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Austin Walks Out Again

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Austin shouldn't have walked out in 2002 but his frustration was understandable even then...


Give away Lesnar vs. Austin with no buildup on a random RAW?

Job to Coach?


The WWE should've known what Austin was gonna do.


On second thought, this stupid company with their shitty booking deserved to be walked out on again.

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Guest *KNK*
Couldn't they have changed it to a verbal debate, and then have Vince be the judge and "screw" Austin by saying Coach was better?


Then have Austin stun both and drink twenty beers, of course.

According to Meltzer, WWE is strongly against fixing the voting, and the votes for "Street Fight" will be a runaway.


Which is why they kept the HBK/Kane/TBS trio on a equal level tonight right? Or have had Ric Flair politely request a cage match?

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Couldn't they have changed it to a verbal debate, and then have Vince be the judge and "screw" Austin by saying Coach was better?


Then have Austin stun both and drink twenty beers, of course.

According to Meltzer, WWE is strongly against fixing the voting, and the votes for "Street Fight" will be a runaway.


Which is why they kept the HBK/Kane/TBS trio on a equal level tonight right? Or have had Ric Flair politely request a cage match?


Influence and campaigning isn't fixing.

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The thing is, even if they choose to be stubborn and have him job to Coach, common sense (I know...foreign concept to WWE, blah blah blah) dictates you would clear this with Austin BEFORE you start promoting the match on tv.

Yeah, that's the worst part of it IMO. Whether you agree with Austin's decision or not, you've gotta admit that something's wrong when he's just now finding out what the outcome of this program would be.

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The thing is, even if they choose to be stubborn and have him job to Coach, common sense (I know...foreign concept to WWE, blah blah blah) dictates you would clear this with Austin BEFORE you start promoting the match on tv.

Yeah, that's the worst part of it IMO. Whether you agree with Austin's decision or not, you've gotta admit that something's wrong when he's just now finding out what the outcome of this program would be.


You kidding? I'm shocked they didn't just tell him on TT. Hell, I'm shocked they HAVE an ending already planned out.

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I actually agree that they probably should have just rigged that particular vote. It would have given Vince and Coach more heel heat for having done so (only on THAT match, not the rest of it). Then they could dick Austin over in a debate, etc.


I didn't really agree with Austin walking out in 2002, because at least they were going to job him to a guy they were going to push to the title in Lesnar. It was a silly idea doing it on free TV, but I think if Austin had stayed they could have worked out a double DQ or countout finish.


But this time? I don't blame him. Hell when I heard the plans for tomorrow I thought it was insane. You can't job out Austin to the Coach in ANY fashion and then put him against Hogan. I don't know if they'll bring Austin back now, but if they do he actually will have done them a great favor by nixing this idea.

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While I don't blame him for walking out, I don't think he was right to do so.


The idiot agreed to be brought in, he agreed to end up in a match with the fucking Coach, etc... I'm shocked he agreed to be on TV as much as we've seen him for the past few weeks. I figured the moment they said they want him in a match with Coach, he'd have walked away.

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Guest Ransome

Well, what will be Austin's status within the company after tonight? After his 2002 walkout, he was off TV for 8 months and almost never mentioned, except for a few weak jabs from people like Triple H. I know they'll need him back for the Wrestlemania 22 match, at any length.


Personally, I'm glad he walked out. It was insane to throw away Austin's first match in 2½ years on such a useless pay-per-view, let alone have him lose to an announcer.

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What I don't understand is why should The Coach have won the match? How will that help business? What was Vince's reasoning behind this whole idea?


So J.R. gets fired, humiliated by the entire McMahon family, then humiliated again by Vince pulling things out of his ass. Austin sticks up for his friend by fighting his replacement to get his job back, and Austin.....loses? Not only does J.R. not get his job back, but Austin would then be "fired" as well. How is that beneficial to anyone? Unless Jonathan Coachman is getting a world title push, it makes no sense.


When Batista helped J.R. beat HHH eariler this year, it was booked correctly and made sense. HHH destroys J.R. for 10 minutes, Batista runs in, kills HHH, and J.R. gets a fluke pin. It furthered the HHH/Batista feud while still keeping HHH strong, as it was made clear that there was no way J.R. could have beaten him on his own.


Now, fast forward to Austin/Coach. If Coach wins the match with Mark Henry's interference, how does that further the angle? In fact, wouldn't the angle be over at that point? J.R. is still fired, and Austin is now fired as well. How does Austin get his revenge? How does J.R. get his job back? The answer to both of those questions is--he doesn't.


There is no reason for a fucking ANNOUNCER to defeat the biggest draw in the history of the company. Austin was perfectly right in walking out on such a stupid match and storyline. The difference between this and 2002 is that Brock Lesnar was a wrestler. Jonathan Coachman is not.

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Guest *KNK*
Well, what will be Austin's status within the company after tonight? After his 2002 walkout, he was off TV for 8 months and almost never mentioned, except for a few weak jabs from people like Triple H. I know they'll need him back for the Wrestlemania 22 match, at any length.


Personally, I'm glad he walked out. It was insane to throw away Austin's first match in 2½ years on such a useless pay-per-view, let alone have him lose to an announcer.


The difference was this time they didn't bury Austin tonight like they did in 2002. In 2002, they basically felt "FUCK AUSTIN" and had Trips and Rock bury him. This time, they had Coach doing his thing that was likely planned anyways and Vince's "accident" excuse. This means they have to intend to bring him back for Mania.

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If you're Vince would you take a chance and bring Austin back again? Cause after him walking out twice under not wanting to job circumstances I'm not sure I'd book him for WM. What if he's booked to job to Hogan (which after tonight I think is a given) and then he says fuck it and no shows a WM?

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Austin was supposed to lose to Lesnar through Eddie interfereing and setting up their match. Sure, money fight, but at the same time, it would have given Lensar the rub when he needed and giving eddie a rub too without actually hurting austin. He was being a whiney bitch.


ANd now, he is nothing but a fucking mouth piece. A wrestler was going to interfere and drape a whooped up coach on top of him. Its not like he was supposed to lose clean.


Lets just face the fact that Austin is a whiney bitch.

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Does Austin even work for Vince anymore? I figured he was being paid by appearance, which makes the walk-out completely justifiable.


And I don't want to hear the "he was advertised to be there" bullshit from Vince apologists, either. Vince advertised Cena to be at several Smackdown shows last summer knowing full well he was being switched to Raw.

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Guest *KNK*
If you're Vince would you take a chance and bring Austin back again?  Cause after him walking out twice under not wanting to job circumstances I'm not sure I'd book him for WM.  What if he's booked to job to Hogan (which after tonight I think is a given) and then he says fuck it and no shows a WM?


Austin isn't getting a big paycheck for Taboo Tuesday. He will for essentially headlining WM22 against Hogan. Money talks, they each will find a way to work together to get that paycheck.

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I agree with about half of that, Ripper. Losing to Brock via an Eddie run in wouldn't have hurt Austin much at all. Brock was at least credible and getting pushed hard, and with a run in I don't think it would have ruined a future Austin/Brock match.


But the Coach? Mark Henry run in? Austin losing in ANY way to the Coach is a retarded idea.

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Guest *KNK*
Does Austin even work for Vince anymore?  I figured he was being paid by appearance, which makes the walk-out completely justifiable.


And I don't want to hear the "he was advertised to be there" bullshit from Vince apologists, either.  Vince advertised Cena to be at several Smackdown shows last summer knowing full well he was being switched to Raw.


No, he is under contract with WWE. He's also signed for a couple movie deals with WWE Films.

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I can't really blame Austin for refusing to job to Coach. Clean or unclean, it would still hurt his credability. Then there's the fact that JR wouldn't be returning even if he was booked to win, so what's the point?


I wonder if The Rock would've jobbed if he were around.

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About time somebody stood up to idiotic writing and inept booking.  If more of the "entertainers" on the WWE roster took such a stance (even if it could mean their jobs) eventually the WWE writers will start turning out a quality product instead of the lousy drivel we are submitted to now


No they wouldn't. You act as if the WWE cares about wrestling.

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Does Austin even work for Vince anymore?  I figured he was being paid by appearance, which makes the walk-out completely justifiable.


And I don't want to hear the "he was advertised to be there" bullshit from Vince apologists, either.  Vince advertised Cena to be at several Smackdown shows last summer knowing full well he was being switched to Raw.


No, he is under contract with WWE. He's also signed for a couple movie deals with WWE Films.

Under contract to be in movies isn't the same thing as being under contract to appear on TV and wrestle PPVs.

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Sure, money fight, but at the same time, it would have given Lensar the rub when he needed and giving eddie a rub too without actually hurting austin.  He was being a whiney bitch.

Lesnar wouldn't have gotten the rub from Eddie interfering in a match. Lesnar's gimmick wasn't that he beat these top-tier guys with the help of Heyman or whathefuck - it's that he was overpowering those guys and beating them clean as a whistle.


...and Eddie getting a rub from that match was the least of anyone's concerns then. They didn't have a plan for Eddie past that, so the feud wasn't beneficial to anyone.

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Guest jackie fargo

Austin is under contract-in Austin's contract it calls for him to wrestle two matches a year-


Austin agreed to the angle, you don't walk away after you set up a match and the pay-per-view is days away..

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Guest *KNK*
Does Austin even work for Vince anymore?  I figured he was being paid by appearance, which makes the walk-out completely justifiable.


And I don't want to hear the "he was advertised to be there" bullshit from Vince apologists, either.  Vince advertised Cena to be at several Smackdown shows last summer knowing full well he was being switched to Raw.


No, he is under contract with WWE. He's also signed for a couple movie deals with WWE Films.

Under contract to be in movies isn't the same thing as being under contract to appear on TV and wrestle PPVs.


They are two different contracts. Hence the term "ALSO".

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^So he's not a contracted wrestler then?^


All I know is when Austin returned the news only mentioned he'd be appearing in WWE films, and said nothing about a return to the ring.


Austin is under contract-in Austin's contract it calls for him to wrestle two matches a year-


Which subsection is that in? I'm having trouble finding that clause in my copy.

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You know, bait and switching the fans by having Coach "rig" the voting so that they'd have a verbal debate, then have Austin beat the piss out of him to make the crowd happy, then bait and switch the Ross turn, accomplishes the same thing and follows the storyline they were planning to go with. This also keeps Austin away from the ring, keeping the novelty of his "big return match" for Hogan.


With this booking, you *probably* just pissed away the money-making match of ALL money-making matches.

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Guest *KNK*
You know, bait and switching the fans by having Coach "rig" the voting so that they'd have a verbal debate, then have Austin beat the piss out of him to make the crowd happy, then bait and switch the Ross turn, accomplishes the same thing and follows the storyline they were planning to go with. This also keeps Austin away from the ring, keeping the novelty of his "big return match" for Hogan.


With this booking, you just pissed away the money-making match of ALL money-making matches.


Not really. Austin will be back for the paycheck. Austin just "proving a point"

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Guest jackie fargo

The Observer or Torch Newsletter-one of those gave details of the contract-I think the torch?

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Austin was supposed to lose to Lesnar through Eddie interfereing and setting up their match.  Sure, money fight, but at the same time, it would have given Lensar the rub when he needed and giving eddie a rub too without actually hurting austin.  He was being a whiney bitch.


ANd now, he is nothing but a fucking mouth piece.  A wrestler was going to interfere and drape a whooped up coach on top of him.  Its not like he was supposed to lose clean. 


Lets just face the fact that Austin is a whiney bitch.


You're totally ignoring that they're not giving his best friend his job back after they humiliated him on TV.

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Not really.  Austin will be back for the paycheck.  Austin just "proving a point"

True, "money talks" to a certain degree, but I could see either party being vengeful enough to not come to terms in time for the card.


EDIT: I went back and added *probably* to my last post, before knk posted the reply above.


EDIT 2: I truly have no idea what they had in mind for this angle beyond the Taboo Tuesday match.

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