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The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

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Guest *KNK*

Of course Stephanie kept the other part of that convo out of that testimonial.


"No Eddy, we dont trust you anymore. Randy is going to be the new champion".


But @ least Stephanie was classy here.

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Haha, that actually made me laugh more than the match did.




Benoit breaking down and rushing off was the saddest thing I've ever seen on television.

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It's already been said, but that one with Benoit was just too much. I almost cried with him.


My shirt was soaked after Benoit's speech.

Do you cry out your tits?

Maybe he has a problem with lactation. That happens to some guys.


Anyways, good promo by Steph.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Stephanie needs to teach HHH how to "cry pretty," because she's sure succeeding where he was trying his damndest.


Why would a man want to "cry pretty"??


The ladies dig it, didn't you know?


Anyway if a guy's gonna walk around with a t-shirt and no pants on national TV then I'm guessing he wouldn't have any qualms about crying pretty either since everyone's already labeled him a dork.

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Guest *KNK*

They need to show the skit with Benoit where Eddy goes through like 200 emotions.



But I loved that segment though. It was classic.

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Guest *KNK*

This isn't exactly the main event I'd chosen to honor Eddy.


They should've done Benoit/HHH or JBL/Chavo in that slot instead.

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