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Top 10 Consoles According to G4 Fans

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The Dreamcast controller looked bulky but played very well.



Dcast controller was awesome for 2d fighters. Playing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on xbox is an exercise in frustration compared to the dreamcast :(

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I'd rather play a fighter on the Xbox controller, especially if it's the old fat controller. The DC pad's Dpad kind of sucks and I hate the triggers. For a Capcom fighter you need 6 face buttons or good shoulder buttons like PSX. The triggers just don't work. With the old Xbox pad you basically had the 6 button layout because of the black and white buttons being right next to the 4 face buttons.


A couple years ago I would have ranked the DC much higher. It's strongest point is the fighters and it's now almost obsolete since everything good is on Xbox or PS2 now.

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I'd rather play a fighter on the Xbox controller, especially if it's the old fat controller. The DC pad's Dpad kind of sucks and I hate the triggers. For a Capcom fighter you need 6 face buttons or good shoulder buttons like PSX. The triggers just don't work. With the old Xbox pad you basically had the 6 button layout because of the black and white buttons being right next to the 4 face buttons.


A couple years ago I would have ranked the DC much higher. It's strongest point is the fighters and it's now almost obsolete since everything good is on Xbox or PS2 now.



My problem with the xbox pad (Controller S and the original) is I like to use the directional pad for 2d fighters (not as much for 3d fighters) and the d-pad on the dxbox is not positioned in such a way for it to be comfortable to use AND the d-pad just plain sucks in the way it's designed (The outside of the main directional buttons is raised too much and it makes it feel too much like one big button, I'm really picky)


The only thing about the ps2 controller i like, is how their d-pad is set up, it's perfectly designed and placed for fighting games

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Yeah the one big button thing with the Xbox dpad does suck, but I don't think DC's is any better. It's like, popped out too far or something. But the triggers are the main problem.



The WORST is Gamecube's dpad. Horrible! It is the same as GBA...

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Yeah the one big button thing with the Xbox dpad does suck, but I don't think DC's is any better. It's like, popped out too far or something. But the triggers are the main problem.



The WORST is Gamecube's dpad. Horrible! It is the same as GBA...

Cube's controller is my favorite, personally.

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I'm sorry, I really liked Final Fantasy VII, but it is not the best game of all time

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To Special K since I missed it earlier, FF7 lead to copycat imitators the same way Who Wants To Be A Millionaire led to that gameshow craze and how Survivor led to the reality show craze. Saying the success of FF7 led to games like Xenosaga being made the way they were(bad) is a valid point

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FFVI is my favorite game ever, and I've never claimed FFVII is the best one. I'd probably put Suikoden II above it, honestly. FFVII is obviously not the terrible game that some people claim, though. Are there any terrible old-school games that get tons of play? I don't think so. There must be something there.


And FFVII inspiring shit games still doesn't make it bad. Should we blame Mario 64 for all the terrible 3D platformers out there? No. Should we blame SFII for the cavalcade of terrible 2D fighters that plagued the 16-bit systems? That would be stupid. It might be worth noting, but it's ultimately meaningless. FFVIII was terrible, IMO. That doesn't lower the quality of FFVII.


I like the GC's controller, actually. At least for the 1st-party games, it's very well designed. When you actually hold it, its buttons don't feel nearly as arbitrary and weird as they look. I think Gamecube definitely wins in hardware. A pretty good controller, no DVD playback, but you can buy a DVD player and a GC for the cost of an XBOX or PS2. And that system's TOUGH. I'm not buying a PS3 until at least a couple years after it comes out. Sony makes some inexcusably flimsy-ass systems.

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FFVII is a good game alright. I'd probably put it in the middle of the pack as far as Final Fantasy games go, or even higher if I'm feeling generous. But it isn't the undisputed best game ever like some people seem to think it is.



And FFVII inspiring shit games still doesn't make it bad. Should we blame Mario 64 for all the terrible 3D platformers out there? No. Should we blame SFII for the cavalcade of terrible 2D fighters that plagued the 16-bit systems? That would be stupid. It might be worth noting, but it's ultimately meaningless. FFVIII was terrible, IMO. That doesn't lower the quality of FFVII.


No. I don't let that factor into it at all.

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And as a nice coda to this discussion, FFVII just ranked #1 on GameFAQS best game ever poll.


Our list is still better.


VII was groundbreaking, you can't argue that at all.


Yeah you can. Presentation wise, it was something not really seen in a console RPG.


So what? The gameplay was old hat.

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I hate discussions about FF7. It's so passe. The game looks awful now. The gameplay really isn't good. It's bad. It's terrible. This isn't Valkyrie Profile or Persona here, there was nothing groundbreaking or engaging about the turn based gameplay system. The story started off well and trailed off almost immediately. VIII's story was better by far, and that's one of the most ripped on FF's ever. There's nothing to reccommend FF7 at this point in time OTHER than as an influence to later games. The game itself has no redeeming qualities.


Man do I hate all the hype that stupid game still gets. I actually like it less and less the more I hear about it. It's a below average game with an above average "Oh I remember that game" score. People try to make it a classic but it's NOT a classic.


it's not Street Fighter II, Legend of zelda, Mario Brothers, Halo, GTA, The Simsor any other defining game. It caused a quick north american rpg boom...that quickly died out as the FPS/GTA era began with the next gen xbox/ps2/gcube systems. RPG's are a niche market in the states, and that's really how it's gonna be.



And greatest game EVER?

it's not even the greatest RPG ever.


Planescape: Torment

Fallout/Fallout 2


are 1/2 the best rpg's ever made.



And as for greatest game.


X-Com: UFO Defense.


System Shock 2


anyone ever play those games here?


I barely play pc games anymore, but I've played the classics, and those games stand the test of time. Just 6 months ago I was playing a new game of X-Com and it still scared me out of my mind when an alien came out of nowhere to blow me up at 1 in the morning.



System Shock 2 IS the survival horror AND FPS/RPG hybrid genre all rolled into one crazy AI scifi shell. The more I think about it the more I have to say it's the best game ever made.

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Most games of that era look awful now. Doesn't really matter though. The direction in the cutscenes is good enough that they still have impact even with the crappy graphics.

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I find it far too difficult to rank consoles, but I will say that my 3 favorites in no particular order arethe SNES, NES, and Dreamcast.


As for FFVII, I rented it when I bought my first PSX in 1997 or 1998 (can't remember) and hated it, but I didn't appreciate RPGs at thattime. I've played an hour or two of it since then thanks to having obsessedfriends who have like 400-500 hour game saves, and I really liked it. I'm actually undergoing the daunting task that I will probably never finish, of playing through the series in order, starting with FF1 on Dawn of Souls.

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Guest Leelee
I'm actually undergoing the daunting task that I will probably never finish, of playing through the series in order, starting with FF1 on Dawn of Souls.


I did that a while ago, except I didn't bother with FF11, whatever the online one is called.


It's a challenge to play through the first three on emulator. Those haven't aged well, as say Phantasy Star I.

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Ok let's talk FF VIII. Second best RPG ever? I say yes.



I didn't appreciate RPGs till FF VII, which is weird since I love story and cinematic games. I had this whole genre of games I would have loved and just didn't even realize it.

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Yeah, it's not like those games. It's better.


That's just fanboyism at it's peak.

I'm a Romance of the Three Kingdoms fanboy, but you don't see me trying to claim RoTK4:WoF is better than Starcraft. i may personally enjoy one more than the other, but I know which one is the better strategy game.





FFVII being better than Planescape: Torment?!?

Torment has the best story and dialogue of any RPG ever made, it's truly an amazing experience, and the gameplay is so interwoven throughout the story that it's a real treat to play.



FF VII is better than System Shock 2?!?!?


That's just downright ignorant.

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