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The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

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This may sound stupid, but I think it's far more likely we'll find out the chairshot had something to do with this before we hear anything about him having a relapse.

Yeah, that sounds pretty stupid. It wasn't an enlarged heart from years of steroid abuse, or any weaknesses caused to the body from years of drug abuse, it was an errant chairshot

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Guest Ransome

As far as I know, this is the first wrestler to pass away whilst still on the active WWF/E roster since Owen, which makes it all the more unexpected. Scarily enough, a bunch of wrestlers have died shortly *after* being released from the roster (Hennig, Crash Holly, Bossman).


I'm looking forward to watching this show when it airs here tomorrow. Given some of the tasteless storylines WWE has offered as of late, it's reassuring to know that they still do remember how to be classy.

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Yeah, that sounds pretty stupid. It wasn't an enlarged heart from years of steroid abuse, or any weaknesses caused to the body from years of drug abuse, it was an errant chairshot


Yeah, had I said that then it really would have been stupid. We all know that is more than likely what the deal is. I said I think the chairshot is more likely to be the cause than Eddie having a relapse, just from what I've heard about him over the past few years.

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I'm feeling the same way as I did for Owen's death. You go on the internet and read all the posts and tributes about Eddie, you're saying yourself there no way that he is dead. It's impossible, it's unrealistic. But I guess the feeling will sink in with tonight's show.


I was nearly in tears when Raw is Owen began, just seeing all the wrestlers and employees crying. Many people said in the other thread that you feel like you lost a friend, even though you have never met him outside of his TV persona. Just like Owen, I grew up watching Eddie, it just felt natural to see him every week. For all the praise and criticising we give them, the wreslers take a part of your life for two hours each weeks. You always expect them to be there each week. However, we tend to forget sometimes they are real people.


It's just sucks to see someone go at this age. Nobody should die this young, especially those who came back from so far and are finally enjoying life after the hardships they've been through.

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In the UK, they show Velocity and Afterburn directly before Raw.


Velocity opened with a still of Eddie dedicating the show to him, although I don't think the show has been edited to take the incident into account.

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My Tivo is set, but I think I'll watch this later in the week. I know there'll be a bunch of emotion pent up that I'm just not ready to let go of yet. I'll catch MNF or a basketball game, but the last thing I want to watch right now is wrestling. I'm just burned on it.

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Guest heyimbro

I just got home from work and hooked up my VCR... as I was labeling the tape, I just kept on thinking "this didn't happen, I'm imagining it". It's just not right, and I haven't come to accept it.


Should be a good night of wrestling, and I hope WWE keeps it dignified.

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Guest *KNK*

I'm getting nervous as the clock nears 9:00. I'm glad it was taped. At least I have some sort of an understanding of what tonight's show will be, but that won't change it much.


I want to hold back tears but Im not going to fight it. I know as soon as I see that visual of Benoit crying and when the "Hurt" video plays, it'll be a river.

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Guest Edgehead

It will be very emotional and it will be tough to watch but that will not stop me from seeing this tribute to a very good wrestler and entertainer

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I wonder if The Undertaker and Kane will be out there when it starts. I know when Owen died, neither one of them were allowed to come out because their characters represented death.

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Guest *KNK*
I wonder if Teh Undertaker and Kane will be out there when it starts. I know when Owen died, neither one of them were allowed to come out because their characters represented death.


None of the reports said anything about Undertaker being there. I dont see any reason why Kane wouldn't be out there since he's essentially a big hoss now, besides I believe he worked a match anways.

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Unlimited just started with the wrestlers walking out...and I really can't watch this now. Benoit, Rey and Regal are just broken, with Hunter holding Benoit.

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I can't fucking believe all of those guys had to do this just hours after finding out about his death.


Oh lord this is way worse than I thought it would be...

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Was the RAW/Smackdown joint taping planned before Eddie Guerrero's death? Seems like strange timing that his death coincided with the one week all the superstars are at the same taping.

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