throwing this out there. If I get enough responses, I might get something together. Of course, we will have to sort out which site, etc.


First nine to respond can be the first entrants, then I'll formulate a waiting list, standings, etc. Maybe someone can even design us a swank banner.

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You had me until Party Poker.  I hate that place.


I hate it too, but if we are playing on private tables will it really matter?


I'm currently using it because it was more conveniant for me at the time than the other places. C'mon CC :(


That's six so far, seven if Canadian Chris is in.

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One more question for everybody? Should we do it with play money or real? I say play for now, because I really can't afford to do real right now, but whatever y'all feel like. If some of you guys have to join the site it would be easier to just do play.

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Sorry for you guys that already signed up at PP, but I just looked at their private tables and they are all real money. If anyone knows anything about play money private tables there, let me know. If not, I'm pretty damn sure Pokerroom.com has play money private tables. I'm gonna check after I get out of class.

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ArkhamGlove, my MultiMedia class just used that image of your pipe in an explanation of PhotoShop eye tricks.  That picture isn't real, it's been heavily PhotoShopped to be more eye-pleasing.


I'm in, BTW.


It's actually a painting by René Magritte (who also did the painting I'm using as an avatar) called The Treachery of Images, dated 1928-1929.

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Why is this in Sports??


Poker is NOT a sport.


"even Poker if we are feeling adventurous." That's why.


I'm REALLY busy this weekend with school work, but next week I will get back to everybody either through posting in this thread or through PM's, so be patient.



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